Joomla CMS  4.2.2
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 4.2.2
Liste des éléments obsolètes
Global(e) AbstractMenu::getInstance ($client, $options=array())
5.0 Use the MenuFactoryInterface from the container instead
Global(e) AbstractWebApplication::__get ($name)
3.0 This is a B/C proxy for deprecated read accesses
Global(e) ActionlogsHelper::getLogContentTypeParams ($context)
5.0 Use the action log config model instead
Classe Adapter
5.0 Will be removed without replacement
Classe AdapterInstance
5.0 Will be removed without replacement
Global(e) AdministratorApplication::getRouter ($name='administrator', array $options=array())
5.0 Inject the router or load it from the dependency injection container
Global(e) AdministratorApplication::purgeMessages ()
5.0 Purge the messages through the model
Global(e) AdminModel::editAssociations ($data)
5.0 It is handled by regular save method now.
Global(e) Aes::__construct ($key, $strength=128, $mode='cbc', $priority='openssl')
5.0 $strength will be removed
Global(e) Algorithms::getAlgorithm (int $identifier)
Will be removed in v3.0. Please use the Manager or the ManagerFactory
Global(e) Algorithms::getAlgorithms ()
Will be removed in v3.0. Please use the Manager or the ManagerFactory
Classe AndroidKeyAttestationStatementSupport
5.0 We will upgrade the WebAuthn library to version 3 or later and this will go away.
Classe AndroidKeyAttestationStatementSupport
5.0 We will upgrade the WebAuthn library to version 3 or later and this will go away.
Global(e) ApiApplication::getApiRouter ()
5.0 Inject the router or load it from the dependency injection container
Global(e) ArticleModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No longer used.
Global(e) ArticleModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No longer used.
Global(e) ArticlesLatestHelper::getList (Registry $params, ArticlesModel $model)
5.0 Use the none static function getArticles
Global(e) ArticlesNewsHelper::getList (&$params)
5.0 Use the none static function getArticles
Global(e) Assert::isTraversable ($value, $message='')
use "isIterable" or "isInstanceOf" instead
Global(e) Assert::thatNullOr ($value, $defaultMessage=null, string $defaultPropertyPath=null)
In favour of Assert::thatNullOr($value, $defaultMessage = null, $defaultPropertyPath = null)
Global(e) AuthenticationHelper::getTwoFactorMethods ()
4.2.0 Will be removed in 5.0.
Classe BannersHelper
5.0 Use instead
Global(e) BaseController::addModelPath ($path, $prefix='')
5.0 See ::getInstance
Global(e) BaseController::getInstance ($prefix, $config=array())
5.0 Get the controller through the MVCFactory instead
Global(e) BaseDatabaseModel::__construct ($config=array(), MVCFactoryInterface $factory=null)
5.0 Database instance is injected through the setter function, subclasses should not use the db instance in constructor anymore
Global(e) BaseDatabaseModel::__get ($name)
5.0 Use getDatabase() instead of directly accessing _db
Global(e) BaseDatabaseModel::getDbo ()
5.0 Use getDatabase() instead
Global(e) BaseDatabaseModel::setDbo (DatabaseInterface $db=null)
5.0 Use setDatabase() instead
Global(e) BaseModel::addIncludePath ($path='', $prefix='')
5.0 See LegacyModelLoaderTrait
Classe BaseSigner
This class will be removed on v4
Classe Basic
This class will be removed on v4
Global(e) BasicButton::fetchButton ($type='Basic')
5.0 Use render() instead.
Global(e) Behavior::combobox ()
5.0 Use the script directly
Global(e) Behavior::core ()
5.0 Use Joomla::enable();
Global(e) Behavior::formvalidator ()
5.0 Use the script directly
Global(e) Behavior::highlighter (array $terms, $start='highlighter-start', $end='highlighter-end', $className='highlight', $tag='span')
5.0 Use the script directly
Global(e) Behavior::keepalive ()
5.0 Use Joomla::enable();
Global(e) Behavior::multiselect ($id='adminForm')
5.0 Use the script directly
Global(e) BigInteger::parse (string $number, int $base=10)
will be removed in version 0.9 - use fromBase() instead
Global(e) BigInteger::powerMod ($exp, $mod)
Use modPow() instead.
