Liste de tous les membres
Fonctions membres publiques |
| __construct (&$_db) |
| publish ($pks=null, $state=1, $userId=0) |
| __construct ($table, $key, &$db) |
| getFields () |
| getTableName () |
| getKeyName () |
| getDbo () |
| setDBO (&$db) |
| setRules ($input) |
| getRules () |
| reset () |
| bind ($src, $ignore=array()) |
| load ($keys=null, $reset=true) |
| check () |
| store ($updateNulls=false) |
| save ($src, $orderingFilter= '', $ignore= '') |
| delete ($pk=null) |
| checkOut ($userId, $pk=null) |
| checkIn ($pk=null) |
| hit ($pk=null) |
| isCheckedOut ($with=0, $against=null) |
| getNextOrder ($where= '') |
| reorder ($where= '') |
| move ($delta, $where= '') |
| canDelete ($pk=null, $joins=null) |
| toXML ($mapKeysToText=false) |
| __construct ($properties=null) |
| __toString () |
| def ($property, $default=null) |
| get ($property, $default=null) |
| getProperties ($public=true) |
| getError ($i=null, $toString=true) |
| getErrors () |
| set ($property, $value=null) |
| setProperties ($properties) |
| setError ($error) |
| toString () |
Documentation des constructeurs et destructeur
BannersTableClient::__construct |
( |
& |
$_db | ) |
Documentation des fonctions membres
BannersTableClient::publish |
( |
$pks = null , |
$state = 1 , |
$userId = 0 |
) |
| |
Method to set the publishing state for a row or list of rows in the database table. The method respects checked out rows by other users and will attempt to checkin rows that it can after adjustments are made.
- Paramètres:
mixed | An optional array of primary key values to update. If not set the instance property value is used. |
integer | The publishing state. eg. [0 = unpublished, 1 = published] |
integer | The user id of the user performing the operation. |
- Renvoie:
- boolean True on success.
- Depuis:
- 1.0.4
Réimplémentée à partir de JTable.
Références $state, $userId, JText\_(), et JArrayHelper\toInteger().
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