static | eq ($value, $value2, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | eqArraySubset ($value, $value2, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | same ($value, $value2, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | notEq ($value1, $value2, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | notSame ($value1, $value2, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | notInArray ($value, array $choices, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | integer ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | float ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | digit ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | integerish ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | boolean ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | scalar ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | notEmpty ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | noContent ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | null ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | notNull ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | string ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | regex ($value, $pattern, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | notRegex ($value, $pattern, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | length ($value, $length, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null, $encoding='utf8') |
static | minLength ($value, $minLength, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null, $encoding='utf8') |
static | maxLength ($value, $maxLength, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null, $encoding='utf8') |
static | betweenLength ($value, $minLength, $maxLength, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null, $encoding='utf8') |
static | startsWith ($string, $needle, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null, $encoding='utf8') |
static | endsWith ($string, $needle, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null, $encoding='utf8') |
static | contains ($string, $needle, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null, $encoding='utf8') |
static | notContains ($string, $needle, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null, $encoding='utf8') |
static | choice ($value, array $choices, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | inArray ($value, array $choices, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | numeric ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | isResource ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | isArray ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | isTraversable ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | isArrayAccessible ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | isCountable ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | keyExists ($value, $key, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | keyNotExists ($value, $key, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | uniqueValues (array $values, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | keyIsset ($value, $key, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | notEmptyKey ($value, $key, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | notBlank ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | isInstanceOf ($value, $className, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | notIsInstanceOf ($value, $className, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | subclassOf ($value, $className, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | range ($value, $minValue, $maxValue, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | min ($value, $minValue, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | max ($value, $maxValue, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | file ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | directory ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | readable ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | writeable ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | email ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | url ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | alnum ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | true ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | false ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | classExists ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | interfaceExists ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | implementsInterface ($class, $interfaceName, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | isJsonString ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | uuid ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | e164 ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | count ($countable, $count, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | minCount ($countable, $count, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | maxCount ($countable, $count, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | __callStatic ($method, $args) |
static | choicesNotEmpty (array $values, array $choices, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | methodExists ($value, $object, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | isObject ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | lessThan ($value, $limit, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | lessOrEqualThan ($value, $limit, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | greaterThan ($value, $limit, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | greaterOrEqualThan ($value, $limit, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | between ($value, $lowerLimit, $upperLimit, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | betweenExclusive ($value, $lowerLimit, $upperLimit, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | extensionLoaded ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | date ($value, $format, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | objectOrClass ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | propertyExists ($value, $property, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | propertiesExist ($value, array $properties, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | version ($version1, $operator, $version2, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | phpVersion ($operator, $version, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | extensionVersion ($extension, $operator, $version, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | isCallable ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | satisfy ($value, $callback, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | ip ($value, $flag=null, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | ipv4 ($value, $flag=null, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | ipv6 ($value, $flag=null, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | defined ($constant, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
static | base64 ($value, $message=null, string $propertyPath=null) |
Assert library.
