Joomla CMS  3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
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Référence de la classe ConfigControllerHelper

Fonctions membres publiques

 parseController ($app)

Description détaillée

Helper class for controllers


Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ parseController()

parseController (   $app)

Method to parse a controller from a url Defaults to the base controllers and passes an array of options. $options[0] is the location of the controller which defaults to the core libraries (referenced as 'j' and then the named folder within the component entry point file. $options[1] is the name of the controller file, $options[2] is the name of the folder found in the component controller folder for controllers not prefixed with Config. Additional options maybe added to parameterize the controller.

JApplicationBase$appAn application object
JController A JController object

Références $app, $component, $controller, $location, $option, $task, $view, et elseif.

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