![]() |
Joomla CMS
2.5.24 (avec JPlatform 11.4 inclus)
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 2.5 et du framework Joomla Platform intégré
Fonctions membres publiques statiques | |
static | _ ($key) |
static | register ($key, $function) |
static | unregister ($key) |
static | isRegistered ($key) |
static | link ($url, $text, $attribs=null) |
static | iframe ($url, $name, $attribs=null, $noFrames= '') |
static | image ($file, $alt, $attribs=null, $relative=false, $path_only=false) |
static | stylesheet ($file, $attribs=array(), $relative=false, $path_only=false, $detect_browser=true, $detect_debug=true) |
static | script ($file, $framework=false, $relative=false, $path_only=false, $detect_browser=true, $detect_debug=true) |
static | core ($debug=null) |
static | setFormatOptions ($options) |
static | date ($input= 'now', $format=null, $tz=true, $gregorian=false) |
static | tooltip ($tooltip, $title= '', $image= 'tooltip.png', $text= '', $href= '', $alt= 'Tooltip', $class= 'hasTip') |
static | calendar ($value, $name, $id, $format= '%Y-%m-%d', $attribs=null) |
static | addIncludePath ($path= '') |
Attributs publics statiques | |
static | $formatOptions = array('format.depth' => 0, 'format.eol' => "\n", 'format.indent' => "\t") |
Fonctions membres protégées statiques | |
static | extract ($key) |
static | call ($function, $args) |
static | _includeRelativeFiles ($file, $relative, $detect_browser, $folder) |
static | includeRelativeFiles ($folder, $file, $relative, $detect_browser, $detect_debug) |
Attributs protégés statiques | |
static | $includePaths = array() |
static | $registry = array() |
static |
Class loader method
Additional arguments may be supplied and are passed to the sub-class. Additional include paths are also able to be specified for third-party use
string | $key | The name of helper method to load, (prefix).(class).function prefix and class are optional and can be used to load custom html helpers. |
Références $file, $function, $includePaths, $key, $path, call(), JPath\find(), jimport(), JError\raiseError(), register(), et JText\sprintf().
Référencé par ContentController\__construct(), plgContentEmailcloak\_cloak(), plgEditorNone\_displayButtons(), JButtonStandard\_getCommand(), JButtonConfirm\_getCommand(), JElementList\_getOptions(), JElementComponentLayouts\_getOptions(), JHtmlTabs\_loadBehavior(), JHtmlSliders\_loadBehavior(), JPaneTabs\_loadBehavior(), JPaneSliders\_loadBehavior(), JHtmlBatch\access(), JHtmlList\accesslevel(), JHtmlJGrid\action(), RedirectModelLink\activate(), JHtmlUsers\addNote(), CategoriesViewCategory\addToolbar(), CategoriesViewCategories\addToolbar(), JHtmlRules\assetFormWidget(), JHtmlAccess\assetgrouplist(), MenusHtmlMenus\association(), JHtmlSelect\booleanlist(), JHtmlIcons\button(), JHtmlIcons\buttons(), plgUserProfile\calendar(), JHtmlBehavior\caption(), JHtmlCategory\categories(), JHtmlList\category(), JHtmlBanner\clients(), JHtmlLanguages\clients(), JHtmlBehavior\combobox(), core(), JHtmlIcon\create(), JHtmlFilter\dates(), MediaViewImages\display(), MediaViewImagesList\display(), MediaViewMedia\display(), MediaViewMediaList\display(), SearchViewSearch\display(), ContentViewArchive\display(), CategoriesViewCategories\display(), ContactViewCategory\display(), ContactViewContact\display(), JoomlaupdateViewUpdate\display(), ContentViewArticles\display(), JoomlaupdateViewDefault\display(), FinderViewSearch\display(), FinderViewIndexer\