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Joomla CMS
3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 3.10.11 et du framework Joomla Platform intégré
Fonctions membres publiques | |
__construct ($config=array()) | |
getUpdates ($force=false, $preferredMethod=null) | |
findUpdates ($force, $preferredMethod=null) | |
getUpdateSiteIds () | |
getVersion () | |
getComponentName () | |
getComponentDescription () | |
getExtensionId () | |
getUpdateSite () | |
getUpdateSiteName () | |
setVersion ($version) | |
removeObsoleteUpdateSites () | |
getUpdateMethod ($preferred=null) | |
doUpdateComponent () | |
downloadUpdate () | |
doSendNotificationEmail ($version, $email) | |
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addBehavior ($name, $config=array()) | |
__construct ($config=array()) | |
setIDsFromRequest () | |
setId ($id=0) | |
getId () | |
setIds ($idlist) | |
getIds () | |
reset () | |
clearState () | |
clearInput () | |
setInput ($input) | |
resetSavedState () | |
loadhistory ($version_id, FOFTable &$table, $alias) | |
& | getItem ($id=null) |
& | getList ($overrideLimits=false, $group='') |
& | getItemList ($overrideLimits=false, $group='') |
& | getIterator ($overrideLimits=false, $tableClass=null) |
& | getFirstItem ($overrideLimits=false) |
save ($data) | |
copy () | |
getSavedTable () | |
delete () | |
publish ($publish=1, $user=null) | |
checkout () | |
checkin () | |
isCheckedOut () | |
hit () | |
move ($dirn) | |
reorder () | |
getPagination () | |
getTotal () | |
getState ($key=null, $default=null, $filter_type='raw') | |
getHash () | |
getTable ($name='', $prefix=null, $options=array()) | |
getReorderWhere () | |
buildQuery ($overrideLimits=false) | |
getTableFields () | |
getTableAlias () | |
buildCountQuery () | |
& | getClone () |
__get ($name) | |
__set ($name, $value) | |
__call ($name, $arguments) | |
& | savestate ($newState) |
populateSavestate ($defaultSaveState=-999) | |
applyAccessFiltering ($userID=null) | |
getForm ($data=array(), $loadData=true, $source=null) | |
findFormFilename ($source, $paths=array()) | |
validateForm ($form, $data, $group=null) | |
onBeforeLoadForm (&$name, &$source, &$options) | |
onAfterLoadForm (FOFForm &$form, &$name, &$source, &$options) | |
onBeforePreprocessForm (FOFForm &$form, &$data) | |
onAfterPreprocessForm (FOFForm &$form, &$data) | |
getDbo () | |
getName () | |
setDbo ($db) | |
setState ($property, $value=null) | |
setBehaviorParam ($name, $value) | |
getBehaviorParam ($name, $default=null) | |
blacklistFilters ($list=null, $reset=false) | |
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__construct ($properties=null) | |
__toString () | |
def ($property, $default=null) | |
get ($property, $default=null) | |
getProperties ($public=true) | |
getError ($i=null, $toString=true) | |
getErrors () | |
set ($property, $value=null) | |
setProperties ($properties) | |
setError ($error) | |
Fonctions membres protégées | |
findUpdatesJoomla ($force=false) | |
findUpdatesClassic ($force=false) | |
loadUpdatesClassic ($force=false) | |
getCommonParameter ($key, $default=null) | |
setCommonParameter ($key, $value) | |
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_getListCount ($query) | |
_real_getState ($property=null, $default=null) | |
getUserStateFromRequest ($key, $request, $default=null, $type='none', $setUserState=true) | |
& | _getList ($query, $limitstart=0, $limit=0, $group='') |
& | _createTable ($name, $prefix='Table', $config=array()) |
populateState () | |
loadForm ($name, $source, $options=array(), $clear=false, $xpath=false) | |
loadFormData () | |
preprocessForm (FOFForm &$form, &$data, $group='content') | |
onProcessList (&$resultArray) | |
onAfterGetItem (&$record) | |
onBeforeSave (&$data, &$table) | |
onAfterSave (&$table) | |
onBeforeDelete (&$id, &$table) | |
onAfterDelete ($id) | |
onBeforeCopy (&$table) | |
onAfterCopy (&$table) | |
onBeforePublish (&$table) | |
onAfterPublish (&$table) | |
onBeforeHit (&$table) | |
onAfterHit (&$table) | |
onBeforeMove (&$table) | |
onAfterMove (&$table) | |
onBeforeReorder (&$table) | |
onAfterReorder (&$table) | |
cleanCache ($group=null, $client_id=0) | |
Fonctions membres privées | |
updateComponent () | |
getFilenameFromURL ($url) | |
sendNotificationEmail ($version, $email) | |
Membres hérités additionnels | |
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static & | getAnInstance ($type, $prefix='', $config=array()) |
static & | getTmpInstance ($type, $prefix='', $config=array()) |
static | addIncludePath ($path='', $prefix='') |
static | addTablePath ($path) |
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static | _createFileName ($type, $parts=array()) |
A helper Model to interact with Joomla!'s extensions update feature
__construct | ( | $config = array() | ) |
Public constructor. Initialises the protected members as well. Useful $config keys: update_component The component name, e.g. com_foobar update_version The default version if the manifest cache is unreadable update_site The URL to the component's update XML stream update_extraquery The extra query to append to (commercial) components' download URLs update_sitename The update site's name (description)
array | $config |
Références $config, $data, $db, $description, $extension, $key, $query, et FOFPlatform\getInstance().
doSendNotificationEmail | ( | $version, | |
) |
Proxy to sendNotificationEmail(). Required since old versions of our software had a sendNotificationEmail method declared private. If we set the sendNotificationEmail() method public we cause a fatal error.
string | $version | The new version of our software |
string | The email address to send the notification to |
Références $version, et sendNotificationEmail().
doUpdateComponent | ( | ) |
Proxy to updateComponent(). Required since old versions of our software had an updateComponent method declared private. If we set the updateComponent() method public we cause a fatal error.
