Joomla Platform  13.1
Documentation des API du framework Joomla Platform
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1 <?php
2 /**
3  * @package Joomla.Platform
4  * @subpackage Feed
5  *
6  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
7  * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
8  */
10 defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die();
12 /**
13  * Class to encapsulate a feed for the Joomla Platform.
14  *
15  * @property JFeedPerson $author Person responsible for feed content.
16  * @property array $categories Categories to which the feed belongs.
17  * @property array $contributors People who contributed to the feed content.
18  * @property string $copyright Information about rights, e.g. copyrights, held in and over the feed.
19  * @property string $description A phrase or sentence describing the feed.
20  * @property string $generator A string indicating the program used to generate the feed.
21  * @property string $image Specifies a GIF, JPEG or PNG image that should be displayed with the feed.
22  * @property JDate $publishedDate The publication date for the feed content.
23  * @property string $title A human readable title for the feed.
24  * @property JDate $updatedDate The last time the content of the feed changed.
25  * @property string $uri Universal, permanent identifier for the feed.
26  *
27  * @package Joomla.Platform
28  * @subpackage Feed
29  * @since 12.3
30  */
31 class JFeed implements ArrayAccess
32 {
33  /**
34  * @var array The entry properties.
35  * @since 12.3
36  */
37  protected $properties = array(
38  'uri' => '',
39  'title' => '',
40  'updatedDate' => '',
41  'description' => '',
42  'categories' => array(),
43  'contributors' => array()
44  );
46  /**
47  * @var array The list of feed entry objects.
48  * @since 12.3
49  */
50  protected $entries = array();
52  /**
53  * Magic method to return values for feed properties.
54  *
55  * @param string $name The name of the property.
56  *
57  * @return mixed
58  *
59  * @since 12.3
60  */
61  public function __get($name)
62  {
63  return isset($this->properties[$name]) ? $this->properties[$name] : null;
64  }
66  /**
67  * Magic method to set values for feed properties.
68  *
69  * @param string $name The name of the property.
70  * @param mixed $value The value to set for the property.
71  *
72  * @return void
73  *
74  * @since 12.3
75  */
76  public function __set($name, $value)
77  {
78  // Ensure that setting a date always sets a JDate instance.
79  if ((($name == 'updatedDate') || ($name == 'publishedDate')) && !($value instanceof JDate))
80  {
81  $value = new JDate($value);
82  }
84  // Validate that any authors that are set are instances of JFeedPerson or null.
85  if (($name == 'author') && (!($value instanceof JFeedPerson) || ($value === null)))
86  {
87  throw new InvalidArgumentException('JFeed "author" must be of type JFeedPerson. ' . gettype($value) . 'given.');
88  }
90  // Disallow setting categories or contributors directly.
91  if (($name == 'categories') || ($name == 'contributors'))
92  {
93  throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot directly set JFeed property "' . $name . '".');
94  }
96  $this->properties[$name] = $value;
97  }
99  /**
100  * Method to add a category to the feed object.
101  *
102  * @param string $name The name of the category to add.
103  * @param string $uri The optional URI for the category to add.
104  *
105  * @return JFeed
106  *
107  * @since 12.3
108  */
109  public function addCategory($name, $uri = '')
110  {
111  $this->properties['categories'][$name] = $uri;
113  return $this;
114  }
116  /**
117  * Method to add a contributor to the feed object.
118  *
119  * @param string $name The full name of the person to add.
120  * @param string $email The email address of the person to add.
121  * @param string $uri The optional URI for the person to add.
122  * @param string $type The optional type of person to add.
123  *
124  * @return JFeed
125  *
126  * @since 12.3
127  */
128  public function addContributor($name, $email, $uri = null, $type = null)
129  {
130  $contributor = new JFeedPerson($name, $email, $uri, $type);
132  // If the new contributor already exists then there is nothing to do, so just return.
133  foreach ($this->properties['contributors'] as $c)
134  {
135  if ($c == $contributor)
136  {
137  return $this;
138  }
139  }
141  // Add the new contributor.
142  $this->properties['contributors'][] = $contributor;
144  return $this;
145  }
147  /**
148  * Method to add an entry to the feed object.
