Joomla CMS  3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
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Référence de l'interface JDatabaseQueryPreparable
+ Graphe d'héritage de JDatabaseQueryPreparable:

Fonctions membres publiques

 bind ($key=null, &$value=null, $dataType=PDO::PARAM_STR, $length=0, $driverOptions=array())
getBounded ($key=null)

Description détaillée

Joomla Database Query Preparable Interface. Adds bind/unbind methods as well as a getBounded() method to retrieve the stored bounded variables on demand prior to query execution.


Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ bind()

bind (   $key = null,
$value = null,
  $dataType = PDO::PARAM_STR,
  $length = 0,
  $driverOptions = array() 

Method to add a variable to an internal array that will be bound to a prepared SQL statement before query execution. Also removes a variable that has been bounded from the internal bounded array when the passed in value is null.

string | integer$keyThe key that will be used in your SQL query to reference the value. Usually of the form ':key', but can also be an integer.
mixed&$valueThe value that will be bound. The value is passed by reference to support output parameters such as those possible with stored procedures.
integer$dataTypeConstant corresponding to a SQL datatype.
integer$lengthThe length of the variable. Usually required for OUTPUT parameters.
array$driverOptionsOptional driver options to be used.

Implémenté dans FOFDatabaseQueryOracle, FOFDatabaseQuerySqlite, JDatabaseQueryOracle, JDatabaseQuerySqlite, et JDatabaseQueryPgsql.

◆ getBounded()

& getBounded (   $key = null)

Retrieves the bound parameters array when key is null and returns it by reference. If a key is provided then that item is returned.

mixed$keyThe bounded variable key to retrieve.

Implémenté dans FOFDatabaseQueryOracle, FOFDatabaseQuerySqlite, JDatabaseQueryOracle, JDatabaseQuerySqlite, et JDatabaseQueryPgsql.

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