Joomla CMS  3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
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Référence de la classe CallbackFilterIterator
+ Graphe d'héritage de CallbackFilterIterator:

Fonctions membres publiques

 __construct (\Iterator $iterator, $callback)
 accept ()

Attributs protégés

 $callback = null

Description détaillée

Part of the Joomla Framework Compat Package


Documentation des constructeurs et destructeur

◆ __construct()

__construct ( \Iterator  $iterator,

Creates a filtered iterator using the callback to determine which items are accepted or rejected.

\Iterator$iteratorThe iterator to be filtered.
callable$callbackThe callback, which should return TRUE to accept the current item or FALSE otherwise. May be any valid callable value. The callback should accept up to three arguments: the current item, the current key and the iterator, respectively. ``` php function my_callback($current, $key, $iterator) ```

Références $callback.

Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ accept()

accept ( )

This method calls the callback with the current value, current key and the inner iterator. The callback is expected to return TRUE if the current item is to be accepted, or FALSE otherwise.

boolean True if the current element is acceptable, otherwise false. 1.2.0

Documentation des champs

◆ $callback

$callback = null

Référencé par __construct().

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