display(), MenusViewItems\display(), ContactViewFeatured\display(), InstallerViewDefault\display(), ContentController\display(), LanguagesViewOverride\display(), plgSystemDebug\displayMemoryUsage(), JHtmlIcon\edit(), JHtmlIcon\email(), JHtmlContentAdministrator\featured(), JHtmlContact\featured(), JButtonPopup\fetchButton(), JElementArticle\fetchElement(), JElementAuthor\fetchElement(), JElementContact\fetchElement(), JElementNewsfeed\fetchElement(), JElementRadio\fetchElement(), JElementSQL\fetchElement(), JElementTemplateStyle\fetchElement(), JElementUserGroup\fetchElement(), JElementMenu\fetchElement(), JElementFilelist\fetchElement(), JElementCategory\fetchElement(), JElementFolderlist\fetchElement(), JElementHelpsites\fetchElement(), JElementEditors\fetchElement(), JElementMenuItem\fetchElement(), JElementTimezones\fetchElement(), JElementLanguages\fetchElement(), JElementCalendar\fetchElement(), JElementList\fetchElement(), JHtmlUsers\filterNotes(), JHtmlBehavior\formvalidation(), JHtmlBehavior\framework(), JHtmlList\genericordering(), UsersHelper\getActiveOptions(), ModulesHelper\getAssignmentOptions(), CacheHelper\getClientOptions(), TemplatesHelper\getClientOptions(), ModulesHelper\getClientOptions(), BannersHelper\getClientOptions(), MediaModelManager\getFolderList(), JFormFieldGroupedList\getGroups(), JFormFieldMenuItem\getGroups(), JFormFieldTemplateStyle\getGroups(), JFormFieldTimezone\getGroups(), JFormFieldModal_Newsfeeds\getInput(), JFormFieldClient\getInput(), JFormFieldModal_Article\getInput(), JFormFieldModal_Contacts\getInput(), JFormFieldGroup\getInput(), JFormFieldOrdering\getInput(), JFormFieldType\getInput(), JFormFieldMenutype\getInput(), JFormFieldModulePosition\getInput(), JFormFieldUser\getInput(), JFormFieldColor\getInput(), JFormFieldUsergroup\getInput(), JFormFieldList\getInput(), JFormFieldPassword\getInput(), JFormFieldCombo\getInput(), JFormFieldModuleLayout\getInput(), JFormFieldComponentLayout\getInput(), JFormFieldCalendar\getInput(), JFormFieldRules\getInput(), JFormFieldAccessLevel\getInput(), JFormFieldMedia\getInput(), JFormFieldGroupedList\getInput(), JFormFieldTos\getLabel(), modLoginHelper\getLanguageList(), UsersHelperDebug\getLevelsOptions(), JPagination\getLimitBox(), modArticlesNewsHelper\getList(), modArticlesCategoryHelper\getList(), modStatsHelper\getList(), JoomlaupdateHelperSelect\getMethods(), JFormFieldSample\getOptions(), JFormFieldCategoryEdit\getOptions(), JFormFieldSearchFilter\getOptions(), JFormFieldSQL\getOptions(), JFormFieldSessionHandler\getOptions(), JFormFieldCacheHandler\getOptions(), JFormFieldContentLanguage\getOptions(), JFormFieldInteger\getOptions(), JFormFieldFolderList\getOptions(), JFormFieldDirectories\getOptions(), JFormFieldMenu\getOptions(), JFormFieldCategory\getOptions(), JFormFieldFileList\getOptions(), JFormFieldList\getOptions(), JFormFieldRadio\getOptions(), JFormFieldCheckboxes\getOptions(), ModulesHelper\getPositions(), UsersHelper\getRangeOptions(), modSearchHelper\getSearchImage(), ModulesHelper\getStateOptions(), MessagesHelper\getStateOptions(), UsersHelper\getStateOptions(), JHtmlUser\groups(), JHtmlList\images(), JHtmlSelect\integerlist(), JHtmlBatch\item(), JHtmlBatch\language(), JHtmlAccess\level(), JHtmlMenu\linkoptions(), JHtmlFinder\mapslist(), JHtmlMenu\menuitemlist(), JHtmlMenu\menuitems(), JHtmlBehavior\modal(), modChrome_sliders(), modChrome_tabs(), JHtmlBehavior\multiselect(), JHtmlUsers\notes(), PlgSystemHighlight\onAfterDispatch(), plgSystemDebug\onAfterDispatch(), plgContentVote\onContentBeforeDisplay(), plgContentPagebreak\onContentPrepare(), plgButtonPagebreak\onDisplay(), plgButtonImage\onDisplay(), plgButtonArticle\onDisplay(), plgEditorCodemirror\onInit(), plgCaptchaRecaptcha\onInit(), JHtmlCategory\options(), JPagination\orderDownIcon(), JHtmlMenu\ordering(), JHtmlList\ordering(), JPagination\orderUpIcon(), JHtmlBanner\pinned(), JHtmlModules\positions(), JHtmlList\positions(), JHtmlIcon\print_popup(), JHtmlIcon\print_screen(), JHtmlLanguages\published(), JHtmlRedirect\published(), RedirectHelper\publishedOptions(), JHtmlLanguages\publishedOptions(), JHtmlDate\relative(), script(), JHtmlFilter\select(), modBreadCrumbsHelper\setSeparator(), JHtmlMessages\state(), InstallerHtmlManage\state(), JHtmlModules\state(), MenusHtmlMenus\state(), JHtmlFinder\statelist(), PluginsHelper\stateOptions(), JHtmlBehavior\switcher(), JHtmlModules\templates(), JHtmlModules\templateStates(), JHtmlTemplates\thumb(), JHtmlBehavior\tree(), modArticlesCategoryHelper\truncate(), JHtmlModules\types(), JHtmlFinder\typeslist(), plgUserProfile\url(), JHtmlBatch\user(), JHtmlAccess\usergroup(), et JHtmlList\users().
staticprotected |
Compute the files to be include
string | $file | path to file |
boolean | $relative | path to file is relative to /media folder |
boolean | $detect_browser | detect browser to include specific browser files |
string | $folder | folder name to search into (images, css, js, ...) |
Références $file, $folder, JLog\add(), et JLog\WARNING.
static |
Add a directory where JHtml should search for helpers. You may either pass a string or an array of directories.
string | $path | A path to search. |
Références $includePaths, $path, JPath\clean(), et jimport().
Référencé par ModulesViewModules\display(), UsersViewUsers\display(), FinderViewFilters\display(), FinderViewSearch\display(), FinderViewFilter\display(), InstallerViewManage\display(), FinderViewIndex\display(), FinderViewMaps\display(), BannersViewBanners\display(), UsersViewNote\display(), et UsersViewNotes\display().
static |
Displays a calendar control field
string | $value | The date value |
string | $name | The name of the text field |
string | $id | The id of the text field |
string | $format | The date format |
array | $attribs | Additional HTML attributes |
Références $attribs, $disabled, $id, $name, JText\_(), JFactory\getDocument(), JFactory\getLanguage(), null, et JArrayHelper\toString().
Référencé par JHtmlFilter\dates().
staticprotected |
Function caller method
string | $function | Function or method to call |
array | $args | Arguments to be passed to function |
Références $function, JText\_(), et JError\raiseError().
Référencé par _().
static |
Add the /media/system/js/core Javascript file.
boolean | $debug | True if debugging is enabled. |
Références _(), JLog\add(), et JLog\WARNING.
Returns formated date according to a given format and time zone.
string | $input | String in a format accepted by date(), defaults to "now". |
string | $format | Format optional format for strftime |
mixed | $tz | Time zone to be used for the date. Special cases: boolean true for user setting, boolean false for server setting. |
boolean | $gregorian | True to use Gregorian calenar |
Références $config, $date, $user, JText\_(), elseif, JFactory\getConfig(), JFactory\getDate(), JFactory\getLanguage(), JFactory\getUser(), et null.
