Joomla CMS  4.2.2
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 4.2.2

Start validation on a value, returns AssertionChain.

The invocation of this method starts an assertion chain that is happening on the passed value.

string | callable | null$defaultMessage

($value)->notEmpty()->integer(); ($value)->nullOr()->string()->startsWith("Foo");

The assertion chain can be stateful, that means be careful when you reuse it. You should never pass around the chain.

namespace Assert;
function that($value, $defaultMessage = null, string $defaultPropertyPath = null): AssertionChain
return Assert::that($value, $defaultMessage, $defaultPropertyPath);
function thatAll($values, $defaultMessage = null, string $defaultPropertyPath = null): AssertionChain
return Assert::thatAll($values, $defaultMessage, $defaultPropertyPath);
function thatNullOr($value, $defaultMessage = null, string $defaultPropertyPath = null): AssertionChain
return Assert::thatNullOr($value, $defaultMessage, $defaultPropertyPath);
function lazy(): LazyAssertion
return Assert::lazy();