Joomla CMS  3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 3.10.11 et du framework Joomla Platform intégré
Tout Structures de données Espaces de nommage Fichiers Fonctions Variables Pages
Référence du fichier finder_indexer.php

Structures de données

class  FinderCli

Espaces de nommage



const _JEXEC = 1
const JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR (!defined('_JDEFINES')) JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_finder'
 $config = new JConfig
const JDEBUG $config->debug
 $lang = JFactory::getLanguage()

Documentation des variables

◆ $config

$config = new JConfig

Référencé par FinderCli\index().

◆ $lang

$lang = JFactory::getLanguage()


const _JEXEC = 1

Smart Search CLI.

This is a command-line script to help with management of Smart Search.

Called with no arguments: php finder_indexer.php Performs an incremental update of the index using dynamic pausing.

IMPORTANT NOTE: since Joomla version 3.9.12 the default behavior of this script has changed. If called with no arguments, the --pause argument is silently applied, in order to avoid the possibility of stressing the server too much and making a site (or multiple sites, if on a shared environment) unresponsive. If a pause is unwanted, just apply --pause=0 to the command

Called with –purge php finder_indexer.php –purge Purges and rebuilds the index (search filters are preserved).

Called with –pause php finder_indexer.php --pause or –pause=x or php finder_indexer.php --pause=x where x = seconds. or –pause=division or php finder_indexer.php --pause=division The default divisor is 5. If another divisor is required, it can be set with –divisor=y, where y is the integer divisor

This will pause for x seconds between batches, in order to give the server some time to catch up if –pause is called without an assignment, it defaults to dynamic pausing using the division method with a divisor of 5 (eg. 1 second pause for every 5 seconds of batch processing time)

Called with –minproctime=x Will set the minimum processing time of batches for a pause to occur. Defaults to 1


const JDEBUG $config->debug