Joomla Platform  13.1
Documentation des API du framework Joomla Platform
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1 <?php
2 /**
3  * @package Joomla.Platform
4  * @subpackage Input
5  *
6  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
7  * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
8  */
10 defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
12 /**
13  * Joomla! Input Base Class
14  *
15  * This is an abstracted input class used to manage retrieving data from the application environment.
16  *
17  * @package Joomla.Platform
18  * @subpackage Input
19  * @since 11.1
20  *
21  * @property-read JInput $get
22  * @property-read JInput $post
23  * @property-read JInput $request
24  * @property-read JInput $server
25  * @property-read JInputFiles $files
26  * @property-read JInputCookie $cookie
27  *
28  * @method integer getInt() getInt($name, $default = null) Get a signed integer.
29  * @method integer getUint() getUint($name, $default = null) Get an unsigned integer.
30  * @method float getFloat() getFloat($name, $default = null) Get a floating-point number.
31  * @method boolean getBool() getBool($name, $default = null) Get a boolean.
32  * @method string getWord() getWord($name, $default = null)
33  * @method string getAlnum() getAlnum($name, $default = null)
34  * @method string getCmd() getCmd($name, $default = null)
35  * @method string getBase64() getBase64($name, $default = null)
36  * @method string getString() getString($name, $default = null)
37  * @method string getHtml() getHtml($name, $default = null)
38  * @method string getPath() getPath($name, $default = null)
39  * @method string getUsername() getUsername($name, $default = null)
40  */
41 class JInput implements Serializable, Countable
42 {
43  /**
44  * Options array for the JInput instance.
45  *
46  * @var array
47  * @since 11.1
48  */
49  protected $options = array();
51  /**
52  * Filter object to use.
53  *
54  * @var JFilterInput
55  * @since 11.1
56  */
57  protected $filter = null;
59  /**
60  * Input data.
61  *
62  * @var array
63  * @since 11.1
64  */
65  protected $data = array();
67  /**
68  * Input objects
69  *
70  * @var array
71  * @since 11.1
72  */
73  protected $inputs = array();
75  /**
76  * Constructor.
77  *
78  * @param array $source Source data (Optional, default is $_REQUEST)
79  * @param array $options Array of configuration parameters (Optional)
80  *
81  * @since 11.1
82  */
83  public function __construct($source = null, array $options = array())
84  {
85  if (isset($options['filter']))
86  {
87  $this->filter = $options['filter'];
88  }
89  else
90  {
91  $this->filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
92  }
94  if (is_null($source))
95  {
96  $this->data = &$_REQUEST;
97  }
98  else
99  {
100  $this->data = $source;
101  }
103  // Set the options for the class.
104  $this->options = $options;
105  }
107  /**
108  * Magic method to get an input object
109  *
110  * @param mixed $name Name of the input object to retrieve.
111  *
112  * @return JInput The request input object
113  *
114  * @since 11.1
115  */
116  public function __get($name)
117  {
118  if (isset($this->inputs[$name]))
119  {
120  return $this->inputs[$name];
121  }
123  $className = 'JInput' . ucfirst($name);
125  if (class_exists($className))
126  {
127  $this->inputs[$name] = new $className(null, $this->options);
129  return $this->inputs[$name];
130  }
132  $superGlobal = '_' . strtoupper($name);
134  if (isset($GLOBALS[$superGlobal]))
135  {
136  $this->inputs[$name] = new JInput($GLOBALS[$superGlobal], $this->options);
138  return $this->inputs[$name];
139  }
141  // TODO throw an exception
142  }
144  /**
145  * Get the number of variables.
146  *
147  * @return integer The number of variables in the input.
148  *
149  * @since 12.2
150  * @see Countable::count()
151  */
152  public function count()
153  {
154  return count($this->data);
155  }
157  /**
158  * Gets a value from the input data.
159  *
160  * @param string $name Name of the value to get.
161  * @param mixed $default Default value to return if variable does not exist.
162  * @param string $filter Filter to apply to the value.
163  *
164  * @return mixed The filtered input value.
165  *
166  * @since 11.1
167  */
168  public function get($name, $default = null, $filter = 'cmd')
169  {
170  if (isset($this->data[$name]))
171  {
172  return $this->filter->clean($this->data[$name], $filter);
173  }
175  return $default;
176  }
178  /**
179  * Gets an array of values from the request.
180  *
181  * @param array $vars Associative array of keys and filter types to apply.
