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Référence de la classe SimplePie_Misc

Liste de tous les membres

Fonctions membres publiques

 time_hms ($seconds)
 absolutize_url ($relative, $base)
 remove_dot_segments ($input)
 get_element ($realname, $string)
 element_implode ($element)
 error ($message, $level, $file, $line)
 display_cached_file ($identifier_url, $cache_location= './cache', $cache_extension= 'spc', $cache_class= 'SimplePie_Cache', $cache_name_function= 'md5')
 fix_protocol ($url, $http=1)
 parse_url ($url)
 compress_parse_url ($scheme= '', $authority= '', $path= '', $query= '', $fragment= '')
 normalize_url ($url)
 percent_encoding_normalization ($match)
 utf8_bad_replace ($str)
 change_encoding ($data, $input, $output)
 encoding ($charset)
 get_curl_version ()
 is_subclass_of ($class1, $class2)
 strip_comments ($data)
 parse_date ($dt)
 uncomment_rfc822 ($string)
 parse_mime ($mime)
 htmlspecialchars_decode ($string, $quote_style)
 atom_03_construct_type ($attribs)
 atom_10_construct_type ($attribs)
 atom_10_content_construct_type ($attribs)
 is_isegment_nz_nc ($string)
 space_seperated_tokens ($string)
 array_unique ($array)
 xml_encoding ($data)
 output_javascript ()

Fonctions membres publiques statiques

 windows_1252_to_utf8 ($string)
 entities_decode ($data)
 codepoint_to_utf8 ($codepoint)
 stripos ($haystack, $needle, $offset=0)
 parse_str ($str)

Description détaillée

Définition à la ligne 9075 du fichier simplepie.php.

Documentation des fonctions membres

SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url (   $relative,

Définition à la ligne 9105 du fichier simplepie.php.

Références SimplePie_IRI\absolutize().

Référencé par SimplePie_Locator\autodiscovery(), SimplePie_Locator\get_base(), SimplePie\get_favicon(), SimplePie_Locator\get_links(), SimplePie_Sanitize\replace_urls(), SimplePie_Sanitize\sanitize(), SimplePie_File\SimplePie_File(), et SimplePie_Parser\tag_open().

$iri = SimplePie_IRI::absolutize(new SimplePie_IRI($base), $relative);
return $iri->get_iri();

+ Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::array_unique (   $array)

Définition à la ligne 11068 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie\get_authors(), SimplePie_Item\get_authors(), SimplePie_Source\get_authors(), SimplePie\get_categories(), SimplePie_Item\get_categories(), SimplePie_Source\get_categories(), SimplePie\get_contributors(), SimplePie_Item\get_contributors(), SimplePie_Source\get_contributors(), et SimplePie_Item\get_enclosures().

if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2', '>='))
return array_unique($array);
$array = (array) $array;
$new_array = array();
$new_array_strings = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
if (is_object($value))
if (method_exists($value, '__toString'))
$cmp = $value->__toString();
trigger_error('Object of class ' . get_class($value) . ' could not be converted to string', E_USER_ERROR);
elseif (is_array($value))
$cmp = (string) reset($value);
$cmp = (string) $value;
if (!in_array($cmp, $new_array_strings))
$new_array[$key] = $value;
$new_array_strings[] = $cmp;
return $new_array;

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::atom_03_construct_type (   $attribs)

Définition à la ligne 10955 du fichier simplepie.php.


Référencé par SimplePie_Item\get_content(), SimplePie\get_copyright(), SimplePie_Source\get_copyright(), SimplePie\get_description(), SimplePie_Item\get_description(), SimplePie_Source\get_description(), SimplePie\get_title(), SimplePie_Item\get_title(), et SimplePie_Source\get_title().

if (isset($attribs['']['mode']) && strtolower(trim($attribs['']['mode']) === 'base64'))
if (isset($attribs['']['type']))
switch (strtolower(trim($attribs['']['type'])))
case 'text':
case 'text/plain':
case 'html':
case 'text/html':
case 'xhtml':
case 'application/xhtml+xml':

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::atom_10_construct_type (   $attribs)

Définition à la ligne 10991 du fichier simplepie.php.