- Auteur
- Benjamin Eberlei konta.nosp@m.kt@b.nosp@m.eberl.nosp@m.ei.d.nosp@m.e
static bool allAlnum(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is alphanumeric for all values. static bool allBase64(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a constant is defined for all values. static bool allBetween(mixed[] $value, mixed $lowerLimit, mixed $upperLimit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is greater or equal than a lower limit, and less than or equal to an upper limit for all values. static bool allBetweenExclusive(mixed[] $value, mixed $lowerLimit, mixed $upperLimit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is greater than a lower limit, and less than an upper limit for all values. static bool allBetweenLength(mixed[] $value, int $minLength, int $maxLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string length is between min and max lengths for all values. static bool allBoolean(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is php boolean for all values. static bool allChoice(mixed[] $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in array of choices for all values. static bool allChoicesNotEmpty(array[] $values, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the values array has every choice as key and that this choice has content for all values. static bool allClassExists(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the class exists for all values. static bool allContains(mixed[] $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string contains a sequence of chars for all values. static bool allCount(array[]|Countable[]|ResourceBundle[]|SimpleXMLElement[] $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the count of countable is equal to count for all values. static bool allDate(string[] $value, string $format, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that date is valid and corresponds to the given format for all values. static bool allDefined(mixed[] $constant, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a constant is defined for all values. static bool allDigit(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Validates if an integer or integerish is a digit for all values. static bool allDirectory(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a directory exists for all values. static bool allE164(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid E164 Phone Number for all values. static bool allEmail(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an email address (using input_filter/FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) for all values. static bool allEndsWith(mixed[] $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string ends with a sequence of chars for all values. static bool allEq(mixed[] $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are equal (using ==) for all values. static bool allEqArraySubset(mixed[] $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the array contains the subset for all values. static bool allExtensionLoaded(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that extension is loaded for all values. static bool allExtensionVersion(string[] $extension, string $operator, mixed $version, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that extension is loaded and a specific version is installed for all values. static bool allFalse(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is boolean False for all values. static bool allFile(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a file exists for all values. static bool allFloat(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php float for all values. static bool allGreaterOrEqualThan(mixed[] $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is greater or equal than given limit for all values. static bool allGreaterThan(mixed[] $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is greater than given limit for all values. static bool allImplementsInterface(mixed[] $class, string $interfaceName, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the class implements the interface for all values. static bool allInArray(mixed[] $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in array of choices. This is an alias of Assertion::choice() for all values. static bool allInteger(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php integer for all values. static bool allIntegerish(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php integer'ish for all values. static bool allInterfaceExists(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the interface exists for all values. static bool allIp(string[] $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv4 or IPv6 address for all values. static bool allIpv4(string[] $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv4 address for all values. static bool allIpv6(string[] $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv6 address for all values. static bool allIsArray(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array for all values. static bool allIsArrayAccessible(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or an array-accessible object for all values. static bool allIsCallable(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the provided value is callable for all values. static bool allIsCountable(array[]|Countable[]|ResourceBundle[]|SimpleXMLElement[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is countable for all values. static bool allIsInstanceOf(mixed[] $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is instance of given class-name for all values. static bool allIsJsonString(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid json string for all values. static bool allIsObject(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the provided value is an object for all values. static bool allIsResource(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a resource for all values. static bool allIsTraversable(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or a traversable object for all values. static bool allKeyExists(mixed[] $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array for all values. static bool allKeyIsset(mixed[] $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object using isset() for all values. static bool allKeyNotExists(mixed[] $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key does not exist in an array for all values. static bool allLength(mixed[] $value, int $length, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string has a given length for all values. static bool allLessOrEqualThan(mixed[] $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is less or equal than given limit for all values. static bool allLessThan(mixed[] $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is less than given limit for all values. static bool allMax(mixed[] $value, mixed $maxValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a number is smaller as a given limit for all values. static bool allMaxCount(array[]|Countable[]|ResourceBundle[]|SimpleXMLElement[] $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the countable have at most $count elements for all values. static bool allMaxLength(mixed[] $value, int $maxLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string value is not longer than $maxLength chars for all values. static bool allMethodExists(string[] $value, mixed $object, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the named method is defined in the provided object for all values. static bool allMin(mixed[] $value, mixed $minValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is at least as big as a given limit for all values. static bool allMinCount(array[]|Countable[]|ResourceBundle[]|SimpleXMLElement[] $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the countable have at least $count elements for all values. static bool allMinLength(mixed[] $value, int $minLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that a string is at least $minLength chars long for all values. static bool allNoContent(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is empty for all values. static bool allNotBlank(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not blank for all values. static bool allNotContains(mixed[] $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string does not contains a sequence of chars for all values. static bool allNotEmpty(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not empty for all values. static bool allNotEmptyKey(mixed[] $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object and