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Référence de la classe Dumper

Fonctions membres publiques

 setIndentation ($num)
 dump ($input, $inline=0, $indent=0, $exceptionOnInvalidType=false, $objectSupport=false)

Attributs protégés

 $indentation = 4

Description détaillée

Dumper dumps PHP variables to YAML strings.

Fabien Potencier

Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ dump()

dump (   $input,
  $inline = 0,
  $indent = 0,
  $exceptionOnInvalidType = false,
  $objectSupport = false 

Dumps a PHP value to YAML.

mixed$inputThe PHP value
int$inlineThe level where you switch to inline YAML
int$indentThe level of indentation (used internally)
bool$exceptionOnInvalidTypeTrue if an exception must be thrown on invalid types (a PHP resource or object), false otherwise
bool$objectSupportTrue if object support is enabled, false otherwise
string The YAML representation of the PHP value

Références $input, $key, $output, $prefix, $value, Inline\dump(), et Inline\isHash().

◆ setIndentation()

setIndentation (   $num)

Sets the indentation.

int$numThe amount of spaces to use for indentation of nested nodes

Documentation des champs

◆ $indentation

$indentation = 4

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