149  *
150  * @param JFeedEntry $entry The entry object to add.
151  *
152  * @return JFeed
153  *
154  * @since 12.3
155  */
156  public function addEntry(JFeedEntry $entry)
157  {
158  // If the new entry already exists then there is nothing to do, so just return.
159  foreach ($this->entries as $e)
160  {
161  if ($e == $entry)
162  {
163  return $this;
164  }
165  }
167  // Add the new entry.
168  $this->entries[] = $entry;
170  return $this;
171  }
173  /**
174  * Whether or not an offset exists. This method is executed when using isset() or empty() on
175  * objects implementing ArrayAccess.
176  *
177  * @param mixed $offset An offset to check for.
178  *
179  * @return boolean
180  *
181  * @see ArrayAccess::offsetExists()
182  * @since 12.3
183  */
184  public function offsetExists($offset)
185  {
186  return isset($this->entries[$offset]);
187  }
189  /**
190  * Returns the value at specified offset.
191  *
192  * @param mixed $offset The offset to retrieve.
193  *
194  * @return mixed The value at the offset.
195  *
196  * @see ArrayAccess::offsetGet()
197  * @since 12.3
198  */
199  public function offsetGet($offset)
200  {
201  return $this->entries[$offset];
202  }
204  /**
205  * Assigns a value to the specified offset.
206  *
207  * @param mixed $offset The offset to assign the value to.
208  * @param JFeedEntry $value The JFeedEntry to set.
209  *
210  * @return boolean
211  *
212  * @see ArrayAccess::offsetSet()
213  * @since 12.3
214  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
215  */
216  public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
217  {
218  if (!($value instanceof JFeedEntry))
219  {
220  throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot set value of type "' . gettype($value) . '".');
221  }
223  $this->entries[$offset] = $value;
225  return true;
226  }
228  /**
229  * Unsets an offset.
230  *
231  * @param mixed $offset The offset to unset.
232  *
233  * @return void
234  *
235  * @see ArrayAccess::offsetUnset()
236  * @since 12.3
237  */
238  public function offsetUnset($offset)
239  {
240  unset($this->entries[$offset]);
241  }
243  /**
244  * Method to remove a category from the feed object.
245  *
246  * @param string $name The name of the category to remove.
247  *
248  * @return JFeed
249  *
250  * @since 12.3
251  */
252  public function removeCategory($name)
253  {
254  unset($this->properties['categories'][$name]);
256  return $this;
257  }
259  /**
260  * Method to remove a contributor from the feed object.
261  *
262  * @param JFeedPerson $contributor The person object to remove.
263  *
264  * @return JFeed
265  *
266  * @since 12.3
267  */
268  public function removeContributor(JFeedPerson $contributor)
269  {
270  // If the contributor exists remove it.
271  foreach ($this->properties['contributors'] as $k => $c)
272  {
273  if ($c == $contributor)
274  {
275  unset($this->properties['contributors'][$k]);
276  $this->properties['contributors'] = array_values($this->properties['contributors']);
278  return $this;
279  }
280  }
282  return $this;
283  }
285  /**
286  * Method to remove an entry from the feed object.
287  *
288  * @param JFeedEntry $entry The entry object to remove.
289  *
290  * @return JFeed
291  *
292  * @since 12.3
293  */
294  public function removeEntry(JFeedEntry $entry)
295  {
296  // If the entry exists remove it.
297  foreach ($this->entries as $k => $e)
298  {
299  if ($e == $entry)
300  {
301  unset($this->entries[$k]);
302  $this->entries = array_values($this->entries);
304  return $this;
305  }
306  }
308  return $this;
309  }
311  /**
312  * Shortcut method to set the author for the feed object.
313  *
314  * @param string $name The full name of the person to set.
315  * @param string $email The email address of the person to set.
316  * @param string $uri The optional URI for the person to set.
317  * @param string $type The optional type of person to set.
318  *
319  * @return JFeed
320  *
321  * @since 12.3
322  */
323  public function setAuthor($name, $email, $uri = null, $type = null)
324  {
325  $author = new JFeedPerson($name, $email, $uri, $type);
327  $this->properties['author'] = $author;
329  return $this;
330  }
331 }