Joomla CMS  4.2.2
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 4.2.2
Référence de la classe AbstractSerializer
+ Graphe d'héritage de AbstractSerializer:

Champs de données

const CR = "\r"
const EOL = "\r\n"
const LF = "\n"

Fonctions membres protégées statiques

static getLine (StreamInterface $stream)
static splitStream (StreamInterface $stream)
static serializeHeaders (array $headers)
static filterHeader ($header)

Description détaillée

Provides base functionality for request and response de/serialization strategies, including functionality for retrieving a line at a time from the message, splitting headers from the body, and serializing headers.

Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ filterHeader()

static filterHeader (   $header)

Filter a header name to wordcase

Références $header.

◆ getLine()

static getLine ( StreamInterface  $stream)

Retrieve a single line from the stream.

Retrieves a line from the stream; a line is defined as a sequence of characters ending in a CRLF sequence.


Références Laminas\Diactoros\$stream, DeserializationException\forUnexpectedCarriageReturn(), DeserializationException\forUnexpectedEndOfHeaders(), et DeserializationException\forUnexpectedLineFeed().

◆ serializeHeaders()

static serializeHeaders ( array  $headers)

Serialize headers to string values.

Références $header, et $value.

◆ splitStream()

static splitStream ( StreamInterface  $stream)

Split the stream into headers and body content.

Returns an array containing two elements

  • The first is an array of headers
  • The second is a StreamInterface containing the body content

Références Laminas\Diactoros\$stream, $value, DeserializationException\forInvalidHeader(), et DeserializationException\forInvalidHeaderContinuation().

Documentation des champs

◆ CR

const CR = "\r"


const EOL = "\r\n"

◆ LF

const LF = "\n"

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