Joomla CMS
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 4.2.2
Fonctions membres publiques | |
__construct (&$subject, $config) | |
onStartIndex () | |
onBeforeIndex () | |
onBuildIndex () | |
onFinderGarbageCollection () | |
Fonctions membres publiques hérités de CMSPlugin | |
__construct (&$subject, $config=array()) | |
loadLanguage ($extension='', $basePath=JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) | |
setApplication (CMSApplicationInterface $application) | |
Fonctions membres publiques hérités de DispatcherAwareInterface | |
setDispatcher (DispatcherInterface $dispatcher) | |
Fonctions membres publiques hérités de PluginInterface | |
registerListeners () | |
Fonctions membres protégées | |
change ($id, $property, $value) | |
index (Result $item) | |
reindex ($id) | |
remove ($id, $removeTaxonomies=true) | |
setup () | |
categoryAccessChange ($row) | |
categoryStateChange ($pks, $value) | |
checkCategoryAccess ($row) | |
checkItemAccess ($row) | |
getContentCount () | |
getItem ($id) | |
getItems ($offset, $limit, $query=null) | |
getListQuery ($query=null) | |
getPluginType ($id) | |
getStateQuery () | |
getUpdateQueryByTime ($time) | |
getUpdateQueryByIds ($ids) | |
getTypeId () | |
getUrl ($id, $extension, $view) | |
getItemMenuTitle ($url) | |
itemAccessChange ($row) | |
itemStateChange ($pks, $value) | |
pluginDisable ($pks) | |
translateState ($item, $category=null) | |
Fonctions membres protégées hérités de CMSPlugin | |
registerLegacyListener (string $methodName) | |
registerListener (string $methodName) | |
getApplication () | |
Attributs protégés | |
$context | |
$extension | |
$layout | |
$mime | |
$old_access | |
$old_cataccess | |
$type_title | |
$type_id | |
$db | |
$table | |
$indexer | |
$state_field = 'state' | |
Attributs protégés hérités de CMSPlugin | |
$_name = null | |
$_type = null | |
$autoloadLanguage = false | |
$allowLegacyListeners = true | |
Membres hérités additionnels | |
Champs de données hérités de CMSPlugin | |
$params = null | |
Prototype adapter class for the Finder indexer package.
__construct | ( | & | $subject, |
$config | |||
) |
Method to instantiate the indexer adapter.
object | $subject | The object to observe. |
array | $config | An array that holds the plugin configuration. |
Références $config, $subject, Symfony\Contracts\Service\__construct(), et Helper\addContentType().
protected |
protected |
protected |
Method to change the value of a content item's property in the links table. This is used to synchronize published and access states that are changed when not editing an item directly.
string | $id | The ID of the item to change. |
string | $property | The property that is being changed. |
integer | $value | The new value of that property. |
Exception | on database error. |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
Method to get the page title of any menu item that is linked to the content item, if it exists and is set.
string | $url | The URL of the item. |
Exception | on database error. |
Références $groups, $params, $query, $return, $url, $user, Factory\getUser(), et null.
protected |
Method to get a list of content items to index.
integer | $offset | The list offset. |
integer | $limit | The list limit. |
QueryInterface | $query | A QueryInterface object. [optional] |
Exception | on database error. |
Références $item, $items, $layout, $limit, Joomla\Database\Query\$offset, $query, class, et ArrayHelper\toObject().
protected |
Method to get the SQL query used to retrieve the list of content items.
mixed | $query | A QueryInterface object. [optional] |
Références $query.
protected |
protected |
Method to get a SQL query to load the published and access states for an article and category.
Références $query.
protected |
Method to get the type id for the adapter content.
Exception | on database error. |
Références $query.
protected |
Method to get the query clause for getting items to update by id.
array | $ids | The ids to load. |
Références $query.
protected |
Method to get the query clause for getting items to update by time.
string | $time | The modified timestamp. |
Références $query.
protected |
Method to get the URL for the item. The URL is how we look up the link in the Finder index.
integer | $id | The id of the item. |
string | $extension | The extension the category is in. |
string | $view | The view for the URL. |
Références $extension, $id, et $view.
abstractprotected |
protected |
protected |
onBeforeIndex | ( | ) |
Method to prepare for the indexer to be run. This method will often be used to include dependencies and things of that nature.
Exception | on error. |
Références $context, et Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\getState().
onBuildIndex | ( | ) |
Method to index a batch of content items. This method can be called by the indexer many times throughout the indexing process depending on how much content is available for indexing. It is important to track the progress correctly so we can display it to the user.
Exception | on error. |
Références $context, $i, $items, $limit, $n, Joomla\Database\Query\$offset, Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\getState(), et Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\setState().
onFinderGarbageCollection | ( | ) |
onStartIndex | ( | ) |
Method to get the adapter state and push it into the indexer.
Exception | on error. |
Références $context, $total, Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\getState(), et Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\setState().
protected |
protected |
Method to reindex an item.
integer | $id | The ID of the item to reindex. |
Exception | on database error. |
Références $id, $item, et Taxonomy\removeOrphanNodes().
protected |
Method to remove an item from the index.
string | $id | The ID of the item to remove. |
bool | $removeTaxonomies | Remove empty taxonomies |
Exception | on database error. |
Références $id, $item, $items, $query, $url, extension, et Factory\getApplication().
abstractprotected |
Method to setup the adapter before indexing.
Exception | on database error. |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |