| __construct ($config=array()) |
| initialise ($options=array()) |
| route () |
| dispatch ($component=null) |
| render () |
| redirect ($url, $msg='', $msgType='message', $moved=false) |
| enqueueMessage ($msg, $type='message') |
| getMessageQueue () |
| getCfg ($varname, $default=null) |
| getName () |
| getUserState ($key, $default=null) |
| setUserState ($key, $value) |
| getUserStateFromRequest ($key, $request, $default=null, $type='none') |
| login ($credentials, $options=array()) |
| logout ($userid=null, $options=array()) |
| getTemplate ($params=false) |
| getPathway ($name=null, $options=array()) |
| getMenu ($name=null, $options=array()) |
| checkSession () |
| afterSessionStart () |
| getClientId () |
| isAdmin () |
| isSite () |
| isClient ($identifier) |
| isSSLConnection () |
| __toString () |
| __construct (Input $input=null, Registry $config=null) |
| getIdentity () |
| registerEvent ($event, $handler) |
| triggerEvent ($event, array $args=null) |
| loadDispatcher (\JEventDispatcher $dispatcher=null) |
| loadIdentity (\JUser $identity=null) |
| __construct (Input $input=null, Registry $config=null) |
| close ($code=0) |
| execute () |
| get ($key, $default=null) |
| getLogger () |
| set ($key, $value=null) |
| setConfiguration (Registry $config) |
| setLogger (LoggerInterface $logger) |
Base class for a Joomla! application.
Acts as a Factory class for application specific objects and provides many supporting API functions. Derived clases should supply the route(), dispatch() and render() functions.
- Depuis
- 1.5
- Obsolète:
- 3.2 Use CMSApplication instead unless specified otherwise
Create the user session.
Old sessions are flushed based on the configuration value for the cookie lifetime. If an existing session, then the last access time is updated. If a new session, a session id is generated and a record is created in the #__sessions table.
- Paramètres
string | $name | The sessions name. |
- Renvoie
- JSession JSession on success. May call exit() on database error.
- Depuis
- 1.5
- Obsolète:
- 3.2
Références $db, $name, $options, et $query.
login |
( |
$credentials, |
$options = array() |
) |
| |
Login authentication function.
Username and encoded password are passed the onUserLogin event which is responsible for the user validation. A successful validation updates the current session record with the user's details.
Username and encoded password are sent as credentials (along with other possibilities) to each observer (authentication plugin) for user validation. Successful validation will update the current session with the user details.
- Paramètres
array | $credentials | Array('username' => string, 'password' => string) |
array | $options | Array('remember' => boolean) |
- Renvoie
- boolean|JException True on success, false if failed or silent handling is configured, or a JException object on authentication error.
- Depuis
- 1.5
- Obsolète:
- 3.2
Références $options, $results, $user, et JError\raiseWarning().
logout |
( |
$userid = null , |
$options = array() |
) |
| |
Logout authentication function.
Passed the current user information to the onUserLogout event and reverts the current session record back to 'anonymous' parameters. If any of the authentication plugins did not successfully complete the logout routine then the whole method fails. Any errors raised should be done in the plugin as this provides the ability to give much more information about why the routine may have failed.
- Paramètres
integer | $userid | The user to load - Can be an integer or string - If string, it is converted to ID automatically |
array | $options | Array('clientid' => array of client id's) |
- Renvoie
- boolean True on success
- Depuis
- 1.5
- Obsolète:
- 3.2
Références $options, $parameters, $results, et $user.
redirect |
( |
$url, |
$msg = '' , |
$msgType = 'message' , |
$moved = false |
) |
| |
Redirect to another URL.
Optionally enqueues a message in the system message queue (which will be displayed the next time a page is loaded) using the enqueueMessage method. If the headers have not been sent the redirect will be accomplished using a "301 Moved Permanently" code in the header pointing to the new location. If the headers have already been sent this will be accomplished using a JavaScript statement.
- Paramètres
string | $url | The URL to redirect to. Can only be http/https URL |
string | $msg | An optional message to display on redirect. |
string | $msgType | An optional message type. Defaults to message. |
boolean | $moved | True if the page is 301 Permanently Moved, otherwise 303 See Other is assumed. |
- Renvoie
- void Calls exit().
- Depuis
- 1.5
- Obsolète:
- 3.2
- Voir également
- JApplication::enqueueMessage()
Références $document, $parts, $path, $prefix, $uri, $url, getDocument, jimport(), json_encode, et utf8_is_ascii().