Références updateComponent().
downloadUpdate | ( | ) |
Downloads the latest update package to Joomla!'s temporary directory
Références $config, $data, $message, $url, et getUpdates().
Référencé par updateComponent().
findUpdates | ( | $force, | |
$preferredMethod = null |
) |
Find the available update record object. If we're at the latest version it will return null.
Please see getUpdateMethod for information on how the $preferredMethod is handled and what it means.
bool | $force | Should I forcibly reload the updates from the server? |
string | $preferredMethod | Preferred update method: 'joomla' or 'classic' |
Références findUpdatesClassic(), findUpdatesJoomla(), et getUpdateMethod().
Référencé par getUpdates().
protected |
Find the available update record object. If we're at the latest version return null.
bool | $force | Should I forcibly reload the updates from the server? |
Références $extraQuery, $updateSite, $url, loadUpdatesClassic(), et null.
Référencé par findUpdates().
protected |
Find the available update record object. If we're at the latest version it will return null.
bool | $force | Should I forcibly reload the updates from the server? |
Références $db, $extraQuery, $query, $url, FOFUtilsConfigHelper\getComponentConfigurationValue(), FOFPlatform\getInstance(), getUpdateSiteIds(), JLoader\import(), et null.
Référencé par findUpdates().
protected |
Get a common parameter from the #__akeeba_common table
string | $key | The key to retrieve |
mixed | $default | The default value in case none is set |
Références $db, $default, $key, $query, et FOFPlatform\getInstance().
Référencé par loadUpdatesClassic().
getComponentDescription | ( | ) |
Returns the human readable component name, e.g. Foobar Component
Références $componentDescription.
getComponentName | ( | ) |
getExtensionId | ( | ) |
private |
getUpdateMethod | ( | $preferred = null | ) |
Get the update method we should use, 'joomla' or 'classic'
You can defined the preferred update method: 'joomla' uses JUpdater whereas 'classic' handles update caching and parsing internally. If you are on Joomla! 3.1 or earlier this option is forced to 'classic' since these old Joomla! versions couldn't handle updates of commercial components correctly (that's why I contributed the fix to that problem, the extra_query field that's present in Joomla! 3.2 onwards).
If 'classic' is defined then it will be used in all Joomla! versions. It's the most stable method for fetching update information.
string | $preferred | Preferred update method. One of 'joomla' or 'classic'. |
Références FOFUtilsConfigHelper\getComponentConfigurationValue().
Référencé par findUpdates().
Retrieves the update information of the component, returning an array with the following keys:
hasUpdate True if an update is available version The version of the available update infoURL The URL to the download page of the update
bool | $force | Set to true if you want to forcibly reload the update information |
string | $preferredMethod | Preferred update method: 'joomla' or 'classic' |
Références findUpdates().
Référencé par downloadUpdate().
getUpdateSite | ( | ) |
Returns the update site URL, i.e. the URL to the XML update stream
Références $updateSite.
getUpdateSiteIds | ( | ) |
Gets the update site Ids for our extension.
Références $db, $query, et FOFPlatform\getInstance().
Référencé par findUpdatesJoomla(), et removeObsoleteUpdateSites().
getUpdateSiteName | ( | ) |
getVersion | ( | ) |
Get the currently installed version as reported by the #__extensions table
Références $version.
protected |
Load all available updates without going through JUpdate
bool | $force | Should I forcibly reload the updates from the server? |
Références $now, getCommonParameter(), FOFUtilsConfigHelper\getComponentConfigurationValue(), json_encode, et setCommonParameter().
Référencé par findUpdatesClassic().
removeObsoleteUpdateSites | ( | ) |
Removes any update sites which go by the same name or the same location as our update site but do not match the extension ID.
Références $db, $query, FOFModel\getDbo(), et getUpdateSiteIds().
private |
Sends an update notification email
string | $version | The new version of our software |
string | The email address to send the notification to |
Références $sitename, $updateEmailBody, $updateEmailSubject, et $version.
Référencé par doSendNotificationEmail().
protected |
Set a common parameter from the #__akeeba_common table
string | $key | The key to set |
mixed | $value | The value to set |
Références $count, $data, $db, $key, $query, $value, et FOFPlatform\getInstance().
Référencé par loadUpdatesClassic().
setVersion | ( | $version | ) |
Override the currently installed version as reported by the #__extensions table
string | $version |
Références $version.
private |
Automatically install the extension update under Joomla! 1.5.5 or later (web) / 3.0 or later (CLI).
Références downloadUpdate(), FOFPlatform\getInstance(), et jimport().
Référencé par doUpdateComponent().
protected |
protected |
protected |
Référencé par getComponentName().
protected |
Référencé par getComponentDescription().
protected |
Référencé par getExtensionId().
protected |
Référencé par findUpdatesClassic(), et findUpdatesJoomla().
protected |
Référencé par sendNotificationEmail().
protected |
Référencé par sendNotificationEmail().
protected |
protected |
Référencé par findUpdatesClassic(), et getUpdateSite().
protected |
Référencé par getUpdateSiteName().
protected |
Référencé par doSendNotificationEmail(), getVersion(), sendNotificationEmail(), et setVersion().