| getModel ($name='form', $prefix='', $config=array('ignore_request'=> true)) |
| submit () |
| cancel ($key=null) |
| __construct ( $config=array(), MVCFactoryInterface $factory=null, ?CMSApplication $app=null, ?Input $input=null, FormFactoryInterface $formFactory=null) |
| add () |
| batch ($model) |
| cancel ($key=null) |
| edit ($key=null, $urlVar=null) |
| getModel ($name='', $prefix='', $config=array('ignore_request'=> true)) |
| save ($key=null, $urlVar=null) |
| editAssociations () |
| __construct ($config=array(), MVCFactoryInterface $factory=null, ?CMSApplication $app=null, ?Input $input=null) |
| addViewPath ($path) |
| execute ($task) |
| getModel ($name='', $prefix='', $config=array()) |
| getName () |
| getTask () |
| getTasks () |
| getView ($name='', $type='', $prefix='', $config=array()) |
| redirect () |
| registerDefaultTask ($method) |
| registerTask ($task, $method) |
| unregisterTask ($task) |
| setMessage ($text, $type='message') |
| checkToken ($method='post', $redirect=true) |
| setRedirect ($url, $msg=null, $type=null) |
| setDispatcher (DispatcherInterface $dispatcher) |
| setFormFactory (FormFactoryInterface $factory) |
| allowAdd ($data=array()) |
| allowEdit ($data=array(), $key='id') |
| getRedirectToItemAppend ($recordId=0, $urlVar='id') |
| getReturnPage () |
| allowAdd ($data=[]) |
| allowEdit ($data=[], $key='id') |
| allowSave ($data, $key='id') |
| getRedirectToItemAppend ($recordId=null, $urlVar='id') |
| getRedirectToListAppend () |
| postSaveHook (BaseDatabaseModel $model, $validData=array()) |
| addPath ($type, $path) |
| checkEditId ($context, $id) |
| createModel ($name, $prefix='', $config=array()) |
| createView ($name, $prefix='', $type='', $config=array()) |
| holdEditId ($context, $id) |
| releaseEditId ($context, $id) |
| setPath ($type, $path) |
Controller for single contact view
- Depuis
- 1.5.19
_sendEmail |
( |
$data, |
$contact, |
$emailCopyToSender |
) |
| |
private |
Method to get a model object, loading it if required.
- Paramètres
array | $data | The data to send in the email. |
\stdClass | $contact | The user information to send the email to |
boolean | $emailCopyToSender | True to send a copy of the email to the user. |
- Renvoie
- boolean True on success sending the email, false on failure.
- Depuis
- 1.6.4
Références $app, $data, $fields, $output, Text\_(), Log\add(), MailTemplate\addRecipient(), Uri\base(), PunycodeHelper\emailToPunycode(), FieldsHelper\getFields(), User\getInstance(), FieldsHelper\render(), et Log\WARNING.