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Joomla CMS
3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 3.10.11 et du framework Joomla Platform intégré
Fonctions membres publiques statiques | |
static | stripExt ($file) |
static | makeSafe ($file, array $stripChars=array('#^\.#')) |
static | copy ($src, $dest, $path=null, $useStreams=false) |
static | delete ($file) |
static | move ($src, $dest, $path='', $useStreams=false) |
static | write ($file, &$buffer, $useStreams=false, $appendToFile=false) |
static | upload ($src, $dest, $useStreams=false) |
A File handling class
Copies a file
string | $src | The path to the source file |
string | $dest | The path to the destination file |
string | $path | An optional base path to prefix to the file names |
boolean | $useStreams | True to use streams |
FilesystemException | |
Références $path, Path\clean(), Stream\getStream(), null, et Path\removeRoot().
Référencé par FileWrapper\copy(), et Archive\extract().
static |
Delete a file or array of files
mixed | $file | The file name or an array of file names |
FilesystemException |
Références $file, $files, Path\canChmod(), et Path\clean().
Référencé par Patcher\apply(), FileWrapper\delete(), Folder\delete(), et Path\isOwner().
static |
Makes the file name safe to use
string | $file | The name of the file [not full path] |
array | $stripChars | Array of regex (by default will remove any leading periods) |
Références $file.
Référencé par FileWrapper\makeSafe().
static |
Moves a file
string | $src | The path to the source file |
string | $dest | The path to the destination file |
string | $path | An optional base path to prefix to the file names |
boolean | $useStreams | True to use streams |
FilesystemException |
Références $path, Path\clean(), Stream\getStream(), et null.
Référencé par FileWrapper\move().
static |
Strips the last extension off of a file name
string | $file | The file name |
Références $file.
Référencé par FileWrapper\stripExt().
static |
Moves an uploaded file to a destination folder
string | $src | The name of the php (temporary) uploaded file |
string | $dest | The path (including filename) to move the uploaded file to |
boolean | $useStreams | True to use streams |
FilesystemException |
Références $baseDir, Path\clean(), Folder\create(), Stream\getStream(), null, et Path\setPermissions().
Référencé par FileWrapper\upload().
Write contents to a file
string | $file | The full file path |
string | $buffer | The buffer to write |
boolean | $useStreams | Use streams |
boolean | $appendToFile | Append to the file and not overwrite it. |
Références $buffer, $file, Path\clean(), Folder\create(), et Stream\getStream().
Référencé par Patcher\apply(), Zip\createZipFile(), Bzip2\extract(), Gzip\extract(), Tar\extract(), Zip\extractCustom(), Zip\extractNative(), Path\isOwner(), et FileWrapper\write().