Joomla CMS
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 4.2.2
Fonctions membres publiques | |
__construct ($userAgent=null, $acceptEncoding=null, $acceptLanguage=null) | |
__get ($name) | |
Champs de données | |
const | WINDOWS = 1 |
const | WINDOWS_PHONE = 2 |
const | WINDOWS_CE = 3 |
const | IPHONE = 4 |
const | IPAD = 5 |
const | IPOD = 6 |
const | MAC = 7 |
const | BLACKBERRY = 8 |
const | ANDROID = 9 |
const | LINUX = 10 |
const | TRIDENT = 11 |
const | WEBKIT = 12 |
const | GECKO = 13 |
const | PRESTO = 14 |
const | KHTML = 15 |
const | AMAYA = 16 |
const | IE = 17 |
const | FIREFOX = 18 |
const | CHROME = 19 |
const | SAFARI = 20 |
const | OPERA = 21 |
const | ANDROIDTABLET = 22 |
const | EDGE = 23 |
const | BLINK = 24 |
const | EDG = 25 |
Fonctions membres protégées | |
detectBrowser ($userAgent) | |
detectEncoding ($acceptEncoding) | |
detectEngine ($userAgent) | |
detectLanguage ($acceptLanguage) | |
detectPlatform ($userAgent) | |
detectRobot ($userAgent) | |
detectHeaders () | |
Attributs protégés | |
$platform | |
$mobile = false | |
$engine | |
$browser | |
$browserVersion | |
$languages = [] | |
$encodings = [] | |
$userAgent | |
$acceptEncoding | |
$acceptLanguage | |
$robot = false | |
$detection = [] | |
$headers | |
Class constructor.
string | $userAgent | The optional user-agent string to parse. |
string | $acceptEncoding | The optional client accept encoding string to parse. |
string | $acceptLanguage | The optional client accept language string to parse. |
Références WebClient\$acceptEncoding, WebClient\$acceptLanguage, et WebClient\$userAgent.
__get | ( | $name | ) |
Magic method to get an object property's value by name.
string | $name | Name of the property for which to return a value. |
Références $name, $this, WebClient\detectBrowser(), WebClient\detectEncoding(), WebClient\detectEngine(), WebClient\detectHeaders(), WebClient\detectLanguage(), WebClient\detectPlatform(), et WebClient\detectRobot().
protected |
Detects the client browser and version in a user agent string.
string | $userAgent | The user-agent string to parse. |
Références $key, WebClient\$userAgent, et elseif.
Référencé par WebClient\__get().
protected |
Method to detect the accepted response encoding by the client.
string | $acceptEncoding | The client accept encoding string to parse. |
Références WebClient\$acceptEncoding.
Référencé par WebClient\__get().
protected |
Detects the client rendering engine in a user agent string.
string | $userAgent | The user-agent string to parse. |
Références $result, WebClient\$userAgent, $version, et elseif.
Référencé par WebClient\__get().
protected |
protected |
Method to detect the accepted languages by the client.
mixed | $acceptLanguage | The client accept language string to parse. |
Références WebClient\$acceptLanguage.
Référencé par WebClient\__get().
protected |
Detects the client platform in a user agent string.
string | $userAgent | The user-agent string to parse. |
Références WebClient\$userAgent, et elseif.
Référencé par WebClient\__get().
protected |
Determines if the browser is a robot or not.
string | $userAgent | The user-agent string to parse. |
Références WebClient\$userAgent.
Référencé par WebClient\__get().
protected |
Référencé par WebClient\__construct(), et WebClient\detectEncoding().
protected |
Référencé par WebClient\__construct(), et WebClient\detectLanguage().
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
const AMAYA = 16 |
const ANDROID = 9 |
const ANDROIDTABLET = 22 |
const BLACKBERRY = 8 |
const BLINK = 24 |
const CHROME = 19 |
const EDG = 25 |
const EDGE = 23 |
const FIREFOX = 18 |
const GECKO = 13 |
const IE = 17 |
const IPAD = 5 |
const IPHONE = 4 |
const IPOD = 6 |
const KHTML = 15 |
const LINUX = 10 |
const MAC = 7 |
const OPERA = 21 |
const PRESTO = 14 |
const SAFARI = 20 |
const TRIDENT = 11 |
const WEBKIT = 12 |
const WINDOWS = 1 |
const WINDOWS_CE = 3 |
const WINDOWS_PHONE = 2 |