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Joomla CMS
3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 3.10.11 et du framework Joomla Platform intégré
Fonctions membres protégées | |
onAfterDelete ($oid) | |
scopeAncestorsAndSelf () | |
scopeAncestors () | |
scopeSiblingsAndSelf () | |
scopeSiblings () | |
scopeLeaves () | |
scopeDescendantsAndSelf () | |
scopeDescendants () | |
scopeImmediateDescendants () | |
scopeWithoutSelf () | |
scopeWithoutRoot () | |
resetTreeCache () | |
buildQuery () | |
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getQueryJoinFields () | |
normalizeSelectFields ($fields) | |
isQuoted ($column) | |
onBeforeBind (&$from) | |
onAfterLoad (&$result) | |
onBeforeStore ($updateNulls) | |
onAfterBind (&$src) | |
onAfterStore () | |
onBeforeMove ($updateNulls) | |
onAfterMove () | |
onBeforeReorder ($where='') | |
onAfterReorder () | |
onBeforeDelete ($oid) | |
onAfterDelete ($oid) | |
onBeforeHit ($oid, $log) | |
onAfterHit ($oid) | |
onBeforeCopy ($oid) | |
onAfterCopy ($oid) | |
onBeforePublish (&$cid, $publish) | |
onAfterReset () | |
onBeforeReset () | |
getAsset () | |
_lock () | |
_unlock () | |
getUcmCoreAlias ($alias, $null="null") | |
Attributs protégés | |
$treeDepth = null | |
$treeRoot = null | |
$treeParent = null | |
$treeNestedGet = false | |
$whereClauses = array() | |
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$config = array() | |
$_tbl = '' | |
$_tbl_key = '' | |
$_db | |
$_trackAssets = false | |
$_has_tags = false | |
$_rules | |
$_locked = false | |
$_trigger_events = false | |
$_tableAlias = false | |
$_columnAlias = array() | |
$_autoChecks = false | |
$_skipChecks = array() | |
$_tableExists = true | |
$_assetKey = '' | |
$input = null | |
$_queryJoin = null | |
$_tablePrefix = '' | |
$knownFields = array() | |
$configProvider = null | |
$tableDispatcher = null | |
$default_behaviors = array('tags', 'assets') | |
$_relations = null | |
$_configProviderKey = '' | |
$contentType = null | |
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$_errors = array() | |
Membres hérités additionnels | |
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static | getInstance ($type, $prefix='JTable', $config=array()) |
static & | getAnInstance ($type=null, $prefix='JTable', $config=array()) |
static | forceInstance ($key=null, $instance=null) |
static | addIncludePath ($path=null) |
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static | $instances = array() |
static | $_includePaths = array() |
static | $tableFieldCache = array() |
static | $tableCache = array() |
__construct | ( | $table, | |
$key, | |||
& | $db, | ||
$config = array() |
) |
Public constructor. Overrides the parent constructor, making sure there are lft/rgt columns which make it compatible with nested sets.
string | $table | Name of the database table to model. |
string | $key | Name of the primary key field in the table. |
FOFDatabaseDriver | &$db | Database driver |
array | $config | The configuration parameters array |
protected |
check | ( | ) |
Overrides the automated table checks to handle the 'hash' column for faster searching
Références title, et FOFStringUtils\toSlug().
copy | ( | $cid = null | ) |
Makes a copy of the record, inserting it as the last child of the given node's parent.
integer | array | $cid | The primary key value (or values) or the record(s) to copy. If null, the current record will be copied |
Références $item, et FOFUtilsArray\toInteger().
create | ( | $data | ) |
Create a new record with the provided data. It is inserted as the last child of the current node's parent
array | $data | The data to use in the new record |
Références $data.
equals | ( | FOFTableNested & | $node | ) |
Is $node this very node?
FOFTableNested | $node |
RuntimeException | @return bool |
Références FOFTable\getId().
findByPath | ( | $path | ) |
Locate a node from a given path, e.g. "/some/other/leaf"
string | $path | The path to locate |
get | ( | $limitstart = 0 , |
$limit = 0 |
) |
Returns a database iterator to retrieve records. Use the scope methods and the whereRaw method to define what exactly will be returned.
integer | $limitstart | How many items to skip from the start, only when $overrideLimits = true |
integer | $limit | How many items to return, only when $overrideLimits = true |
Références $db, $limit, $query, FOFDatabaseIterator\getIterator(), et null.
getAncestors | ( | ) |
Get all ancestors to this node but not the node itself. In other words it gets the path to the node, without the node itself.
getAncestorsAndSelf | ( | ) |
Get all ancestors to this node and the node itself. In other words it gets the full path to the node and the node itself.
getAncestorsAndSelfWithoutRoot | ( | ) |
Get all ancestors to this node and the node itself, but not the root node. If you want to
getAncestorsWithoutRoot | ( | ) |
Get all ancestors to this node but not the node itself and its root.
getDescendants | ( | ) |
Get only our descendant (children) nodes, not ourselves.
Note: all descendant nodes, even descendants of our immediate descendants, will be returned.
getDescendantsAndSelf | ( | ) |
Get all descendant (children) nodes and ourselves.
Note: all descendant nodes, even descendants of our immediate descendants, will be returned.
getImmediateDescendants | ( | ) |
Get the immediate descendants (children). Unlike getDescendants it only goes one level deep into the tree structure. Descendants of descendant nodes will not be returned.
getLeaves | ( | ) |
Get all leaf nodes in the tree. You may want to use the scopes to narrow down the search in a specific subtree or path.
getLevel | ( | ) |
Returns a hashed array where each element's key is the value of the $key column (default: the ID column of the table) and its value is the value of the $column column (default: title). Each nesting level will have the value of the $column column prefixed by a number of $separator strings, as many as its nesting level (depth).
