Joomla CMS  4.2.2
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 4.2.2
Référence de l'interface StreamInterface
+ Graphe d'héritage de StreamInterface:

Fonctions membres publiques

 __toString ()
 close ()
 detach ()
 getSize ()
 tell ()
 eof ()
 isSeekable ()
 seek ($offset, $whence=SEEK_SET)
 rewind ()
 isWritable ()
 write ($string)
 isReadable ()
 read ($length)
 getContents ()
 getMetadata ($key=null)

Description détaillée

Describes a data stream.

Typically, an instance will wrap a PHP stream; this interface provides a wrapper around the most common operations, including serialization of the entire stream to a string.

Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ __toString()

__toString ( )

Reads all data from the stream into a string, from the beginning to end.

This method MUST attempt to seek to the beginning of the stream before reading data and read the stream until the end is reached.

Warning: This could attempt to load a large amount of data into memory.

This method MUST NOT raise an exception in order to conform with PHP's string casting operations.

Voir également

Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, CallbackStream, et PhpInputStream.

◆ close()

close ( )

Closes the stream and any underlying resources.


Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, et CallbackStream.

◆ detach()

detach ( )

Separates any underlying resources from the stream.

After the stream has been detached, the stream is in an unusable state.

resource|null Underlying PHP stream, if any

Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, et CallbackStream.

◆ eof()

eof ( )

Returns true if the stream is at the end of the stream.


Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, et CallbackStream.

◆ getContents()

getContents ( )

Returns the remaining contents in a string


Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, et CallbackStream.

◆ getMetadata()

getMetadata (   $key = null)

Get stream metadata as an associative array or retrieve a specific key.

The keys returned are identical to the keys returned from PHP's stream_get_meta_data() function.

string $key Specific metadata to retrieve. array|mixed|null Returns an associative array if no key is provided. Returns a specific key value if a key is provided and the value is found, or null if the key is not found.

Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, et CallbackStream.

◆ getSize()

getSize ( )

Get the size of the stream if known.

int|null Returns the size in bytes if known, or null if unknown.

Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, et CallbackStream.

◆ isReadable()

isReadable ( )

Returns whether or not the stream is readable.


Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, et CallbackStream.

◆ isSeekable()

isSeekable ( )

Returns whether or not the stream is seekable.


Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, et CallbackStream.

◆ isWritable()

isWritable ( )

Returns whether or not the stream is writable.


Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, CallbackStream, et PhpInputStream.

◆ read()

read (   $length)

Read data from the stream.

int$lengthRead up to $length bytes from the object and return them. Fewer than $length bytes may be returned if underlying stream call returns fewer bytes.
string Returns the data read from the stream, or an empty string if no bytes are available.

Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, CallbackStream, et PhpInputStream.

◆ rewind()

rewind ( )

Seek to the beginning of the stream.

If the stream is not seekable, this method will raise an exception; otherwise, it will perform a seek(0).

Voir également
seek() on failure.

Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, et CallbackStream.

◆ seek()

◆ tell()

tell ( )

Returns the current position of the file read/write pointer

int Position of the file pointer

Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, et CallbackStream.

◆ write()

write (   $string)

Write data to the stream.

string$stringThe string that is to be written.
int Returns the number of bytes written to the stream.

Implémenté dans Stream, Stream, RelativeStream, et CallbackStream.

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