182  * If empty and datasource is null, all the input data will be returned
183  * but filtered using the default case in JFilterInput::clean.
184  * @param mixed $datasource Array to retrieve data from, or null
185  *
186  * @return mixed The filtered input data.
187  *
188  * @since 11.1
189  */
190  public function getArray(array $vars = array(), $datasource = null)
191  {
192  if (empty($vars) && is_null($datasource))
193  {
194  $vars = $this->data;
195  }
197  $results = array();
199  foreach ($vars as $k => $v)
200  {
201  if (is_array($v))
202  {
203  if (is_null($datasource))
204  {
205  $results[$k] = $this->getArray($v, $this->get($k, null, 'array'));
206  }
207  else
208  {
209  $results[$k] = $this->getArray($v, $datasource[$k]);
210  }
211  }
212  else
213  {
214  if (is_null($datasource))
215  {
216  $results[$k] = $this->get($k, null, $v);
217  }
218  elseif (isset($datasource[$k]))
219  {
220  $results[$k] = $this->filter->clean($datasource[$k], $v);
221  }
222  else
223  {
224  $results[$k] = $this->filter->clean(null, $v);
225  }
226  }
227  }
229  return $results;
230  }
232  /**
233  * Sets a value
234  *
235  * @param string $name Name of the value to set.
236  * @param mixed $value Value to assign to the input.
237  *
238  * @return void
239  *
240  * @since 11.1
241  */
242  public function set($name, $value)
243  {
244  $this->data[$name] = $value;
245  }
247  /**
248  * Define a value. The value will only be set if there's no value for the name or if it is null.
249  *
250  * @param string $name Name of the value to define.
251  * @param mixed $value Value to assign to the input.
252  *
253  * @return void
254  *
255  * @since 12.1
256  */
257  public function def($name, $value)
258  {
259  if (isset($this->data[$name]))
260  {
261  return;
262  }
264  $this->data[$name] = $value;
265  }
267  /**
268  * Magic method to get filtered input data.
269  *
270  * @param string $name Name of the filter type prefixed with 'get'.
271  * @param array $arguments [0] The name of the variable [1] The default value.
272  *
273  * @return mixed The filtered input value.
274  *
275  * @since 11.1
276  */
277  public function __call($name, $arguments)
278  {
279  if (substr($name, 0, 3) == 'get')
280  {
281  $filter = substr($name, 3);
283  $default = null;
285  if (isset($arguments[1]))
286  {
287  $default = $arguments[1];
288  }
290  return $this->get($arguments[0], $default, $filter);
291  }
292  }
294  /**
295  * Gets the request method.
296  *
297  * @return string The request method.
298  *
299  * @since 11.1
300  */
301  public function getMethod()
302  {
303  $method = strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
305  return $method;
306  }
308  /**
309  * Method to serialize the input.
310  *
311  * @return string The serialized input.
312  *
313  * @since 12.1
314  */
315  public function serialize()
316  {
317  // Load all of the inputs.
318  $this->loadAllInputs();
320  // Remove $_ENV and $_SERVER from the inputs.
321  $inputs = $this->inputs;
322  unset($inputs['env']);
323  unset($inputs['server']);
325  // Serialize the options, data, and inputs.
326  return serialize(array($this->options, $this->data, $inputs));
327  }
329  /**
330  * Method to unserialize the input.
331  *
332  * @param string $input The serialized input.
333  *
334  * @return JInput The input object.
335  *
336  * @since 12.1
337  */
338  public function unserialize($input)
339  {
340  // Unserialize the options, data, and inputs.
341  list($this->options, $this->data, $this->inputs) = unserialize($input);
343  // Load the filter.
344  if (isset($this->options['filter']))
345  {
346  $this->filter = $this->options['filter'];
347  }
348  else
349  {
350  $this->filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
351  }
352  }
354  /**
355  * Method to load all of the global inputs.
356  *
357  * @return void
358  *
359  * @since 12.1
360  */
361  protected function loadAllInputs()
362  {
363  static $loaded = false;
365  if (!$loaded)
366  {
367  // Load up all the globals.
368  foreach ($GLOBALS as $global => $data)
369  {
370  // Check if the global starts with an underscore.
371  if (strpos($global, '_') === 0)
372  {
373  // Convert global name to input name.
374  $global = strtolower($global);
375  $global = substr($global, 1);
377  // Get the input.
378  $this->$global;
379  }
380  }
382  $loaded = true;
383  }
384  }
385 }