Joomla CMS  3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 3.10.11 et du framework Joomla Platform intégré
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Référence de la classe FOFPlatformFilesystem
+ Graphe d'héritage de FOFPlatformFilesystem:

Fonctions membres publiques

 getExt ($file)
 stripExt ($file)
- Fonctions membres publiques hérités de FOFPlatformFilesystemInterface
 fileExists ($path)
 fileDelete ($file)
 fileCopy ($src, $dest)
 fileWrite ($file, &$buffer)
 pathCheck ($path)
 pathClean ($path, $ds=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
 pathFind ($paths, $file)
 folderExists ($path)
 folderFiles ($path, $filter='.', $recurse=false, $full=false, $exclude=array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX'), $excludefilter=array('^\..*', '.*~'))
 folderFolders ($path, $filter='.', $recurse=false, $full=false, $exclude=array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX'), $excludefilter=array('^\..*'))
 folderCreate ($path='', $mode=0755)

Fonctions membres protégées statiques

static getFiles ($path, array $ignoreFolders=array(), array $ignoreFiles=array())
static scanDirectory ($path, array $ignoreFolders=array(), array $ignoreFiles=array())

Attributs protégés statiques

static $paths = array()

Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ getExt()

getExt (   $file)

Gets the extension of a file name

string$fileThe file name
string The file extension

Références $file.

◆ getFiles()

static getFiles (   $path,
array  $ignoreFolders = array(),
array  $ignoreFiles = array() 

This method will crawl a starting directory and get all the valid files that will be analyzed by getInstance. Then it organizes them into an associative array.

string$pathFolder where we should start looking
array$ignoreFoldersFolder ignore list
array$ignoreFilesFile ignore list
array Associative array, where the fullpath key contains the path to the file, and the classname key contains the name of the class

Références $file, $files, $parts, $path, et $return.

◆ scanDirectory()

static scanDirectory (   $path,
array  $ignoreFolders = array(),
array  $ignoreFiles = array() 

Recursive function that will scan every directory unless it's in the ignore list. Files that aren't in the ignore list are returned.

string$pathFolder where we should start looking
array$ignoreFoldersFolder ignore list
array$ignoreFilesFile ignore list
array List of all the files

Références $file, $path, et $return.

◆ stripExt()

stripExt (   $file)

Strips the last extension off of a file name

string$fileThe file name
string The file name without the extension

Références $file.

Documentation des champs

◆ $paths

$paths = array()

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