its value is not empty for all values. static bool allNotEq(mixed[] $value1, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are not equal (using ==) for all values. static bool allNotInArray(mixed[] $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not in array of choices for all values. static bool allNotIsInstanceOf(mixed[] $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not instance of given class-name for all values. static bool allNotNull(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not null for all values. static bool allNotRegex(mixed[] $value, string $pattern, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value does not match a regex for all values. static bool allNotSame(mixed[] $value1, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are not the same (using ===) for all values. static bool allNull(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is null for all values. static bool allNumeric(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is numeric for all values. static bool allObjectOrClass(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object, or a class that exists for all values. static bool allPhpVersion(string[] $operator, mixed $version, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert on PHP version for all values. static bool allPropertiesExist(mixed[] $value, array $properties, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the properties all exist for all values. static bool allPropertyExists(mixed[] $value, string $property, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the property exists for all values. static bool allRange(mixed[] $value, mixed $minValue, mixed $maxValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in range of numbers for all values. static bool allReadable(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is something readable for all values. static bool allRegex(mixed[] $value, string $pattern, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value matches a regex for all values. static bool allSame(mixed[] $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are the same (using ===) for all values. static bool allSatisfy(mixed[] $value, callable $callback, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the provided value is valid according to a callback for all values. static bool allScalar(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a PHP scalar for all values. static bool allStartsWith(mixed[] $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string starts with a sequence of chars for all values. static bool allString(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a string for all values. static bool allSubclassOf(mixed[] $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is subclass of given class-name for all values. static bool allTrue(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is boolean True for all values. static bool allUniqueValues(array[] $values, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that values in array are unique (using strict equality) for all values. static bool allUrl(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an URL for all values. static bool allUuid(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid UUID for all values. static bool allVersion(string[] $version1, string $operator, string $version2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert comparison of two versions for all values. static bool allWriteable(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is something writeable for all values. static bool nullOrAlnum(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is alphanumeric or that the value is null. static bool nullOrBase64(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a constant is defined or that the value is null. static bool nullOrBetween(mixed|null $value, mixed $lowerLimit, mixed $upperLimit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is greater or equal than a lower limit, and less than or equal to an upper limit or that the value is null. static bool nullOrBetweenExclusive(mixed|null $value, mixed $lowerLimit, mixed $upperLimit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is greater than a lower limit, and less than an upper limit or that the value is null. static bool nullOrBetweenLength(mixed|null $value, int $minLength, int $maxLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string length is between min and max lengths or that the value is null. static bool nullOrBoolean(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is php boolean or that the value is null. static bool nullOrChoice(mixed|null $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in array of choices or that the value is null. static bool nullOrChoicesNotEmpty(array|null $values, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the values array has every choice as key and that this choice has content or that the value is null. static bool nullOrClassExists(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the class exists or that the value is null. static bool nullOrContains(mixed|null $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string contains a sequence of chars or that the value is null. static bool nullOrCount(array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement|null $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the count of countable is equal to count or that the value is null. static bool nullOrDate(string|null $value, string $format, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that date is valid and corresponds to the given format or that the value is null. static bool nullOrDefined(mixed|null $constant, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a constant is defined or that the value is null. static bool nullOrDigit(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Validates if an integer or integerish is a digit or that the value is null. static bool nullOrDirectory(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a directory exists or that the value is null. static bool nullOrE164(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid E164 Phone Number or that the value is null. static bool nullOrEmail(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an email address (using input_filter/FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) or that the value is null. static bool nullOrEndsWith(mixed|null $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string ends with a sequence of chars or that the value is null. static bool nullOrEq(mixed|null $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are equal (using ==) or that the value is null. static bool nullOrEqArraySubset(mixed|null $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the array contains the subset or that the value is null. static bool nullOrExtensionLoaded(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that extension is loaded or that the value is null. static bool nullOrExtensionVersion(string|null $extension, string $operator, mixed $version, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that extension is loaded and a specific version is installed or that the value is null. static bool nullOrFalse(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is boolean False or that the value is null. static bool nullOrFile(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a file exists or that the value is null. static bool nullOrFloat(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php float or that the value is null. static bool nullOrGreaterOrEqualThan(mixed|null $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is greater or equal than given limit or that the value is null. static bool nullOrGreaterThan(mixed|null $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is greater than given limit or that the value is null. static bool nullOrImplementsInterface(mixed|null $class, string $interfaceName, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the class implements the interface or that the value is null. static bool nullOrInArray(mixed|null $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in array of choices. This is an alias of Assertion::choice() or that the value is null. static bool nullOrInteger(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php integer or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIntegerish(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php integer'ish or that the value is null. static bool nullOrInterfaceExists(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the interface exists