| getTable ($type='ViewLevel', $prefix='Joomla\\CMS\\Table\\', $config=array()) |
| getItem ($pk=null) |
| getForm ($data=array(), $loadData=true) |
| save ($data) |
| validate ($form, $data, $group=null) |
| __construct ($config=array(), MVCFactoryInterface $factory=null, FormFactoryInterface $formFactory=null) |
| batch ($commands, $pks, $contexts) |
| checkin ($pks=array()) |
| checkout ($pk=null) |
| delete (&$pks) |
| getItem ($pk=null) |
| publish (&$pks, $value=1) |
| reorder ($pks, $delta=0) |
| save ($data) |
| saveorder ($pks=array(), $order=null) |
| generateTitle ($categoryId, $table) |
| initBatch () |
| editAssociations ($data) |
| __construct ($config=array(), MVCFactoryInterface $factory=null, FormFactoryInterface $formFactory=null) |
| checkin ($pk=null) |
| checkout ($pk=null) |
| validate ($form, $data, $group=null) |
| __construct ($config=array(), MVCFactoryInterface $factory=null) |
| getTable ($name='', $prefix='', $options=array()) |
| isCheckedOut ($item) |
| getDbo () |
| setDbo (DatabaseInterface $db=null) |
| __get ($name) |
| __construct ($config=array()) |
| getName () |
| __construct ($properties=null) |
| __toString () |
| def ($property, $default=null) |
| get ($property, $default=null) |
| getProperties ($public=true) |
| getError ($i=null, $toString=true) |
| getErrors () |
| set ($property, $value=null) |
| setProperties ($properties) |
| setError ($error) |
| getState ($property=null, $default=null) |
| setState ($property, $value=null) |
| setDispatcher (DispatcherInterface $dispatcher) |
| setCurrentUser (User $currentUser) |
| setCacheControllerFactory (CacheControllerFactoryInterface $factory) |
| setDatabase (DatabaseInterface $db) |
| setFormFactory (FormFactoryInterface $factory) |
| canDelete ($record) |
| loadFormData () |
| preprocessForm (Form $form, $data, $group='') |
| batchAccess ($value, $pks, $contexts) |
| batchCopy ($value, $pks, $contexts) |
| cleanupPostBatchCopy (TableInterface $table, $newId, $oldId) |
| batchLanguage ($value, $pks, $contexts) |
| batchMove ($value, $pks, $contexts) |
| batchTag ($value, $pks, $contexts) |
| canDelete ($record) |
| canEditState ($record) |
| generateNewTitle ($categoryId, $alias, $title) |
| getReorderConditions ($table) |
| populateState () |
| prepareTable ($table) |
| checkCategoryId ($categoryId) |
| redirectToAssociations ($data) |
| _getList ($query, $limitstart=0, $limit=0) |
| _getListCount ($query) |
| _createTable ($name, $prefix='Table', $config=array()) |
| bootComponent ($component) |
| dispatchEvent (EventInterface $event) |
Method to test whether a record can be deleted.
- Paramètres
object | $record | A record object. |
- Renvoie
- boolean True if allowed to delete the record. Defaults to the permission set in the component.
- Depuis
- 1.6
We are looking for the access field. If custom tables are using something other than the 'access' field they are on their own unfortunately. Also make sure the table prefix matches the live db prefix (eg, it is not a "bak_" table)
Références $db, $fields, $groups, $prefix, $query, $this, Text\_(), Access\checkGroup(), Joomla\Database\getDatabase(), Factory\getUser(), null, et Text\sprintf().