Global(e) Bootstrap::framework ($debug=null)
Global(e) Bootup::filterRequestInputs (int $normalization_form=::NFC, string $leading_combining='◌')
Global(e) Bootup::filterRequestUri ($uri=null, bool $exit=true)
Global(e) Builder::canOnlyBeUsedBy ($audience, $replicateAsHeader=false)
This method has been wrongly added and doesn't exist on v4
Global(e) Builder::set ($name, $value)
This method will be removed on v4
Global(e) Builder::setAudience ($audience, $replicateAsHeader=false)
This method will be removed on v4
Global(e) Builder::setExpiration ($expiration, $replicateAsHeader=false)
This method will be removed on v4
Global(e) Builder::setHeader ($name, $value)
This method will be removed on v4
Global(e) Builder::setId ($id, $replicateAsHeader=false)
This method will be removed on v4
Global(e) Builder::setIssuedAt ($issuedAt, $replicateAsHeader=false)
This method will be removed on v4
Global(e) Builder::setIssuer ($issuer, $replicateAsHeader=false)
This method will be removed on v4
Global(e) Builder::setNotBefore ($notBefore, $replicateAsHeader=false)
This method will be removed on v4
Global(e) Builder::setSubject ($subject, $replicateAsHeader=false)
This method will be removed on v4
Global(e) Builder::sign (Signer $signer, $key)
This method will be removed on v4
Global(e) Builder::unsign ()
This method will be removed on v4
Global(e) Builder::with ($name, $value)
This method has been wrongly added and doesn't exist on v4
Global(e) Cache::getInstance ($type='output', $options=array())
5.0 Use the cache controller factory instead
Global(e) CacheController::addIncludePath ($path='')
5.0 Use the cache controller factory instead
Global(e) CacheController::getInstance ($type='output', $options=array())
5.0 Use the cache controller factory instead
Global(e) Categories::getInstance ($extension, $options=array())
5.0 Use the ComponentInterface to get the categories
Classe CategoriesHelper
5.0 Use instead
Global(e) CategoryModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No longer used.
Classe Cli
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Global(e) Cli::__construct (array $source=null, array $options=array())
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Global(e) Cli::parseArguments ()
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Global(e) Cli::serialize ()
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Global(e) Cli::unserialize ($input)
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Classe CliApplication
5.0 Use the ConsoleApplication instead
Global(e) CliApplication::__get ($name)
5.0 This is a B/C proxy for deprecated read accesses
Global(e) CliApplication::getInstance ($name=null)
5.0 Load the app through the container
Global(e) CliApplication::isCli ()
5.0 Will be removed without replacements
Classe CliInput
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Classe CliOutput
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Global(e) CMSApplication::getCfg ($varname, $default=null)
5.0 Use get() instead
Global(e) CMSApplication::getInstance ($name=null, $prefix='', Container $container=null)
5.0 Use getContainer()->get($name) instead
Global(e) CMSApplication::getRouter ($name=null, array $options=array())
5.0 Inject the router or load it from the dependency injection container
Global(e) CMSApplication::hasUserConfiguredTwoFactorAuthentication ()
4.2.0 Will be removed in 5.0 without replacement.
Global(e) CMSApplication::isCli ()
5.0 Will be removed without replacements
Global(e) CMSApplication::isTwoFactorAuthenticationRequired ()
4.2.0 Will be removed in 5.0 without replacement.
Global(e) CMSApplication::route ()
5.0 Implement the route functionality in the extending class, this here will be removed without replacement
Global(e) CMSApplicationInterface::isCli ()
5.0 Will be removed without replacements
Classe CMSObject
4.0.0 Use or instead.
Global(e) CMSObject::__toString ()
3.1.4 Classes should provide their own __toString() implementation.
Global(e) CMSObject::getError ($i=null, $toString=true)
3.1.4 JError has been deprecated
Global(e) CMSObject::getErrors ()
3.1.4 JError has been deprecated
Global(e) CMSObject::setError ($error)
3.1.4 JError has been deprecated
Global(e) CMSWebApplicationInterface::getRouter ($name=null, array $options=array())
5.0 Inject the router or load it from the dependency injection container
Classe ColorProcessor
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Classe ColorStyle
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Global(e) ComponentRecord::__get ($name)
5.0 Access the item parameters through the getParams() method
Global(e) ComponentRecord::__set ($name, $value)
5.0 Set the item parameters through the setParams() method
Global(e) ConfirmButton::fetchButton ($type='Confirm', $msg='', $name='', $text='', $task='', $list=true, $hideMenu=false)
5.0 Use render() instead.
Global(e) ConsoleApplication::__get ($name)
5.0 This is a B/C proxy for deprecated read accesses
Global(e) ConsoleApplication::getRouter ($name=null, array $options=array())
5.0 Inject the router or load it from the dependency injection container
Global(e) ConsoleApplication::isCli ()
5.0 Will be removed without replacements
Classe ContactHelper
5.0 Use instead
Global(e) Container::exists ($key)
3.0 Use ContainerInterface::has() instead
Classe ContentHelper
5.0 Use instead
Classe ContenthistoryHelper
5.0 Use instead
Classe Cookie
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Cookie::__construct (array $source=null, array $options=array())
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Cookie::set ($name, $value, $expire=0, $path='', $domain='', $secure=false, $httpOnly=false)
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) CronExpression::factory (string $expression, FieldFactoryInterface $fieldFactory=null)
since version 3.0.2, use __construct instead.
Global(e) CronExpression::YEAR
Classe CryptoCipher
5.0 Without replacement use SodiumCipher
Global(e) CustomButton::fetchButton ($type='Custom', $html='', $id='custom')
5.0 Use render() instead.
Global(e) DatabaseDriver::__get ($name)
3.0 This is a B/C proxy since $this->name was previously public
Global(e) DatabaseDriver::getInstance (array $options=[])
3.0 Use DatabaseFactory::getDriver() instead
Global(e) DatabaseDriver::quoteNameStr ($strArr)
2.0 Use quoteNameString instead
Global(e) DatabaseDriver::setQuery ($query, $offset=0, $limit=0)

3.0 Use LimitableInterface::setLimit() instead}

3.0 Use LimitableInterface::setLimit() instead}

Global(e) DatabaseInterface::setQuery ($query, $offset=0, $limit=0)

3.0 Use LimitableInterface::setLimit() instead}

3.0 Use LimitableInterface::setLimit() instead}

Global(e) DatabaseQuery::castAsChar ($value)
3.0 Use $query->castAs('CHAR', $value)
Global(e) DatabaseQuery::dump ()
3.0 Deprecated without replacement
Global(e) DataCollector::formatBytes ($size, $precision=2)
Global(e) DataCollector::formatDuration ($seconds)
Global(e) DataCollector::formatVar ($var)
Global(e) Dispatcher::addEvent (EventInterface $event)
3.0 Default event objects will no longer be supported
Global(e) Dispatcher::clearEvents ()
3.0 Default event objects will no longer be supported
Global(e) Dispatcher::countEvents ()
3.0 Default event objects will no longer be supported
Global(e) Dispatcher::getDefaultEvent (string $name)
3.0 Default event objects will no longer be supported
Global(e) Dispatcher::getEvent ($name, $default=null)
3.0 Default event objects will no longer be supported
Global(e) Dispatcher::getEvents ()
3.0 Default event objects will no longer be supported
Global(e) Dispatcher::hasEvent ($event)
3.0 Default event objects will no longer be supported
Global(e) Dispatcher::removeEvent ($event)
3.0 Default event objects will no longer be supported
Global(e) Dispatcher::setEvent (EventInterface $event)
3.0 Default event objects will no longer be supported
Global(e) Dispatcher::triggerEvent ($event)