or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIp(string|null $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv4 or IPv6 address or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIpv4(string|null $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv4 address or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIpv6(string|null $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv6 address or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIsArray(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIsArrayAccessible(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or an array-accessible object or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIsCallable(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the provided value is callable or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIsCountable(array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is countable or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIsInstanceOf(mixed|null $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is instance of given class-name or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIsJsonString(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid json string or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIsObject(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the provided value is an object or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIsResource(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a resource or that the value is null. static bool nullOrIsTraversable(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or a traversable object or that the value is null. static bool nullOrKeyExists(mixed|null $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array or that the value is null. static bool nullOrKeyIsset(mixed|null $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object using isset() or that the value is null. static bool nullOrKeyNotExists(mixed|null $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key does not exist in an array or that the value is null. static bool nullOrLength(mixed|null $value, int $length, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string has a given length or that the value is null. static bool nullOrLessOrEqualThan(mixed|null $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is less or equal than given limit or that the value is null. static bool nullOrLessThan(mixed|null $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is less than given limit or that the value is null. static bool nullOrMax(mixed|null $value, mixed $maxValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a number is smaller as a given limit or that the value is null. static bool nullOrMaxCount(array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement|null $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the countable have at most $count elements or that the value is null. static bool nullOrMaxLength(mixed|null $value, int $maxLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string value is not longer than $maxLength chars or that the value is null. static bool nullOrMethodExists(string|null $value, mixed $object, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the named method is defined in the provided object or that the value is null. static bool nullOrMin(mixed|null $value, mixed $minValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is at least as big as a given limit or that the value is null. static bool nullOrMinCount(array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement|null $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the countable have at least $count elements or that the value is null. static bool nullOrMinLength(mixed|null $value, int $minLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that a string is at least $minLength chars long or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNoContent(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is empty or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNotBlank(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not blank or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNotContains(mixed|null $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string does not contains a sequence of chars or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNotEmpty(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not empty or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNotEmptyKey(mixed|null $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object and its value is not empty or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNotEq(mixed|null $value1, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are not equal (using ==) or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNotInArray(mixed|null $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not in array of choices or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNotIsInstanceOf(mixed|null $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not instance of given class-name or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNotNull(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not null or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNotRegex(mixed|null $value, string $pattern, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value does not match a regex or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNotSame(mixed|null $value1, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are not the same (using ===) or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNull(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is null or that the value is null. static bool nullOrNumeric(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is numeric or that the value is null. static bool nullOrObjectOrClass(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object, or a class that exists or that the value is null. static bool nullOrPhpVersion(string|null $operator, mixed $version, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert on PHP version or that the value is null. static bool nullOrPropertiesExist(mixed|null $value, array $properties, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the properties all exist or that the value is null. static bool nullOrPropertyExists(mixed|null $value, string $property, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the property exists or that the value is null. static bool nullOrRange(mixed|null $value, mixed $minValue, mixed $maxValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in range of numbers or that the value is null. static bool nullOrReadable(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is something readable or that the value is null. static bool nullOrRegex(mixed|null $value, string $pattern, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value matches a regex or that the value is null. static bool nullOrSame(mixed|null $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are the same (using ===) or that the value is null. static bool nullOrSatisfy(mixed|null $value, callable $callback, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the provided value is valid according to a callback or that the value is null. static bool nullOrScalar(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a PHP scalar or that the value is null. static bool nullOrStartsWith(mixed|null $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string starts with a sequence of chars or that the value is null. static bool nullOrString(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a string or that the value is null. static bool nullOrSubclassOf(mixed|null $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is subclass of given class-name or that the value is null. static bool nullOrTrue(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is boolean True or that the value is null. static bool nullOrUniqueValues(array|null $values, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that values in array are unique (using strict equality) or that the value is null. static bool nullOrUrl(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an URL or that the value is null. static bool nullOrUuid(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid UUID or that the value is null. static bool nullOrVersion(string|null $version1, string $operator, string $version2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert comparison of two versions or that the value is null. static bool nullOrWriteable(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is something writeable or that the value is null.