Joomla CMS
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 4.2.2
Fonctions membres publiques statiques | |
static | getExtensionTypes () |
static | getExtensionGroups () |
static | getClientOptions () |
static | getStateOptions () |
static | getInstallationXML (string $element, string $type, int $clientId=1, ?string $folder=null) |
static | getDownloadKey (CMSObject $extension) |
static | getExtensionDownloadKey (string $element, string $type, int $clientId=1, ?string $folder=null) |
static | getDownloadKeySupportedSites ($onlyEnabled=false) |
static | getDownloadKeyExistsSites (bool $exists=true, $onlyEnabled=false) |
Fonctions membres protégées statiques | |
static | getUpdateSitesInformation (bool $onlyEnabled) |
Installer helper.
static |
Get a list of filter options for the application clients.
Références $options, Text\_(), et HTMLHelper\_().
Référencé par LocationField\getOptions().
static |
Get the download key of an extension going through their installation xml
CMSObject | $extension | element of an extension |
Références $extension, $prefix, $suffix, $value, et true.
Référencé par UpdatesiteModel\getItem(), et UpdatesitesModel\getItems().
Returns a list of update site IDs which are missing download keys. By default this returns all qualifying update sites, even if they are not enabled.
bool | $exists | [optional] If true, returns update sites with a valid download key. When false, returns update sites with an invalid / missing download key. |
bool | $onlyEnabled | [optional] Set true to only returned enabled update sites. |
NOTE: The closures are not inlined because in this case the Joomla Code Style standard produces two mutually exclusive errors, making the file impossible to commit. Using closures in variables makes the code less readable but works around that issue.
Références $extension.
Référencé par UpdatesitesModel\getListQuery().
static |
Returns a list of update site IDs which support download keys. By default this returns all qualifying update sites, even if they are not enabled.
bool | $onlyEnabled | [optional] Set true to only returned enabled update sites. |
NOTE: The closures are not inlined because in this case the Joomla Code Style standard produces two mutually exclusive errors, making the file impossible to commit. Using closures in variables makes the code less readable but works around that issue.
Références $extension.
Référencé par UpdatesitesModel\getListQuery().
static |
Get the download key of an extension given enough information to locate it in the #__extensions table
string | $element | Name of the extension, e.g. com_foo |
string | $type | The type of the extension, e.g. component |
int | $clientId | [optional] Joomla client for the extension, see the #__extensions table |
string | null | $folder | Extension folder, only applies for 'plugin' type |
Références $clientId, $db, $extension, $folder, $query, $type, Factory\getDbo(), ParameterType\INTEGER, et ParameterType\STRING.
static |
Get a list of filter options for the extension types.
Références $db, $folder, $options, $query, HTMLHelper\_(), et Factory\getDbo().
Référencé par FolderField\getOptions().
static |
Get a list of filter options for the extension types.
Références $db, $options, $query, $type, Text\_(), HTMLHelper\_(), et Factory\getDbo().
Référencé par TypeField\getOptions().
static |
Get a list of filter options for the application statuses.
string | $element | element of an extension |
string | $type | type of an extension |
integer | $clientId | client_id of an extension |
string | $folder | folder of an extension |
Références $clientId, $folder, $path, $type, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, JPATH_API, JPATH_SITE, et null.
Référencé par DatabaseModel\compareUpdateVersion(), DatabaseModel\fetchSchemaCache(), et DatabaseModel\fixUpdateVersion().
static |
Get a list of filter options for the application statuses.
Références $options, Text\_(), et HTMLHelper\_().
Référencé par ExtensionstatusField\getOptions().
staticprotected |
Get information about the update sites
bool | $onlyEnabled | Only return enabled update sites |
Références $db, $enabled, $item, $items, $query, Factory\getDbo(), et ParameterType\INTEGER.