This is useful for creating HTML select elements showing the hierarchy in a human readable format.
string | $column | |
null | $key | |
string | $seperator |
getParent | ( | ) |
getRoot | ( | ) |
getSiblings | ( | ) |
Get all sibling nodes, except ourselves
getSiblingsAndSelf | ( | ) |
Get all sibling nodes, including ourselves
inSameScope | ( | FOFTableNested | $otherNode | ) |
Returns true if both this node and $otherNode are root, leaf or child (same tree scope)
FOFTableNested | $otherNode |
insertAsChildOf | ( | FOFTableNested & | $parentNode | ) |
Alias for insertAsLastchildOf
FOFTableNested | $parentNode |
Exception |
insertAsFirstChildOf | ( | FOFTableNested & | $parentNode | ) |
Insert the current node as the first (leftmost) child of a parent node.
WARNING: If it's an existing node it will be COPIED, not moved.
FOFTableNested | $parentNode | The node which will become our parent |
Exception | |
RuntimeException |
insertAsLastChildOf | ( | FOFTableNested & | $parentNode | ) |
Insert the current node as the last (rightmost) child of a parent node.
WARNING: If it's an existing node it will be COPIED, not moved.
FOFTableNested | $parentNode | The node which will become our parent |
Exception | |
RuntimeException |
insertAsRoot | ( | ) |
insertAsSiblingOf | ( | FOFTableNested & | $siblingNode | ) |
insertLeftOf | ( | FOFTableNested & | $siblingNode | ) |
Insert the current node to the left of (before) a sibling node
WARNING: If it's an existing node it will be COPIED, not moved.
FOFTableNested | $siblingNode | We will be inserted before this node |
Exception | |
RuntimeException |
insertRightOf | ( | FOFTableNested & | $siblingNode | ) |
Insert the current node to the right of (after) a sibling node
WARNING: If it's an existing node it will be COPIED, not moved.
FOFTableNested | $siblingNode | We will be inserted after this node |
Exception | |
RuntimeException |
insideSubtree | ( | FOFTableNested | $otherNode | ) |
isAncestorOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $otherNode | ) |
Returns true if we are an ancestor of $otherNode
FOFTableNested | $otherNode |
Références isDescendantOf().
isChild | ( | ) |
isDescendantOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $otherNode | ) |
Returns true if we are a descendant of $otherNode
FOFTableNested | $otherNode |
RuntimeException | @return bool |
Référencé par isAncestorOf().
isLeaf | ( | ) |
Is this a leaf node (a node without children)?
RuntimeException | @return bool |
Référencé par inSameScope().
isRoot | ( | ) |
isSelfOrAncestorOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $otherNode | ) |
Returns true if $otherNode is ourselves or we are an ancestor of $otherNode
FOFTableNested | $otherNode |
Références isSelfOrDescendantOf().
isSelfOrDescendantOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $otherNode | ) |
Returns true if $otherNode is ourselves or if we are a descendant of $otherNode
FOFTableNested | $otherNode |
RuntimeException | @return bool |
Référencé par isSelfOrAncestorOf().
isValid | ( | ) |
makeChildOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $parentNode | ) |
makeFirstChildOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $parentNode | ) |
Moves a node and its subtree as a the first (leftmost) child of $parentNode
FOFTableNested | $parentNode |
Exception |
makeLastChildOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $parentNode | ) |
Moves a node and its subtree as a the last (rightmost) child of $parentNode
FOFTableNested | $parentNode |
Exception | |
RuntimeException |
makeNextSiblingOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $siblingNode | ) |
makePreviousSiblingOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $siblingNode | ) |
makeRoot | ( | ) |
Makes the current node a root (and moving its entire subtree along the way). This is achieved by moving the node to the right of its root node
makeSiblingOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $siblingNode | ) |
move | ( | $delta, | |
$where = '' |
) |
Not supported in nested sets
integer | $delta | Ignored |
string | $where | Ignored |
RuntimeException |
moveLeft | ( | ) |
Move the current node (and its subtree) one position to the left in the tree, i.e. before its left-hand sibling
RuntimeException | @return $this |
Références $db.
moveRight | ( | ) |
Move the current node (and its subtree) one position to the right in the tree, i.e. after its right-hand sibling
RuntimeException | @return $this |
Références $db.
moveToLeftOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $siblingNode | ) |
Moves the current node (and its subtree) to the left of another node. The other node can be in a different position in the tree or even under a different root.
FOFTableNested | $siblingNode |
Exception | |
RuntimeException |
moveToRightOf | ( | FOFTableNested | $siblingNode | ) |
Moves the current node (and its subtree) to the right of another node. The other node can be in a different position in the tree or even under a different root.
FOFTableNested | $siblingNode |
Exception | |
RuntimeException |
rebuild | ( | ) |
reorder | ( | $where = '' | ) |
Not supported in nested sets
string | $where | Ignored |
RuntimeException |
reset | ( | ) |
Method to reset class properties to the defaults set in the class definition. It will ignore the primary key as well as any private class properties.
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
get() will return all sibling nodes but not ourselves
protected |
protected |
get() will not return our root if it's part of the query results
protected |
get() will not return ourselves if it's part of the query results
whereRaw | ( | $rawWhereClause | ) |
Add custom, pre-compiled WHERE clauses for use in buildQuery. The raw WHERE clause you specify is added as is to the query generated by buildQuery. You are responsible for quoting and escaping the field names and data found inside the WHERE clause.
string | $rawWhereClause | The raw WHERE clause to add |
withoutNode | ( | FOFTableNested | $node | ) |
get() will not return the selected node if it's part of the query results
FOFTableNested | $node | The node to exclude from the results |
Références $db.
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |