Joomla CMS  2.5.24 (avec JPlatform 11.4 inclus)
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Référence de la classe JHtmlString

Liste de tous les membres

Fonctions membres publiques statiques

static truncate ($text, $length=0, $noSplit=true, $allowHtml=true)
static abridge ($text, $length=50, $intro=30)

Documentation des fonctions membres

static JHtmlString::abridge (   $text,
  $length = 50,
  $intro = 30 

Abridges text strings over the specified character limit. The behavior will insert an ellipsis into the text replacing a section of variable size to ensure the string does not exceed the defined maximum length. This method is UTF-8 safe.

For example, it transforms "Really long title" to "Really...title".

Note that this method does not scan for HTML tags so will potentially break them.

string$textThe text to abridge.
integer$lengthThe maximum length of the text (default is 50).
integer$introThe maximum length of the intro text (default is 30).
string The abridged text.

Références $text, JString\strlen(), et JString\substr().

+ Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

static JHtmlString::truncate (   $text,
  $length = 0,
  $noSplit = true,
  $allowHtml = true 

Truncates text blocks over the specified character limit and closes all open HTML tags. The method will optionally not truncate an individual word, it will find the first space that is within the limit and truncate at that point. This method is UTF-8 safe.

string$textThe text to truncate.
integer$lengthThe maximum length of the text.
boolean$noSplitDon't split a word if that is where the cutoff occurs (default: true).
boolean$allowHtmlAllow HTML tags in the output, and close any open tags (default: true).
string The truncated text.

Références $i, $text, ENT_QUOTES, JString\strlen(), JString\strrpos(), JString\substr(), et JString\trim().

+ Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

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