API Joomla 1.5.26
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 1.5

Référence de l'espace de nommage patTemplate

Description détaillée

Compiler for patTemplate

Compiler.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio

WARNING: This is still experimental!


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Compiler for patTemplate

Compiler.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio

WARNING: This is still experimental!


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Dumps templates as HTML

Html.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Sebastian Mordziol <argh@php-tools.net>
Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Dumps templates as HTML


Sebastian Mordziol <argh@php-tools.net>
Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Dumps templates as XUL

XUL.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Dumps templates as XUL, using PEAR::XML_XUL


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Base class for patTemplate dumpers

Dump.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio

The dump functionality is separated from the main class for performance reasons.


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Base class for patTemplate dumpers

The dump functionality is separated from the main class for performance reasons.


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

creates a new function alias

Alias.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

creates a new function alias

Possible attributes:

  • alias => new alias
  • function => function to call
Alias.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate function to dynamically change the value of _any_ attribute of the parent tag.

Attribute.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate function to dynamically change the value of _any_ attribute of the parent tag.

Possible attributes:

  • name => name of the attribute to change

The enclosed data will be used as the value of the attribute.

Attribute.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate function that enables you to insert any template, that has been loaded previously into the current template.

You may pass any variables to the template.

Call.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate function that enables adding global variables from within a template.

Globalvar.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Sebastian Mordziol <argh@php-tools.net>
Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate function that enables adding global variables from within a template.

Available attributes:

name > name of the variable default > default value of the variable hidden > whether to output the content of the variable: yes|no

Globalvar.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Sebastian Mordziol <argh@php-tools.net>
Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Generic highlighting function using PEAR::Text_Highlighter

Highlight.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate function that highlights PHP code in your templates

Highlight.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate function that returns a complete imagetag and width and height are extracted from the image

Img.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Jens Strobel <strobel@pixeldreamz.com>

patTemplate function that highlights PHP code in your templates

Phphighlight.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate function that strips whitespace from a text block. This is an implementation of Smarty's strip function.

Strip.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate function that calculates the current time or any other time and returns it in the specified format.

Time.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Base class for patTemplate functions

Function.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Base class for patTemplate functions

Function.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate input filter to allow the short modifier syntax that is used by Smarty

ShortModifiers.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate input filter to allow the short modifier syntax that is used by Smarty

ShortModifiers.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio

This will replace the variables with patTemplate:var/> tags that have the name and the modifier attribute set.


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate StripComments input filter

StripComments.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio

Will remove all HTML comments.


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate StripComments output filter

StripComments.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio

Will remove all HTML comments.


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Base class for patTemplate input filter

InputFilter.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio

An input filter is used to modify the stream before it has been processed by patTemplate_Reader.


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

Base class for patTemplate input filter

InputFilter.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio

An input filter is used to modify the stream before it has been processed by patTemplate_Reader.


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate modfifier Dateformat

Dateformat.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>

patTemplate modfifier Dateformat

formats dates and times according to a format string.

Possible attributes are:

  • format (string)

See the PHP documentation for strftime() for more information.


Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate modfifier Expression Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate modfifier Expression Evaluates an expression and returns one of the defined values for true and false. Possible attributes are:expression (string)true (string)false (string) Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.wordwrap.php Modifier that creates an HTML image tag from a variable It automatically retrieves the width and height of the image. Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate modfifier Numberformat Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate modfifier Numberformat formats dates and times according to a format string. Possible attributes are:decimals (int)pointseparator See the PHP documentation for number_format() for more information. Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php patTemplate modifier that quotes LaTeX special chars Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate modifier that quotes LaTeX special chars This is useful when creating PDF documents with patTemplate Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php patTemplate modfifier Surround Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate modfifier Surround splits a text and surrunds each part by custom start and end strings Possible attributes are:delimiter (string)start (string)end (string)keepdelimiter (yes|no) default: nowithfirst (yes|no) default: yeswithlast (yes|no) default: yes Modifiers gERD Schaufelberger <gerd@php-tools.net> 0.2 patTemplate modifier Truncate Truncate a string variable to fixed length and add a suffix if it was truncated. It can also start from an offset and add a prefix. Modifiers Rafa Couto <rafacouto@yahoo.com> patTemplate modifier Truncate Truncate a string variable to fixed length and add a suffix if it was truncated. It can also start from an offset and add a prefix. Possible attributes are:length (integer)suffix (string)startprefix (string) Modifiers Rafa Couto <rafacouto@yahoo.com> patTemplate modfifier Wordwrapper Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate modfifier Wordwrapper Wraps lines of long texts. Possible attributes are:width (integer)break (string)cut (yes|no)nl2br (yes|no) See the PHP documentation for wordwrap() for more information. Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.wordwrap.php Base class for patTemplate variable modifiers A modifier is used to modify a variable when it's parsed into the template. Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Base class for patTemplate variable modifiers A modifier is used to modify a variable when it's parsed into the template. Modifiers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate Module base class The patTemplate_Module is the base class for all patTemplate modules like readers, dumpers, filters, etc. Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate Module base class The patTemplate_Module is the base class for all patTemplate modules like readers, dumpers, filters, etc. Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Base class for patTemplate output cache An output cache is used to cache the data before the template has been read. It stores the HTML (or any other output) that is generated to increase performance. This is not related to a template cache! Caches Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Base class for patTemplate output cache An output cache is used to cache the data before the template has been read. It stores the HTML (or any other output) that is generated to increase performance. This is not related to a template cache! Caches Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate BBCode output filter Uses patBBCode. Filters Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate BBCode output filter Uses patBBCode. Note that patBBCode's syntax is not entirely the same than the 'official' BBCode. See the patBBCode projet page for details. The following parameters are available: skinDir (required) The folder where BBCode templates are stored reader (required) The type of reader to use BBCode (optional) A fully configured BBCode objet to use. The other two options are not required if you set this. Filters Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Sebastian Mordziol <argh@php-tools.net> http://www.php-tools.net/site.php?file=patBBCode/Overview.xml patTemplate GZip output filter Checks the accept encoding of the browser and compresses the data before sending it to the client. Filters Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate HighlightPHP filter Highlights PHP code in the output. Filters Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate output filter that creates PDF files from latex Filters Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate StripWhitespace output filter Will remove all whitespace and replace it with a single space. Filters Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate Tidy output filter Used to tidy up your resulting HTML document, requires ext/tidy. Filters Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Base class for patTemplate output filter An output filter is used to modify the output after it has been processed by patTemplate, but before it is sent to the browser. Filters Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Base class for patTemplate output filter An output filter is used to modify the output after it has been processed by patTemplate, but before it is sent to the browser. Filters Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate Reader that reads from a database using PEAR::DB Readers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate Reader that reads from a file Readers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate reader that reads HTML_Template_IT files Readers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate reader that reads HTML_Template_IT files Readers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate Reader that reads from a string Readers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate Reader that reads from a string Readers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Base class for patTemplate readers This class is able to parse patTemplate tags from any string you hand it over It will emulate some kind of SAX parsing by calling start-, end- and CData-handlers. Readers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Base class for patTemplate readers This class is able to parse patTemplate tags from any string you hand it over It will emulate some kind of SAX parsing by calling start-, end- and CData-handlers. Readers Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Base class for patTemplate Stat A stat component should be implemented for each reader to support caching. Stats return information about the template source. Stat Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Base class for patTemplate Stat A stat component should be implemented for each reader to support caching. Stats return information about the template source. Stat Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Base class for patTemplate Stat A stat component should be implemented for each reader to support caching. Stats return information about the template source. Stat Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate Template cache that stores data in the eAccelerator Cache Caches Mike Valstar <mikevalstar@thrashcorp.com> patTemplate Template cache that stores data in the eAccelerator Cache If the lifetime is set to auto, the cache files will be kept until you delete them manually. Caches Mike Valstar <mikevalstar@thrashcorp.com> patTemplate Template cache that stores data on filesystem Caches Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate Template cache that stores data on filesystem Possible parameters for the cache are:cacheFolder : set the folder from which to load the cachelifetime : seconds for which the cache is valid, if set to auto, it will check whether the cache is older than the original file (if the reader supports this)prefix for the filenames Caches Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate Template cache that stores data in the MMCache Cache Caches Mike Valstar <mikevalstar@thrashcorp.com> patTemplate Template cache that stores data in the eAccelerator Cache If the lifetime is set to auto, the cache files will be kept until you delete them manually. Caches Mike Valstar <mikevalstar@thrashcorp.com> Base class for patTemplate template cache A template cache is used to cache the data after the template has been read, but before the variables have been added. Data is normally stored in serialized format. This will increase performance. This is not related to an output cache! Caches Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> Base class for patTemplate template cache A template cache is used to cache the data after the template has been read, but before the variables have been added. Data is normally stored in serialized format. This will increase performance. This is not related to an output cache! Caches Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> patTemplate powerful templating engine 3.1.0 Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> LGPL http://www.php-tools.net patTemplate powerful templating engine 3.1.0 Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net> LGPL http://www.php-tools.net