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Référence de la classe JTwitterPlaces
+ Graphe d'héritage de JTwitterPlaces:

Fonctions membres publiques

 getPlace ($id)
 getGeocode ($lat, $long, $accuracy=null, $granularity=null, $maxResults=0, $callback=null)
 search ($lat=null, $long=null, $query=null, $ip=null, $granularity=null, $accuracy=null, $maxResults=0, $within=null, $attribute=null, $callback=null)
 getSimilarPlaces ($lat, $long, $name, $within=null, $attribute=null, $callback=null)
 createPlace ($lat, $long, $name, $geoToken, $within, $attribute=null, $callback=null)
- Fonctions membres publiques hérités de JTwitterObject
 __construct (Registry &$options=null, JHttp $client=null, JTwitterOAuth $oauth=null)
 checkRateLimit ($resource=null, $action=null)
 fetchUrl ($path, $parameters=null)
 getRateLimit ($resource)
 sendRequest ($path, $method='GET', $data=array(), $headers=array())
 getOption ($key)
 setOption ($key, $value)

Membres hérités additionnels

- Attributs protégés hérités de JTwitterObject

Description détaillée

Twitter API Places & Geo class for the Joomla Platform.

4.0 Use the joomla/twitter package via Composer instead

Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ createPlace()

createPlace (   $lat,
  $attribute = null,
  $callback = null 

Method to create a new place object at the given latitude and longitude.

float$latThe latitude to search around.
float$longThe longitude to search around.
string$nameThe name a place is known as.
string$geoTokenThe token found in the response from geo/similar_places.
string$withinThis is the place_id which you would like to restrict the search results to.
string$attributeThis parameter searches for places which have this given street address.
string$callbackIf supplied, the response will use the JSONP format with a callback of the given name.
array The decoded JSON response

Références $data, $name, et $path.

◆ getGeocode()

getGeocode (   $lat,
  $accuracy = null,
  $granularity = null,
  $maxResults = 0,
  $callback = null 

Method to get up to 20 places that can be used as a place_id when updating a status.

float$latThe latitude to search around.
float$longThe longitude to search around.
string$accuracyA hint on the "region" in which to search. If a number, then this is a radius in meters, but it can also take a string that is suffixed with ft to specify feet.
string$granularityThis is the minimal granularity of place types to return and must be one of: poi, neighborhood, city, admin or country.
integer$maxResultsA hint as to the number of results to return.
string$callbackIf supplied, the response will use the JSONP format with a callback of the given name.
array The decoded JSON response

Références $data, et $path.

◆ getPlace()

getPlace (   $id)

Method to get all the information about a known place.

string$idA place in the world. These IDs can be retrieved using getGeocode.
array The decoded JSON response

Références $id, et $path.

◆ getSimilarPlaces()

getSimilarPlaces (   $lat,
  $within = null,
  $attribute = null,
  $callback = null 

Method to locate places near the given coordinates which are similar in name.

float$latThe latitude to search around.
float$longThe longitude to search around.
string$nameThe name a place is known as.
string$withinThis is the place_id which you would like to restrict the search results to.
string$attributeThis parameter searches for places which have this given street address.
string$callbackIf supplied, the response will use the JSONP format with a callback of the given name.
array The decoded JSON response

Références $data, $name, et $path.

◆ search()

search (   $lat = null,
  $long = null,
  $query = null,
  $ip = null,
  $granularity = null,
  $accuracy = null,
  $maxResults = 0,
  $within = null,
  $attribute = null,
  $callback = null 

Method to search for places that can be attached to a statuses/update.

float$latThe latitude to search around.
float$longThe longitude to search around.
string$queryFree-form text to match against while executing a geo-based query, best suited for finding nearby locations by name.
string$ipAn IP address.
string$granularityThis is the minimal granularity of place types to return and must be one of: poi, neighborhood, city, admin or country.
string$accuracyA hint on the "region" in which to search. If a number, then this is a radius in meters, but it can also take a string that is suffixed with ft to specify feet.
integer$maxResultsA hint as to the number of results to return.
string$withinThis is the place_id which you would like to restrict the search results to.
string$attributeThis parameter searches for places which have this given street address.
string$callbackIf supplied, the response will use the JSONP format with a callback of the given name.
array The decoded JSON response

Références $data, $path, $query, et null.

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