Joomla CMS  3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
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Référence de l'interface JObservableInterface
+ Graphe d'héritage de JObservableInterface:

Fonctions membres publiques

 attachObserver (JObserverInterface $observer)

Description détaillée

Observable Subject pattern interface for Joomla

To make a class and its inheriting classes observable: 1) add: implements JObservableInterface to its class

2) at the end of the constructor, add: // Create observer updater and attaches all observers interested by $this class: $this->_observers = new JObserverUpdater($this); JObserverMapper::attachAllObservers($this);

3) add the function attachObserver below to your class to add observers using the JObserverUpdater class: public function attachObserver(JObserverInterface $observer) { $this->_observers->attachObserver($observer); }

4) in the methods that need to be observed, add, e.g. (name of event, params of event): $this->_observers->update('onBeforeLoad', array($keys, $reset));


Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ attachObserver()

attachObserver ( JObserverInterface  $observer)

Adds an observer to this JObservableInterface instance. Ideally, this method should be called from the constructor of JObserverInterface which should be instantiated by JObserverMapper. The implementation of this function can use JObserverUpdater

JObserverInterface$observerThe observer to attach to $this observable subject

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