Get the list of files/data from a ZIP archive buffer.
$entries = array();
$fhLast = strpos($data, $this->_ctrlDirEnd);
$last = $fhLast;
while (($fhLast = strpos($data, $this->_ctrlDirEnd, $fhLast + 1)) !== false);
$offset = 0;
if ($last)
$endOfCentralDirectory = unpack(
'vNumberOfDisk/vNoOfDiskWithStartOfCentralDirectory/vNoOfCentralDirectoryEntriesOnDisk/' .
substr($data, $last + 4)
$offset = $endOfCentralDirectory['CentralDirectoryOffset'];
$fhStart = strpos($data, $this->_ctrlDirHeader, $offset);
$dataLength = strlen($data);
if ($dataLength < $fhStart + 31)
if (class_exists('JError'))
throw new RuntimeException('Invalid Zip Data');
$info = unpack('vMethod/VTime/VCRC32/VCompressed/VUncompressed/vLength', substr($data, $fhStart + 10, 20));
$name = substr($data, $fhStart + 46, $info['Length']);
$entries[$name] = array(
'attr' => null,
'crc' => sprintf("%08s", dechex($info['CRC32'])),
'csize' => $info['Compressed'],
'date' => null,
'_dataStart' => null,
'name' => $name,
'method' => $this->_methods[$info['Method']],
'_method' => $info['Method'],
'size' => $info['Uncompressed'],
'type' => null
$entries[$name]['date'] = mktime(
(($info['Time'] >> 11) & 0x1f),
(($info['Time'] >> 5) & 0x3f),
(($info['Time'] << 1) & 0x3e),
(($info['Time'] >> 21) & 0x07),
(($info['Time'] >> 16) & 0x1f),
((($info['Time'] >> 25) & 0x7f) + 1980)
if ($dataLength < $fhStart + 43)
if (class_exists('JError'))
throw new RuntimeException('Invalid ZIP data');
$info = unpack('vInternal/VExternal/VOffset', substr($data, $fhStart + 36, 10));
$entries[$name]['type'] = ($info['Internal'] & 0x01) ? 'text' : 'binary';
$entries[$name]['attr'] = (($info['External'] & 0x10) ? 'D' : '-') . (($info['External'] & 0x20) ? 'A' : '-')
. (($info['External'] & 0x03) ? 'S' : '-') . (($info['External'] & 0x02) ? 'H' : '-') . (($info['External'] & 0x01) ? 'R' : '-');
$entries[$name]['offset'] = $info['Offset'];
$lfhStart = strpos($data, $this->_fileHeader, $entries[$name]['offset']);
if ($dataLength < $lfhStart + 34)
if (class_exists('JError'))
throw new RuntimeException('Invalid Zip Data');
$info = unpack('vMethod/VTime/VCRC32/VCompressed/VUncompressed/vLength/vExtraLength', substr($data, $lfhStart + 8, 25));
$name = substr($data, $lfhStart + 30, $info['Length']);
$entries[$name]['_dataStart'] = $lfhStart + 30 + $info['Length'] + $info['ExtraLength'];
while ((($fhStart = strpos($data, $this->_ctrlDirHeader, $fhStart + 46)) !== false));
$this->_metadata = array_values($entries);
return true;