Joomla CMS
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 4.2.2
Fonctions membres publiques statiques | |
static | getList (&$params) |
static | _cleanIntrotext ($introtext) |
static | truncate ($html, $maxLength=0) |
static | groupBy ($list, $fieldName, $direction, $fieldNameToKeep=null) |
static | groupByDate ($list, $direction='ksort', $type='year', $monthYearFormat='F Y', $field='created') |
static | groupByTags ($list, $direction='ksort') |
Helper for mod_articles_category
static |
Strips unnecessary tags from the introtext
string | $introtext | introtext to sanitize |
static |
Get a list of articles from a specific category
\Joomla\Registry\Registry | &$params | object holding the models parameters |
Références $app, $article, $authorised, $category, $input, $item, $items, $menu, $mode, $option, $ordering, $params, $view, Route\_(), HTMLHelper\_(), ContentComponent\CONDITION_PUBLISHED, elseif, Factory\getApplication(), RouteHelper\getArticleRoute(), Access\getAuthorisedViewLevels(), RouteHelper\getCategoryRoute(), Factory\getDbo(), ComponentHelper\getParams(), Factory\getUser(), PluginHelper\isEnabled(), et Joomla\Database\Query\rand().
static |
static |
Groups items by date
array | $list | list of items |
string | $direction | ordering direction |
string | $type | type of grouping |
string | $monthYearFormat | date format to use |
string | $field | date field to group by |
Références $date, $direction, $grouped, $item, $items, $key, $list, $type, et StringHelper\substr().
static |
Groups items by tags
array | $list | list of items |
string | $direction | ordering direction |
Références $direction, $grouped, $item, et $list.
static |
Method to truncate introtext
The goal is to get the proper length plain text string with as much of the html intact as possible with all tags properly closed.
string | $html | The content of the introtext to be truncated |
integer | $maxLength | The maximum number of characters to render |
Références $html, et HTMLHelper\_().