Joomla CMS  4.2.2
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 4.2.2
Référence de la classe ConsoleEvents

Champs de données

const COMMAND = 'console.command'
const SIGNAL = 'console.signal'
const TERMINATE = 'console.terminate'
const ERROR = 'console.error'

Description détaillée

Contains all events dispatched by an Application.

Francesco Levorato

Documentation des champs


Valeur initiale :
= [
ConsoleCommandEvent::class => self::COMMAND

Event aliases.

These aliases can be consumed by RegisterListenersPass.


const COMMAND = 'console.command'

The COMMAND event allows you to attach listeners before any command is executed by the console. It also allows you to modify the command, input and output before they are handed to the command.


Référencé par Application\doRunCommand().


const ERROR = 'console.error'

The ERROR event occurs when an uncaught exception or error appears.

This event allows you to deal with the exception/error or to modify the thrown exception.


Référencé par Application\doRun(), Application\doRunCommand(), et ErrorListener\getSubscribedEvents().


const SIGNAL = 'console.signal'

The SIGNAL event allows you to perform some actions after the command execution was interrupted.


Référencé par Application\doRunCommand().


const TERMINATE = 'console.terminate'

The TERMINATE event allows you to attach listeners after a command is executed by the console.


Référencé par Application\doRunCommand(), et ErrorListener\getSubscribedEvents().

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