3.0 Use dispatch() instead.
Global(e) Document::addScript ($url, $options=array(), $attribs=array())
5.0 Use WebAssetManager
Global(e) Document::addScriptDeclaration ($content, $type='text/javascript')
5.0 Use WebAssetManager
Global(e) Document::addStyleDeclaration ($content, $type='text/css')
5.0 Use WebAssetManager
Global(e) Document::addStyleSheet ($url, $options=array(), $attribs=array())
5.0 Use WebAssetManager
Global(e) Document::getInstance ($type='html', $attributes=array())
5.0 Use the instead
Classe EqualsTo
This class will be removed on v4
Global(e) Event::stop ()
3.0 Use stopPropogation instead
Classe EventAwareInterface
5.0 This interface will be removed as the Joomla 3.x compatibility layer will be removed
Global(e) EventAwareInterface::triggerEvent ($eventName, $args=[])
Global(e) ExceptionsCollector::addException (Exception $e)
in favor on addThrowable
Global(e) ExceptionsCollector::formatExceptionData (Exception $e)
in favor on formatThrowableData
Classe ExtensionHelper
4.0 Replace class with a non static methods for better testing
Classe Factory
This class will be removed on v4
Global(e) Factory::createConfig ($file, $type='PHP', $namespace='')
5.0 Use the configuration object within the application.
Global(e) Factory::createDbo ()
5.0 Use the database service in the DI container
Global(e) Factory::createDocument ()
5.0 Load the document service from the dependency injection container or via $app->getDocument()
Global(e) Factory::createLanguage ()
5.0 Load the language service from the dependency injection container or via $app->getLanguage()
Global(e) Factory::getCache ($group='', $handler='callback', $storage=null)
5.0 Use the cache controller factory instead
Global(e) Factory::getConfig ($file=null, $type='PHP', $namespace='')
5.0 Use the configuration object within the application.
Global(e) Factory::getDbo ()
5.0 Load the database service from the dependency injection container
Global(e) Factory::getDocument ()
5.0 Load the document service from the dependency injection container or via $app->getDocument()
Global(e) Factory::getLanguage ()
5.0 Load the language service from the dependency injection container or via $app->getLanguage()
Global(e) Factory::getSession (array $options=array())
5.0 Load the session service from the dependency injection container or via $app->getSession()
Global(e) Factory::getUser ($id=null)
5.0 Load the user service from the dependency injection container or via $app->getIdentity()
Classe FidoU2FAttestationStatementSupport
5.0 We will upgrade the WebAuthn library to version 3 or later and this will go away.
Classe FidoU2FAttestationStatementSupport
5.0 We will upgrade the WebAuthn library to version 3 or later and this will go away.
Global(e) FieldModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No longer used.
Classe FieldsHelper
5.0 Use instead
Classe Files
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Files::__construct (array $source=null, array $options=array())
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Files::decodeData (array $data)
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Files::get ($name, $default=null, $filter='cmd')
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Files::set ($name, $value)
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) FilterModel::cleanCache ($group='com_finder', $clientId=0)
5.0 No longer used.
Classe FinderHelperLanguage
5.0 Use instead
Classe FinderHelperRoute
5.0 Use instead
Global(e) Form::getInstance ($name, $data=null, $options=[], $replace=true, $xpath=false)
5.0 Use the FormFactory service from the container
Classe FormBehavior
5.0 Without replacement
Global(e) FormController::editAssociations ()
5.0 It is handled by regular save method now.
Classe GreaterOrEqualsTo
This class will be removed on v4
Global(e) GroupModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No longer used.
Global(e) HelpButton::fetchButton ($type='Help', $ref='', $com=false, $override=null, $component=null)
5.0 Use render() instead.
Global(e) Helper::strlen (?string $string)
since Symfony 5.3
Global(e) Helper::strlenWithoutDecoration (OutputFormatterInterface $formatter, ?string $string)
since Symfony 5.3
Global(e) HelperSet::getCommand ()
since Symfony 5.4
Global(e) HelperSet::setCommand (Command $command=null)
since Symfony 5.4
Global(e) HTMLHelper::addIncludePath ($path='')
5.0 Use the service registry instead
Global(e) HTMLHelper::extract ($key)
5.0 Use the service registry instead
Global(e) HTMLHelper::register ($key, callable $function)
5.0 Use the service registry instead
Global(e) HTMLHelper::unregister ($key)
5.0 Use the service registry instead
Classe Inflector
Global(e) Inflector::addPluraliseRule ($data)
