Joomla CMS  4.2.2
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 4.2.2
Référence de la classe PropelCollector
+ Graphe d'héritage de PropelCollector:

Fonctions membres publiques

 __construct (LoggerInterface $logger=null, PropelPDO $conn=null)
 setLogQueriesToLogger ($enable=true)
 isLogQueriesToLogger ()
 emergency ($m)
 alert ($m)
 crit ($m)
 err ($m)
 warning ($m)
 notice ($m)
 info ($m)
 debug ($m)
 log ($message, $severity=null)
 collect ()
 getName ()
 getWidgets ()
 getAssets ()
- Fonctions membres publiques hérités de DataCollector
 setDataFormatter (DataFormatterInterface $formater)
 getDataFormatter ()
 getXdebugLink ($file, $line=1)
 setVarDumper (DebugBarVarDumper $varDumper)
 getVarDumper ()
 formatVar ($var)
 formatDuration ($seconds)
 formatBytes ($size, $precision=2)
 getXdebugLinkTemplate ()
 setXdebugLinkTemplate ($xdebugLinkTemplate, $shouldUseAjax=false)
 getXdebugShouldUseAjax ()
 getXdebugReplacements ()
 setXdebugReplacements ($xdebugReplacements)
 setXdebugReplacement ($serverPath, $replacement)

Fonctions membres publiques statiques

static enablePropelProfiling (PropelConfiguration $config=null)
- Fonctions membres publiques statiques hérités de DataCollector
static setDefaultDataFormatter (DataFormatterInterface $formater)
static getDefaultDataFormatter ()
static setDefaultVarDumper (DebugBarVarDumper $varDumper)
static getDefaultVarDumper ()

Fonctions membres protégées

 convertLogLevel ($level)
 parseAndLogSqlQuery ($message)

Attributs protégés

 $statements = array()
 $accumulatedTime = 0
 $peakMemory = 0
- Attributs protégés hérités de DataCollector
 $xdebugLinkTemplate = ''
 $xdebugShouldUseAjax = false
 $xdebugReplacements = array()

Description détaillée

A Propel logger which acts as a data collector

Will log queries and display them using the SQLQueries widget. You can provide a LoggerInterface object to forward non-query related message to.

Example: $debugbar->addCollector(new PropelCollector($debugbar['messages'])); PropelCollector::enablePropelProfiling();

Documentation des constructeurs et destructeur

◆ __construct()

__construct ( LoggerInterface  $logger = null,
PropelPDO  $conn = null 
LoggerInterface$loggerA logger to forward non-query log lines to
PropelPDO$connBound this collector to a connection only

Références PropelCollector\$logger, $this, et Psr\Log\setLogger().

Documentation des fonctions membres

◆ alert()

alert (   $m)

Références PropelCollector\log().

◆ collect()

collect ( )

Called by the DebugBar when data needs to be collected

array Collected data

Implémente DataCollectorInterface.

Références DataCollector\formatBytes(), et DataCollector\formatDuration().

◆ convertLogLevel()

convertLogLevel (   $level)

Converts Propel log levels to PSR log levels


Références LogLevel\ALERT, LogLevel\CRITICAL, LogLevel\DEBUG, LogLevel\EMERGENCY, LogLevel\ERROR, LogLevel\NOTICE, et LogLevel\WARNING.

Référencé par PropelCollector\log().

◆ crit()

crit (   $m)

Références PropelCollector\log().

◆ debug()

debug (   $m)

Références PropelCollector\log().

◆ emergency()

emergency (   $m)

Références PropelCollector\log().

◆ enablePropelProfiling()

static enablePropelProfiling ( PropelConfiguration  $config = null)

Sets the needed configuration option in propel to enable query logging

PropelConfiguration$configApply profiling on a specific config

Références $config, et null.

◆ err()

err (   $m)

Références PropelCollector\log().

◆ getAssets()

getAssets ( )

Returns an array with the following keys:

  • base_path
  • base_url
  • css: an array of filenames
  • js: an array of filenames
  • inline_css: an array map of content ID to inline CSS content (not including <style> tag)
  • inline_js: an array map of content ID to inline JS content (not including <script> tag)
  • inline_head: an array map of content ID to arbitrary inline HTML content (typically <style>/<script> tags); it must be embedded within the <head> element

All keys are optional.

Ideally, you should store static assets in filenames that are returned via the normal css/js keys. However, the inline asset elements are useful when integrating with 3rd-party libraries that require static assets that are only available in an inline format.

The inline content arrays require special string array keys: the caller of this function will use them to deduplicate content. This is particularly useful if multiple instances of the same asset provider are used. Inline assets from all collectors are merged together into the same array, so these content IDs effectively deduplicate the inline assets.


Implémente AssetProvider.

◆ getName()

getName ( )

Returns the unique name of the collector


Implémente DataCollectorInterface.

◆ getWidgets()

getWidgets ( )

Returns a hash where keys are control names and their values an array of options as defined in {

Voir également

Implémente Renderable.

◆ info()

info (   $m)

Références PropelCollector\log().

◆ isLogQueriesToLogger()

isLogQueriesToLogger ( )

◆ log()

◆ notice()

notice (   $m)

Références PropelCollector\log().

◆ parseAndLogSqlQuery()

parseAndLogSqlQuery (   $message)

Parse a log line to extract query information


Références $message, $parts, $sql, elseif, DataCollector\formatBytes(), et DataCollector\formatDuration().

Référencé par PropelCollector\log().

◆ setLogQueriesToLogger()

setLogQueriesToLogger (   $enable = true)

Références $this.

◆ warning()

warning (   $m)

Références PropelCollector\log().

Documentation des champs

◆ $accumulatedTime

$accumulatedTime = 0

◆ $logger


Référencé par PropelCollector\__construct().

◆ $peakMemory

$peakMemory = 0

◆ $statements

$statements = array()

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