Référencé par SimplePie\get_copyright(), SimplePie_Item\get_copyright(), SimplePie_Source\get_copyright(), SimplePie\get_description(), SimplePie_Item\get_description(), SimplePie_Source\get_description(), SimplePie\get_title(), SimplePie_Item\get_title(), et SimplePie_Source\get_title().

if (isset($attribs['']['type']))
switch (strtolower(trim($attribs['']['type'])))
case 'text':
case 'html':
case 'xhtml':

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::atom_10_content_construct_type (   $attribs)

Définition à la ligne 11013 du fichier simplepie.php.


Référencé par SimplePie_Item\get_content().

if (isset($attribs['']['type']))
$type = strtolower(trim($attribs['']['type']));
switch ($type)
case 'text':
case 'html':
case 'xhtml':
if (in_array(substr($type, -4), array('+xml', '/xml')) || substr($type, 0, 5) === 'text/')

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::change_encoding (   $data,

Définition à la ligne 9413 du fichier simplepie.php.

Références encoding(), et windows_1252_to_utf8().

Référencé par SimplePie\init(), SimplePie_Sanitize\sanitize(), et xml_encoding().

$input = SimplePie_Misc::encoding($input);
$output = SimplePie_Misc::encoding($output);
// We fail to fail on non US-ASCII bytes
if ($input === 'US-ASCII')
static $non_ascii_octects = '';
if (!$non_ascii_octects)
for ($i = 0x80; $i <= 0xFF; $i++)
$non_ascii_octects .= chr($i);
$data = substr($data, 0, strcspn($data, $non_ascii_octects));
// This is first, as behaviour of this is completely predictable
if ($input === 'Windows-1252' && $output === 'UTF-8')
// This is second, as behaviour of this varies only with PHP version (the middle part of this expression checks the encoding is supported).
elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && @mb_convert_encoding("\x80", 'UTF-16BE', $input) !== "\x00\x80" && ($return = @mb_convert_encoding($data, $output, $input)))
return $return;
// This is last, as behaviour of this varies with OS userland and PHP version
elseif (function_exists('iconv') && ($return = @iconv($input, $output, $data)))
return $return;
// If we can't do anything, just fail
return false;

+ Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::codepoint_to_utf8 (   $codepoint)

Converts a unicode codepoint to a UTF-8 character


int$codepointUnicode codepoint
string UTF-8 character

Définition à la ligne 11118 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie_Decode_HTML_Entities\entity().

$codepoint = (int) $codepoint;
if ($codepoint < 0)
return false;
else if ($codepoint <= 0x7f)
return chr($codepoint);
else if ($codepoint <= 0x7ff)
return chr(0xc0 | ($codepoint >> 6)) . chr(0x80 | ($codepoint & 0x3f));
else if ($codepoint <= 0xffff)
return chr(0xe0 | ($codepoint >> 12)) . chr(0x80 | (($codepoint >> 6) & 0x3f)) . chr(0x80 | ($codepoint & 0x3f));
else if ($codepoint <= 0x10ffff)
return chr(0xf0 | ($codepoint >> 18)) . chr(0x80 | (($codepoint >> 12) & 0x3f)) . chr(0x80 | (($codepoint >> 6) & 0x3f)) . chr(0x80 | ($codepoint & 0x3f));
return "\xEF\xBF\xBD";

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::compress_parse_url (   $scheme = '',
  $authority = '',
  $path = '',
  $query = '',
  $fragment = '' 

Définition à la ligne 9333 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par fix_protocol(), SimplePie_Enclosure\SimplePie_Enclosure(), et SimplePie_File\SimplePie_File().

$iri = new SimplePie_IRI('');
return $iri->get_iri();

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::display_cached_file (   $identifier_url,
  $cache_location = './cache',
  $cache_extension = 'spc',
  $cache_class = 'SimplePie_Cache',
  $cache_name_function = 'md5' 

If a file has been cached, retrieve and display it.

This is most useful for caching images (get_favicon(), etc.), however it works for all cached files. This WILL NOT display ANY file/image/page/whatever, but rather only display what has already been cached by SimplePie.