3.0 Use Doctrine::rules() instead.
Global(e) Inflector::addSingulariseRule ($data)
3.0 Use Doctrine::rules() instead.
Global(e) Inflector::addWord ($singular, $plural='')
3.0 Use Doctrine::rules() instead.
Global(e) Inflector::camelize (string $word)
Global(e) Inflector::getInstance ($new=false)
3.0 Use static methods without a class instance instead.
Global(e) Inflector::pluralize (string $word)
Global(e) Inflector::reset ()
Global(e) Inflector::rules (string $type, iterable $rules, bool $reset=false)
Global(e) Inflector::singularize (string $word)
Global(e) Inflector::tableize (string $word)
Global(e) Inflector::toPlural ($word)
3.0 Use Doctrine::pluralize() instead.
Global(e) Inflector::toSingular ($word)
3.0 Use Doctrine::singularize() instead.
Global(e) Inflector::ucwords (string $string, string $delimiters=" \\\B-")
Global(e) InlinehelpButton::fetchButton ( $type='Inlinehelp', string $targetClass='hide-aware-inline-help', string $text='JINLINEHELP', string $icon='fa fa-question-circle', string $buttonClass='btn btn-info')
5.0 Use render() instead.
Global(e) Input::__construct ($source=null, array $options=array())
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Input::__get ($name)
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Input::getArray (array $vars=array(), $datasource=null, $defaultFilter='unknown')
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Input::getArrayRecursive (array $vars=array(), $datasource=null, $defaultFilter='unknown', $recursion=false)
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Input::unserialize ($input)
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) InputFilter::decode ($source)
This method will be removed once support for PHP 5.3 is discontinued.
Global(e) InstalledVersions::getRawData ()
Use getAllRawData() instead which returns all datasets for all autoloaders present in the process. getRawData only returns the first dataset loaded, which may not be what you expect.
Global(e) InstallerAdapter::__get ($name)
5.0 Use getDatabase() instead of directly accessing db
Classe InstallerHelper
5.0 Use instead
Global(e) ItemModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No Longer Used.
Classe JHtmlIcon
5.0 Use the class instead
Global(e) JHtmlIcon::create ($category, $params, $attribs=array(), $legacy=false)
5.0 Use the class instead
Global(e) JHtmlIcon::edit ($article, $params, $attribs=array(), $legacy=false)
5.0 Use the class instead
Global(e) JHtmlIcon::print_popup ($article, $params, $attribs=array(), $legacy=false)
5.0 Use the class instead
Global(e) JHtmlIcon::print_screen ($article, $params, $attribs=array(), $legacy=false)

for 4.0

for 4.0

5.0 Use the class instead

Global(e) jimport ($path, $base=null)
5.0 Classes should be autoloaded. Use JLoader::registerPrefix() or JLoader::registerNamespace() to register an autoloader for your files.
Global(e) JLoader::discover ($classPrefix, $parentPath, $force=true, $recurse=false)
5.0 Classes should be autoloaded. Use JLoader::registerPrefix() or JLoader::registerNamespace() to register an autoloader for your files.
Global(e) JLoader::import ($key, $base=null)
5.0 Classes should be autoloaded. Use JLoader::registerPrefix() or JLoader::registerNamespace() to register an autoloader for your files.
Global(e) JLoader::loadByPsr4 ($class)
5.0 Use JLoader::loadByPsr instead
Global(e) JLoader::register ($class, $path, $force=true)
5.0 Classes should be autoloaded. Use JLoader::registerPrefix() or JLoader::registerNamespace() to register an autoloader for your files.
Global(e) Joomla::CMS::Application::triggerEvent ($eventName, $args=[])
Global(e) Joomla::CMS::MVC::Model::DatabaseAwareTrait
5.0 Use the trait from the database package
Global(e) Joomla::CMS::MVC::Model::getDbo ()
5.0 Use the trait from the database package
Global(e) Joomla::CMS::MVC::Model::setDbo (DatabaseInterface $db=null)
5.0 Use the trait from the database package
Espace de nommage Joomla

5.0 Use instead

5.0 without replacement

Global(e) Jquery::framework ($noConflict=true, $debug=null, $migrate=false)
5.0 Use Joomla::useAsset();
Classe Json
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Json::__construct (array $source=null, array $options=array())
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Json::getRaw ()
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Key::getContent ()
This method is no longer part of the public interface
Global(e) Key::getPassphrase ()
This method is no longer part of the public interface
Classe Keychain
Since we've removed OpenSSL from ECDSA there's no reason to use this class
Global(e) Language::getInstance ($lang, $debug=false)
5.0 Use the language factory instead
Global(e) LanguageModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No longer used.
Global(e) LanguagesModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No longer used.
Global(e) LdapAuthenticator::createAuthenticatedToken (PassportInterface $passport, string $firewallName)
since Symfony 5.4, use createToken() instead
Classe LdapClient
The joomla/ldap package is deprecated
Classe LesserOrEqualsTo
This class will be removed on v4
Classe LimitableInterface
3.0 Capabilities will be required in Joomla
Global(e) LinkButton::fetchButton ($type='Link', $name='back', $text='', $url=null)
5.0 Use render() instead.
Classe LocalFileReference
Use ::file() instead
Global(e) Manager::getAlgorithms ()
Will be removed in v3.0. Please use all() instead
Classe Mcrypt
4.0.0 will be removed in 5.0.0
Classe MD5Handler
5.0 Support for MD5 hashed passwords will be removed
Global(e) MenuModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No Longer used.
Global(e) MenusController::resync ()
5.0 Will be removed without replacement as it was only used for the 1.5 to 1.6 upgrade
Classe MenusHelper
5.0 Use instead
Global(e) ModuleModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No longer used.
Global(e) Modules::positionList ($clientId=0)
5.0 Will be removed with no replacement
Classe ModulesHelper
5.0 Use instead
Classe MtRandGenerator
The mt_rand() function is not a reliable source of randomness. The default RandomBytesGenerator, which uses the random_bytes() function, is recommended as the safest and most reliable source of randomness. This generator will be removed in ramsey/uuid 4.0.0.
Classe NewsfeedsHelper
5.0 Use instead
Classe NewsfeedsHelperRoute
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Normalizer::NONE
since ICU 56 and removed in PHP 8
Classe OpenSslGenerator
The openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() function is not a reliable source of randomness. The default RandomBytesGenerator, which uses the random_bytes() function, is recommended as the safest and most reliable source of randomness. This generator will be removed in ramsey/uuid 4.0.0.
Global(e) OptionsResolverIntrospector::getDeprecationMessage (string $option)
since Symfony 5.1, use "getDeprecation()" instead.
Global(e) Pathway::getInstance ($client)
5.0 Get the instance from the application, eg. $application->getPathway()
Global(e) PharStreamWrapper::resolveAssertable ()
Use Manager::instance() directly
Classe PHPassHandler
5.0 Support for PHPass hashed passwords will be removed
Global(e) PlgEditorTinymce::$_basePath
Global(e) PlgSystemDebug::logger (LogEntry $entry)
5.0 Use Log::add(LogEntry $entry);
Global(e) PluginModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No longer used.
Classe PluginsHelper
5.0 Use instead
Classe PreparableInterface
3.0 Capabilities will be required in Joomla
Classe ProcessorInterface
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Global(e) ProfileModel::getTwofactorform ($userId=null)
4.2.0 Will be removed in 5.0.
Global(e) PublicKeyCredentialSource::createFromPublicKeyCredential (PublicKeyCredential $publicKeyCredential, string $userHandle)
Deprecated since v2.1. Will be removed in v3.0. Please use response from the credential source returned by the AuthenticatorAttestationResponseValidator after "check" method
Global(e) QueryHelper::buildVotingQuery ($params=null)
5.0 Deprecated without replacement, not used in core
Classe RedirectHelper
5.0 Use instead
Global(e) RelativeDistinguishedName::fromBinary (&$binaryData, &$offsetIndex=0)
this function is not yet implemented! Feel free to submit a pull request on github
Classe Response
5.0 Use Joomla instead
Global(e) Response::__get ($name)
3.0 Access data via the PSR-7 ResponseInterface instead
Global(e) RouteHelper::getTagRoute ($id)
5.0.0 Use getComponentTagRoute() instead
Global(e) RouteHelper::getTagsRoute ()
Global(e) Router::getInstance ($client, $options=array())
5.0 Inject the router or load it from the dependency injection container
Classe RSA
Please use either RSAPSS or RSAPKCS1 depending on the padding mode
Global(e) RSA::signWithPKCS15 (RSAKey $key, string $message, string $hash)
Please use openssl_sign
Global(e) RSA::verifyWithPKCS15 (RSAKey $key, string $message, string $signature, string $hash)
Please use openssl_sign
Global(e) SeparatorButton::fetchButton ()
5.0 Use render() instead.
Classe Server
5.0 We will upgrade the WebAuthn library to version 3 or later and this will go away.
Classe Server
5.0 We will upgrade the WebAuthn library to version 3 or later and this will go away.
Global(e) Session::getInstance ()
5.0 Load the session service from the dependency injection container or via $app->getSession()
Global(e) Signature::__toString ()
This method has been removed from the public API in v4
Global(e) SignedIntegerObject::createFromGmpValue (GMP $value)
Deprecated since v1.1 and will be removed in v2.0. Please use "create" or "createFromString" instead
Global(e) SiteApplication::getRouter ($name='site', array $options=array())
5.0 Inject the router or load it from the dependency injection container
Classe SodiumRandomGenerator
As of PHP 7.2.0, the libsodium extension is bundled with PHP, and the random_bytes() PHP function is now the recommended method for generating random byes. The default RandomBytesGenerator uses the random_bytes() function. This generator will be removed in ramsey/uuid 4.0.0.
Classe SortableList
5.0 Sortable List will be deprecated in favour of a new dragula script in 4.0
Global(e) SortableList::sortable ($tableId, $formId, $sortDir='asc', $saveOrderingUrl=null, $proceedSaveOrderButton=true, $nestedList=false)
5.0 In Joomla 4 call JHtml::_('draggablelist.draggable') and add a class of js-draggable to the tbody element of the table
Global(e) StandardButton::fetchButton ($type='Standard', $name='', $text='', $task='', $list=true, $formId=null)
5.0 Use render() instead.
Classe Stdout
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Global(e) StringController::_getArray ()
2.0 Use getArray instead.
Global(e) StyleModel::cleanCache ($group=null, $clientId=0)
5.0 No longer used.
Global(e) Table::addIncludePath ($path=null)
5.0 Should not be used anymore as tables are loaded through the MvcFactory
Global(e) Table::getInstance ($type, $prefix='JTable', $config=array())
5.0 Use the MvcFactory instead
Global(e) Tag::ajaxfield ($selector='#jform_tags', $allowCustom=true)
5.0 Without replacement
Classe TagsHelperRoute
5.0 Use instead
Classe TemplateHelper
5.0 Use instead
Global(e) Templates::thumb ($template, $clientId=0)
5.0 The argument $template should be object and $clientId will be removed
Global(e) Templates::thumbModal ($template, $clientId=0)
5.0 The argument $template should be object and $clientId will be removed
Classe TemplatesHelper
5.0 Use instead
Global(e) Token::__toString ()
This method has been removed from the interface in v4.0
Global(e) Token::getClaim ($name, $default=null)
This method has been removed from the interface in v4.0
Global(e) Token::getClaims ()
This method has been removed from the interface in v4.0
Global(e) Token::getHeader ($name, $default=null)
This method has been removed from the interface in v4.0
Global(e) Token::getHeaders ()
This method has been removed from the interface in v4.0
Global(e) Token::getPayload ()
This method has been removed from the interface in v4.0
Global(e) Token::hasClaim ($name)
This method has been removed from the interface in v4.0
Global(e) Token::hasHeader ($name)
This method has been removed from the interface in v4.0
Global(e) Token::validate (ValidationData $data)
This method has been removed from the interface in v4.0
Global(e) Token::verify (Signer $signer, $key)
This method has been removed from the interface in v4.0
Global(e) Toolbar::addButtonPath ($path)
5.0 ToolbarButton classes should be autoloaded
Global(e) Toolbar::getButtonPath ()
5.0 ToolbarButton classes should be autoloaded
Global(e) Toolbar::getInstance ($name='toolbar')
5.0 Use the ToolbarFactoryInterface instead
Global(e) ToolbarButton::fetchButton ()
