Joomla CMS  3.10.11 (avec JPlatform 13.1 inclus)
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Référence de la classe FOFIntegrationJoomlaFilesystem
+ Graphe d'héritage de FOFIntegrationJoomlaFilesystem:

Fonctions membres publiques

 __construct ()
 fileExists ($path)
 fileDelete ($file)
 fileCopy ($src, $dest, $path=null, $use_streams=false)
 fileWrite ($file, &$buffer, $use_streams=false)
 pathCheck ($path)
 pathClean ($path, $ds=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
 pathFind ($paths, $file)
 folderExists ($path)
 folderFiles ($path, $filter='.', $recurse=false, $full=false, $exclude=array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX'), $excludefilter=array('^\..*', '.*~'), $naturalSort=false)
 folderFolders ($path, $filter='.', $recurse=false, $full=false, $exclude=array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX'), $excludefilter=array('^\..*'))
 folderCreate ($path='', $mode=0755)
- Fonctions membres publiques hérités de FOFPlatformFilesystem
 getExt ($file)
 stripExt ($file)
- Fonctions membres publiques hérités de FOFPlatformFilesystemInterface
 fileCopy ($src, $dest)
 fileWrite ($file, &$buffer)
 folderFiles ($path, $filter='.', $recurse=false, $full=false, $exclude=array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX'), $excludefilter=array('^\..*', '.*~'))

Membres hérités additionnels

- Fonctions membres protégées statiques hérités de FOFPlatformFilesystem
static getFiles ($path, array $ignoreFolders=array(), array $ignoreFiles=array())
static scanDirectory ($path, array $ignoreFolders=array(), array $ignoreFiles=array())
- Attributs protégés statiques hérités de FOFPlatformFilesystem
static $paths = array()

Documentation des constructeurs et destructeur

◆ __construct()

__construct ( )

Références JLoader\import().

Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ fileCopy()

fileCopy (   $src,
  $path = null,
  $use_streams = false 

Copies a file

string$srcThe path to the source file
string$destThe path to the destination file
string$pathAn optional base path to prefix to the file names
boolean$use_streamsTrue to use streams
@return  boolean  True on success

Références $path.

◆ fileDelete()

fileDelete (   $file)

Delete a file or array of files

mixed$fileThe file name or an array of file names
boolean True on success

Implémente FOFPlatformFilesystemInterface.

Références $file.

◆ fileExists()

fileExists (   $path)

Does the file exists?

$pathstring Path to the file to test

Implémente FOFPlatformFilesystemInterface.

Références $path.

◆ fileWrite()

fileWrite (   $file,
  $use_streams = false 

Write contents to a file

string$fileThe full file path
string&$bufferThe buffer to write
boolean$use_streamsUse streams
@return  boolean  True on success

Références $buffer, et $file.

◆ folderCreate()

folderCreate (   $path = '',
  $mode = 0755 

Create a folder – and all necessary parent folders.

string$pathA path to create from the base path.
integer$modeDirectory permissions to set for folders created. 0755 by default.
boolean True if successful.

Implémente FOFPlatformFilesystemInterface.

Références $mode, et $path.

◆ folderExists()

folderExists (   $path)

Wrapper for the standard file_exists function

string$pathFolder name relative to installation dir
boolean True if path is a folder

Implémente FOFPlatformFilesystemInterface.

Références $path.

◆ folderFiles()

folderFiles (   $path,
  $filter = '.',
  $recurse = false,
  $full = false,
  $exclude = array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX'),
  $excludefilter = array('^\..*', '.*~'),
  $naturalSort = false 

Utility function to read the files in a folder.

string$pathThe path of the folder to read.
string$filterA filter for file names.
mixed$recurseTrue to recursively search into sub-folders, or an integer to specify the maximum depth.
boolean$fullTrue to return the full path to the file.
array$excludeArray with names of files which should not be shown in the result.
array$excludefilterArray of filter to exclude
boolean$naturalSortFalse for asort, true for natsort
@return  array  Files in the given folder.

Références $filter, et $path.

◆ folderFolders()

folderFolders (   $path,
  $filter = '.',
  $recurse = false,
  $full = false,
  $exclude = array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX'),
  $excludefilter = array('^\..*') 

Utility function to read the folders in a folder.

string$pathThe path of the folder to read.
string$filterA filter for folder names.
mixed$recurseTrue to recursively search into sub-folders, or an integer to specify the maximum depth.
boolean$fullTrue to return the full path to the folders.
array$excludeArray with names of folders which should not be shown in the result.
array$excludefilterArray with regular expressions matching folders which should not be shown in the result.
array Folders in the given folder.

Implémente FOFPlatformFilesystemInterface.

Références $filter, et $path.

◆ pathCheck()

pathCheck (   $path)

Checks for snooping outside of the file system root.

string$pathA file system path to check.
string A cleaned version of the path or exit on error.

Implémente FOFPlatformFilesystemInterface.

Références $path.

◆ pathClean()

pathClean (   $path,

Function to strip additional / or \ in a path name.

string$pathThe path to clean.
string$dsDirectory separator (optional).
string The cleaned path.

Implémente FOFPlatformFilesystemInterface.

Références $path.

◆ pathFind()

pathFind (   $paths,

Searches the directory paths for a given file.

mixed$pathsAn path string or array of path strings to search in
string$fileThe file name to look for.
mixed The full path and file name for the target file, or boolean false if the file is not found in any of the paths.

Implémente FOFPlatformFilesystemInterface.

Références $file.

La documentation de cette classe a été générée à partir du fichier suivant :