Liste de tous les membres
Fonctions membres publiques |
| __construct (&$subject, $config) |
| onFinderDelete ($context, $table) |
| onFinderAfterSave ($context, $row, $isNew) |
| onFinderBeforeSave ($context, $row, $isNew) |
| onFinderChangeState ($context, $pks, $value) |
| onStartIndex () |
| onBeforeIndex () |
| onBuildIndex () |
| loadLanguage ($extension= '', $basePath=JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) |
| __construct (&$subject) |
| update (&$args) |
| __construct ($properties=null) |
| __toString () |
| def ($property, $default=null) |
| get ($property, $default=null) |
| getProperties ($public=true) |
| getError ($i=null, $toString=true) |
| getErrors () |
| set ($property, $value=null) |
| setProperties ($properties) |
| setError ($error) |
| toString () |
Fonctions membres protégées |
| index (FinderIndexerResult $item, $format= 'html') |
| setup () |
| getListQuery ($sql=null) |
| getStateQuery () |
| change ($id, $property, $value) |
| index (FinderIndexerResult $item) |
| reindex ($id) |
| remove ($id) |
| categoryAccessChange ($row) |
| categoryStateChange ($pks, $value) |
| checkCategoryAccess ($row) |
| checkItemAccess ($row) |
| getContentCount () |
| getItem ($id) |
| getItems ($offset, $limit, $sql=null) |
| getPluginType ($id) |
| getUpdateQueryByTime ($time) |
| getUpdateQueryByIds ($ids) |
| getTypeId () |
| getURL ($id, $extension, $view) |
| getItemMenuTitle ($url) |
| itemAccessChange ($row) |
| itemStateChange ($pks, $value) |
| pluginDisable ($pks) |
| translateState ($item, $category=null) |
Documentation des constructeurs et destructeur
plgFinderCategories::__construct |
( |
& |
$subject, |
$config |
) |
| |
- Paramètres:
object | &$subject | The object to observe |
array | $config | An array that holds the plugin configuration |
- Depuis:
- 2.5
Réimplémentée à partir de FinderIndexerAdapter.
Références $config.
Documentation des fonctions membres
plgFinderCategories::getListQuery |
( |
$sql = null | ) |
protected |
plgFinderCategories::getStateQuery |
( |
| ) |
protected |
Method to get a SQL query to load the published and access states for a category and section.
- Renvoie:
- JDatabaseQuery A database object.
- Depuis:
- 2.5
Réimplémentée à partir de FinderIndexerAdapter.
Method to index an item. The item must be a FinderIndexerResult object.
- Paramètres:
- Renvoie:
- void
- Depuis:
- 2.5
- Exceptions:
Exception | on database error. |
Références $class, $extension, $title, FinderIndexerResult\addInstruction(), FinderIndexerResult\addTaxonomy(), JFile\exists(), ContentHelperRoute\getCategoryRoute(), FinderIndexerHelper\getContentExtras(), FinderIndexerHelper\getContentPath(), FinderIndexer\index(), JComponentHelper\isEnabled(), JPATH_SITE, JRegistry\loadString(), FinderIndexer\META_CONTEXT, et FinderIndexerHelper\prepareContent().
plgFinderCategories::onFinderAfterSave |
( |
$context, |
$row, |
$isNew |
) |
| |
Method to determine if the access level of an item changed.
- Paramètres:
string | $context | The context of the content passed to the plugin. |
JTable | $row | A JTable object |
boolean | $isNew | If the content has just been created |
- Renvoie:
- boolean True on success.
- Depuis:
- 2.5
- Exceptions:
Exception | on database error. |
Références $row.
plgFinderCategories::onFinderBeforeSave |
( |
$context, |
$row, |
$isNew |
) |
| |
Method to reindex the link information for an item that has been saved. This event is fired before the data is actually saved so we are going to queue the item to be indexed later.
- Paramètres:
string | $context | The context of the content passed to the plugin. |
JTable | $row | A JTable object |
boolean | $isNew | If the content is just about to be created |
- Renvoie:
- boolean True on success.
- Depuis:
- 2.5
- Exceptions:
Exception | on database error. |
Références $row.
plgFinderCategories::onFinderChangeState |
( |
$context, |
$pks, |
$value |
) |
| |
Method to update the link information for items that have been changed from outside the edit screen. This is fired when the item is published, unpublished, archived, or unarchived from the list view.
- Paramètres:
string | $context | The context for the content passed to the plugin. |
array | $pks | A list of primary key ids of the content that has changed state. |
integer | $value | The value of the state that the content has been changed to. |
- Renvoie:
- void
- Depuis:
- 2.5
Références $item.
plgFinderCategories::onFinderDelete |
( |
$context, |
$table |
) |
| |
Method to remove the link information for items that have been deleted.
- Paramètres:
string | $context | The context of the action being performed. |
JTable | $table | A JTable object containing the record to be deleted |
- Renvoie:
- boolean True on success.
- Depuis:
- 2.5
- Exceptions:
Exception | on database error. |
Références $id, et elseif.
plgFinderCategories::setup |
( |
| ) |
protected |
Method to setup the indexer to be run.
- Renvoie:
- boolean True on success.
- Depuis:
- 2.5
Réimplémentée à partir de FinderIndexerAdapter.
Références JPATH_SITE.
Documentation des données membres
plgFinderCategories::$context = 'Categories' |
protected |
plgFinderCategories::$extension = 'com_categories' |
protected |
plgFinderCategories::$layout = 'category' |
protected |
plgFinderCategories::$state_field = 'published' |
protected |
plgFinderCategories::$table = '#__categories' |
protected |
plgFinderCategories::$type_title = 'Category' |
protected |
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