| __construct ($config=array()) |
| __construct ($config=array()) |
| setPageTitle () |
| __construct ($config=array()) |
| display ($tpl=null) |
| hasAjaxOrderingSupport () |
| getLists () |
| getPerms () |
| __construct ($config=array()) |
| loadAnyTemplate ($path='', $forceParams=array()) |
| display ($tpl=null) |
| assign () |
| assignRef ($key, &$val) |
| escape ($var) |
| get ($property, $default=null) |
| getModel ($name=null) |
| getLayout () |
| getLayoutTemplate () |
| getName () |
| setModel ($model, $default=false, $name=null) |
| setLayout ($layout) |
| setLayoutExt ($value) |
| setEscape ($spec) |
| addTemplatePath ($path) |
| addHelperPath ($path) |
| loadTemplate ($tpl=null, $strict=false) |
& | getRenderer () |
| setRenderer (FOFRenderAbstract &$renderer) |
| setPreRender ($value) |
| setPostRender ($value) |
| loadHelper ($hlp=null) |
| getViewOptionAndName () |
| __construct ($properties=null) |
| __toString () |
| def ($property, $default=null) |
| get ($property, $default=null) |
| getProperties ($public=true) |
| getError ($i=null, $toString=true) |
| getErrors () |
| set ($property, $value=null) |
| setProperties ($properties) |
| setError ($error) |
◆ __construct()
__construct |
( |
$config = array() | ) |
Public constructor
- Paramètres
array | $config | The component's configuration array |
Références $config.
◆ _createDocumentWithHypermedia()
_createDocumentWithHypermedia |
( |
$data, |
$model = null |
) |
| |
protected |
◆ _getPrototypeURIForPagination()
_getPrototypeURIForPagination |
( |
| ) |
protected |
Returns a JUri instance with a prototype URI used as the base for the other URIs created by the JSON renderer
- Renvoie
- JUri The prototype JUri instance
◆ _removeURIBase()
◆ onDisplay()
◆ onRead()
◆ $useHypermedia
La documentation de cette classe a été générée à partir du fichier suivant :