5.0 Use render() instead.
Global(e) ToolbarHelper::custom ($task='', $icon='', $iconOver='', $alt='', $listSelect=true, $formId=null)
Classe TraceableTwigEnvironment
Classe TraceableTwigTemplate
Classe TransportInterface
5.0 Implement Joomla instead
Classe TwigCollector
use DebugBar instead
Classe TwigProfileCollector
Use \Debugbar\Bridge\NamespacedTwigProfileCollector instead for Twig 2.x and 3.x
Global(e) UnsignedIntegerObject::createFromGmpValue (GMP $value)
Deprecated since v1.1 and will be removed in v2.0. Please use "create" or "createFromString" instead
Global(e) UpdateModel::createRestorationFile ($basename=null)
Global(e) User::getInstance ($identifier=0)
5.0 Load the user service from the dependency injection container or via $app->getIdentity()
Global(e) UserModel::generateOteps ($userId, $count=10)
4.2.0 Wil be removed in 5.0.
Global(e) UserModel::getOtpConfig ($userId=null)
4.2.0 Will be removed in 5.0
Global(e) UserModel::getOtpConfigEncryptionKey ()
4.2.0 Will be removed in 5.0
Global(e) UserModel::getTwofactorform ($userId=null)
4.2.0 Will be removed in 5.0.
Global(e) UserModel::isValidOtep ($userId, $otep, $otpConfig=null)
4.2.0 Will be removed in 5.0
Global(e) UserModel::isValidSecretKey ($userId, $secretKey, $options=array())
4.2.0 Will be removed in 5.0. MFA validation is done in the captive login.
Global(e) UserModel::setOtpConfig ($userId, $otpConfig)
4.2.0 Will be removed in 5.0
Classe UsersHelper
5.0 Use instead
Global(e) UsersHelper::getContexts ()
5.0 Use ::getContexts() instead.
Global(e) UsersHelper::getTwoFactorMethods ()
4.2.0 Will be removed in 5.0
Global(e) UsersHelper::validateSection ($section)
5.0 Use ::validateSection() instead.
Classe UsersHelperDebug
5.0 Use instead
Classe Validatable
This interface will be removed on v4
Classe ValidationData
This component has been removed from the interface in v4.0
Global(e) WebApplication::getInstance ($name=null)
5.0 Use getContainer()->get($name) instead
Global(e) WebApplication::loadSession (Session $session=null)
5.0 The session should be injected as a service.
Classe WincacheStorage
5.0 WinCache is abandoned and not supported from PHP 8 onwards
Global(e) WincacheStorage::clean ($group, $mode=null)
Global(e) WincacheStorage::contains ($id, $group)
Global(e) WincacheStorage::gc ()
Global(e) WincacheStorage::get ($id, $group, $checkTime=true)
Global(e) WincacheStorage::getAll ()
Global(e) WincacheStorage::isSupported ()
Global(e) WincacheStorage::remove ($id, $group)
Global(e) WincacheStorage::store ($id, $group, $data)
Classe Xml
5.0 Use the joomla/console package instead
Global(e) Zend::Diactoros::createUploadedFile (array $spec)
Use Laminas instead
Global(e) Zend::Diactoros::marshalHeadersFromSapi (array $server)
Use Laminas instead
Global(e) Zend::Diactoros::marshalMethodFromSapi (array $server)
Use Laminas instead
Global(e) Zend::Diactoros::marshalProtocolVersionFromSapi (array $server)
Use Laminas instead
Global(e) Zend::Diactoros::marshalUriFromSapi (array $server, array $headers)
Use Laminas instead
Global(e) Zend::Diactoros::normalizeServer (array $server, callable $apacheRequestHeaderCallback=null)
Use Laminas instead
Global(e) Zend::Diactoros::normalizeUploadedFiles (array $files)
Use Laminas instead
Global(e) Zend::Diactoros::parseCookieHeader ($cookieHeader)
Use Laminas instead