Joomla CMS  3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
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Référence de la classe FOFUtilsUpdateCollection

Fonctions membres publiques

 getCategories ($url, $jVersion=null)
 getCategoryUpdateSource ($url, $category, $jVersion=null)
 getExtensions ($url, $type=null, $jVersion=null)
 getExtensionUpdateSource ($url, $type, $element, $jVersion=null)

Fonctions membres privées

 filterListByPlatform ($updates, $jVersion=null)

Description détaillée

A helper class to read and parse "collection" update XML files over the web

Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ filterListByPlatform()

filterListByPlatform (   $updates,
  $jVersion = null 

Filters a list of updates, returning only those available for the specified platform version $jVersion

array$updatesAn array containing update definitions (categories or extensions)
string$jVersionJoomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
array|null The update definition that is compatible, or null if none is compatible

Références elseif, et null.

◆ getCategories()

getCategories (   $url,
  $jVersion = null 

Returns only the category definitions of a collection

string$urlThe URL of the collection update source
string$jVersionJoomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
array An array of category update definitions

Références $url.

◆ getCategoryUpdateSource()

getCategoryUpdateSource (   $url,
  $jVersion = null 

Returns the update source for a specific category

string$urlThe URL of the collection update source
string$categoryThe category name you want to get the update source URL of
string$jVersionJoomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
string|null The update stream URL, or null if it's not found

Références $category, $url, et null.

◆ getExtensions()

getExtensions (   $url,
  $type = null,
  $jVersion = null 

Get a list of updates for extensions only, optionally of a specific type

string$urlThe URL of the collection update source
string$typeThe extension type you want to get the update source URL of, empty to get all extension types
string$jVersionJoomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
array|null An array of extension update definitions or null if none is found

Références $type, $url, elseif, et null.

◆ getExtensionUpdateSource()

getExtensionUpdateSource (   $url,
  $jVersion = null 

Get the update source URL for a specific extension, based on the type and element, e.g. type=file and element=joomla is Joomla! itself.

string$urlThe URL of the collection update source
string$typeThe extension type you want to get the update source URL of
string$elementThe extension element you want to get the update source URL of
string$jVersionJoomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
string|null The update source URL or null if the extension is not found

Références $type, $url, elseif, et null.

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