Joomla CMS
3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 3.10.11 et du framework Joomla Platform intégré
Fonctions membres publiques | |
getOAUTHInstance () | |
smtpConnect ($options=array()) | |
Fonctions membres publiques hérités de PHPMailer | |
__construct ($exceptions=null) | |
__destruct () | |
isHTML ($isHtml=true) | |
isSMTP () | |
isMail () | |
isSendmail () | |
isQmail () | |
addAddress ($address, $name='') | |
addCC ($address, $name='') | |
addBCC ($address, $name='') | |
addReplyTo ($address, $name='') | |
parseAddresses ($addrstr, $useimap=true) | |
setFrom ($address, $name='', $auto=true) | |
getLastMessageID () | |
idnSupported () | |
punyencodeAddress ($address) | |
send () | |
preSend () | |
postSend () | |
getSMTPInstance () | |
smtpConnect ($options=null) | |
smtpClose () | |
setLanguage ($langcode='en', $lang_path='') | |
getTranslations () | |
addrAppend ($type, $addr) | |
addrFormat ($addr) | |
wrapText ($message, $length, $qp_mode=false) | |
utf8CharBoundary ($encodedText, $maxLength) | |
setWordWrap () | |
createHeader () | |
getMailMIME () | |
getSentMIMEMessage () | |
createBody () | |
headerLine ($name, $value) | |
textLine ($value) | |
addAttachment ($path, $name='', $encoding='base64', $type='', $disposition='attachment') | |
getAttachments () | |
encodeString ($str, $encoding='base64') | |
encodeHeader ($str, $position='text') | |
hasMultiBytes ($str) | |
has8bitChars ($text) | |
base64EncodeWrapMB ($str, $linebreak=null) | |
encodeQP ($string, $line_max=76) | |
encodeQPphp ( $string, $line_max=76, $space_conv=false) | |
encodeQ ($str, $position='text') | |
addStringAttachment ( $string, $filename, $encoding='base64', $type='', $disposition='attachment') | |
addEmbeddedImage ($path, $cid, $name='', $encoding='base64', $type='', $disposition='inline') | |
addStringEmbeddedImage ( $string, $cid, $name='', $encoding='base64', $type='', $disposition='inline') | |
inlineImageExists () | |
attachmentExists () | |
alternativeExists () | |
clearQueuedAddresses ($kind) | |
clearAddresses () | |
clearCCs () | |
clearBCCs () | |
clearReplyTos () | |
clearAllRecipients () | |
clearAttachments () | |
clearCustomHeaders () | |
isError () | |
fixEOL ($str) | |
addCustomHeader ($name, $value=null) | |
getCustomHeaders () | |
msgHTML ($message, $basedir='', $advanced=false) | |
html2text ($html, $advanced=false) | |
set ($name, $value='') | |
secureHeader ($str) | |
sign ($cert_filename, $key_filename, $key_pass, $extracerts_filename='') | |
DKIM_QP ($txt) | |
DKIM_Sign ($signHeader) | |
DKIM_HeaderC ($signHeader) | |
DKIM_BodyC ($body) | |
DKIM_Add ($headers_line, $subject, $body) | |
quotedString ($str) | |
getToAddresses () | |
getCcAddresses () | |
getBccAddresses () | |
getReplyToAddresses () | |
getAllRecipientAddresses () | |
Attributs protégés | |
$oauth = null | |
Attributs protégés hérités de PHPMailer | |
$MIMEBody = '' | |
$MIMEHeader = '' | |
$mailHeader = '' | |
$smtp = null | |
$to = array() | |
$cc = array() | |
$bcc = array() | |
$ReplyTo = array() | |
$all_recipients = array() | |
$RecipientsQueue = array() | |
$ReplyToQueue = array() | |
$attachment = array() | |
$CustomHeader = array() | |
$lastMessageID = '' | |
$message_type = '' | |
$boundary = array() | |
$language = array() | |
$error_count = 0 | |
$sign_cert_file = '' | |
$sign_key_file = '' | |
$sign_extracerts_file = '' | |
$sign_key_pass = '' | |
$exceptions = false | |
$uniqueid = '' | |
Membres hérités additionnels | |
Fonctions membres publiques statiques hérités de PHPMailer | |
static | validateAddress ($address, $patternselect=null) |
static | rfcDate () |
static | _mime_types ($ext='') |
static | filenameToType ($filename) |
static | mb_pathinfo ($path, $options=null) |
static | normalizeBreaks ($text, $breaktype="\") |
static | hasLineLongerThanMax ($str) |
Attributs publics statiques hérités de PHPMailer | |
static | $validator = 'auto' |
Fonctions membres protégées hérités de PHPMailer | |
edebug ($str) | |
addOrEnqueueAnAddress ($kind, $address, $name) | |
addAnAddress ($kind, $address, $name='') | |
sendmailSend ($header, $body) | |
mailSend ($header, $body) | |
smtpSend ($header, $body) | |
generateId () | |
getBoundary ($boundary, $charSet, $contentType, $encoding) | |
endBoundary ($boundary) | |
setMessageType () | |
attachAll ($disposition_type, $boundary) | |
encodeFile ($path, $encoding='base64') | |
setError ($msg) | |
serverHostname () | |
lang ($key) | |
doCallback ($isSent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $from) | |
Fonctions membres protégées statiques hérités de PHPMailer | |
static | isShellSafe ($string) |
static | isPermittedPath ($path) |
getOAUTHInstance | ( | ) |
Get a PHPMailerOAuthGoogle instance to use.
Références $oauth.
Référencé par smtpConnect().
smtpConnect | ( | $options = array() | ) |
Initiate a connection to an SMTP server. Overrides the original smtpConnect method to add support for OAuth.
array | $options | An array of options compatible with stream_context_create() SMTP public |
phpmailerException |
Références PHPMailer\$Helo, $options, PHPMailer\$Port, $prefix, PHPMailer\$SMTPSecure, PHPMailer\edebug(), elseif, getOAUTHInstance(), PHPMailer\getSMTPInstance(), PHPMailer\lang(), null, et PHPMailer\serverHostname().
protected |
Référencé par getOAUTHInstance().
$oauthClientId = '' |
$oauthClientSecret = '' |
$oauthRefreshToken = '' |
$oauthUserEmail = '' |