Joomla CMS  3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 3.10.11 et du framework Joomla Platform intégré
Tout Structures de données Espaces de nommage Fichiers Fonctions Variables Pages
Référence du fichier layouts/joomla/modal/body.php

Espaces de nommage



 $bodyClass = 'modal-body'
 $bodyHeight = isset($params['bodyHeight']) ? round((int) $params['bodyHeight'], -1) : ''
 if ( $bodyHeight &&$bodyHeight >=20 &&$bodyHeight< 90)

Documentation des variables

◆ $bodyClass

$bodyClass = 'modal-body'

Layout variables

string$selectorUnique DOM identifier for the modal. CSS id without #
array$paramsModal parameters. Default supported parameters:
  • title string The modal title
  • backdrop mixed A boolean select if a modal-backdrop element should be included (default = true) The string 'static' includes a backdrop which doesn't close the modal on click.
  • keyboard boolean Closes the modal when escape key is pressed (default = true)
  • closeButton boolean Display modal close button (default = true)
  • animation boolean Fade in from the top of the page (default = true)
  • footer string Optional markup for the modal footer
  • url string URL of a resource to be inserted as an <iframe> inside the modal body
  • height string height of the <iframe> containing the remote resource
  • width string width of the <iframe> containing the remote resource
  • bodyHeight int Optional height of the modal body in viewport units (vh)
  • modalWidth int Optional width of the modal in viewport units (vh)
string$bodyMarkup for the modal body. Appended after the <iframe> if the URL option is set

◆ $bodyHeight

$bodyHeight = isset($params['bodyHeight']) ? round((int) $params['bodyHeight'], -1) : ''

◆ if

if($bodyHeight && $bodyHeight >=20 && $bodyHeight< 90)