Référencé par FinderViewSearch\display().
staticprotected |
static |
Write a <iframe></iframe> element
string | $url | The relative URL to use for the src attribute |
string | $name | The target attribute to use |
array | $attribs | An associative array of attributes to add |
string | $noFrames | The message to display if the iframe tag is not supported |
Références $attribs, $name, $url, et JArrayHelper\toString().
Write a element
string | $file | The relative or absolute URL to use for the src attribute |
string | $alt | The alt text. |
string | $attribs | The target attribute to use |
array | $relative | An associative array of attributes to add |
boolean | $path_only | If set to true, it tries to find an override for the file in the template |
Références $attribs, $file, null, et JArrayHelper\toString().
staticprotected |
Compute the files to be include
string | $folder | folder name to search into (images, css, js, ...) |
string | $file | path to file |
boolean | $relative | path to file is relative to /media folder |
boolean | $detect_browser | detect browser to include specific browser files |
boolean | $detect_debug | detect debug to include compressed files if debug is on |
Références $app, $extension, $file, $files, $template, JURI\base(), elseif, JFactory\getApplication(), JFactory\getConfig(), JFile\getExt(), JBrowser\getInstance(), JPATH_ROOT, JPATH_THEMES, JURI\root(), et JFile\stripExt().
static |
Test if the key is registered.
string | $key | The name of the key |
Références $key.
Référencé par plgUserProfile\onContentPrepareData().
static |
Write a element
string | $url | The relative URL to use for the href attribute |
string | $text | The target attribute to use |
array | $attribs | An associative array of attributes to add |
Références $attribs, $text, $url, et JArrayHelper\toString().
static |
Registers a function to be called with a specific key
string | $key | The name of the key |
string | $function | Function or method |
Références $function, et $key.
Référencé par _(), et plgUserProfile\onContentPrepareData().
static |
Write a <script></script> element
string | $file | path to file |
boolean | $framework | load the JS framework |
boolean | $relative | path to file is relative to /media folder |
boolean | $path_only | return the path to the file only |
boolean | $detect_browser | detect browser to include specific browser js files |
boolean | $detect_debug | detect debug to search for compressed files if debug is on |
Références $file, _(), JLog\add(), elseif, JFactory\getDocument(), null, et JLog\WARNING.
Référencé par FinderViewIndexer\display(), et JHtmlFilter\slider().
static |
Set format related options.
Updates the formatOptions array with all valid values in the passed array. See {
array | $options | Option key/value pairs. |
static |
Write a <link rel="stylesheet" style="text/css"> element
string | $file | path to file | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
array | $attribs | attributes to be added to the stylesheet | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
boolean | $relative | path to file is relative to /media folder | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
boolean | $path_only | return the path to the file only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
boolean | $detect_browser | detect browser to include specific browser css files will try to include file, file_*browser*, file_*browser*_*major*, file_*browser*_*major*_*minor*
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
boolean | $detect_debug | detect debug to search for compressed files if debug is on |
Références $attribs, $file, JLog\add(), elseif, JFactory\getDocument(), null, et JLog\WARNING.
Référencé par JHtmlFilter\dates(), FinderViewIndexer\display(), JHtmlFilter\select(), et JHtmlFilter\slider().
static |
Creates a tooltip with an image as button
string | $tooltip | The tip string |
mixed | $title | The title of the tooltip or an associative array with keys contained in {'title','image','text','href','alt'} and values corresponding to parameters of the same name. |
string | $image | The image for the tip, if no text is provided |
string | $text | The text for the tip |
string | $href | An URL that will be used to create the link |
string | $alt | The alt attribute for img tag |
string | $class | CSS class for the tool tip |
static |
Removes a key for a method from registry.
string | $key | The name of the key |
Références $key.
static |
Référencé par JHtmlSelect\genericlist(), JHtmlSelect\groupedlist(), JHtmlSelect\integerlist(), et JHtmlSelect\options().
staticprotected |
Référencé par _(), et addIncludePath().
staticprotected |