Voir également:
str$identifier_urlURL that is used to identify the content. This may or may not be the actual URL of the live content.
str$cache_locationLocation of SimplePie's cache. Defaults to './cache'.
str$cache_extensionThe file extension that the file was cached with. Defaults to 'spc'.
str$cache_className of the cache-handling class being used in SimplePie. Defaults to 'SimplePie_Cache', and should be left as-is unless you've overloaded the class.
str$cache_name_functionObsolete. Exists for backwards compatibility reasons only.

Définition à la ligne 9267 du fichier simplepie.php.

$cache = call_user_func(array($cache_class, 'create'), $cache_location, $identifier_url, $cache_extension);
if ($file = $cache->load())
if (isset($file['headers']['content-type']))
header('Content-type:' . $file['headers']['content-type']);
header('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 604800) . ' GMT'); // 7 days
echo $file['body'];
die('Cached file for ' . $identifier_url . ' cannot be found.');
SimplePie_Misc::element_implode (   $element)

Définition à la ligne 9202 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie_Sanitize\replace_urls(), et SimplePie_Sanitize\sanitize().

$full = "<$element[tag]";
foreach ($element['attribs'] as $key => $value)
$key = strtolower($key);
$full .= " $key=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value['data']) . '"';
if ($element['self_closing'])
$full .= ' />';
$full .= ">$element[content]</$element[tag]>";
return $full;

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::encoding (   $charset)

Définition à la ligne 9454 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par change_encoding().

// Normalization from UTS #22
switch (strtolower(preg_replace('/(?:[^a-zA-Z0-9]+|([^0-9])0+)/', '\1', $charset)))
case 'adobestandardencoding':
case 'csadobestandardencoding':
return 'Adobe-Standard-Encoding';
case 'adobesymbolencoding':
case 'cshppsmath':
return 'Adobe-Symbol-Encoding';
case 'ami1251':
case 'amiga1251':
return 'Amiga-1251';
case 'ansix31101983':
case 'csat5001983':
case 'csiso99naplps':
case 'isoir99':
case 'naplps':
return 'ANSI_X3.110-1983';
case 'arabic7':
case 'asmo449':
case 'csiso89asmo449':
case 'iso9036':
case 'isoir89':
return 'ASMO_449';
case 'big5':
case 'csbig5':
case 'xxbig5':
return 'Big5';
case 'big5hkscs':
return 'Big5-HKSCS';
case 'bocu1':
case 'csbocu1':
return 'BOCU-1';
case 'brf':
case 'csbrf':
return 'BRF';
case 'bs4730':
case 'csiso4unitedkingdom':
case 'gb':
case 'iso646gb':
case 'isoir4':
case 'uk':
return 'BS_4730';
case 'bsviewdata':
case 'csiso47bsviewdata':
case 'isoir47':
return 'BS_viewdata';
case 'cesu8':
case 'cscesu8':
return 'CESU-8';
case 'ca':
case 'csa71':
case 'csaz243419851':
case 'csiso121canadian1':
case 'iso646ca':
case 'isoir121':
return 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-1';
case 'csa72':
case 'csaz243419852':
case 'csiso122canadian2':
case 'iso646ca2':
case 'isoir122':
return 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-2';
case 'csaz24341985gr':
case 'csiso123csaz24341985gr':
case 'isoir123':
return 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr';
case 'csiso139csn369103':
case 'csn369103':
case 'isoir139':
return 'CSN_369103';
case 'csdecmcs':
case 'dec':
case 'decmcs':
return 'DEC-MCS';
case 'csiso21german':
case 'de':
case 'din66003':
case 'iso646de':
case 'isoir21':
return 'DIN_66003';
case 'csdkus':
case 'dkus':
return 'dk-us';
case 'csiso646danish':
case 'dk':
case 'ds2089':
case 'iso646dk':
return 'DS_2089';
case 'csibmebcdicatde':
case 'ebcdicatde':
return 'EBCDIC-AT-DE';
case 'csebcdicatdea':
case 'ebcdicatdea':
return 'EBCDIC-AT-DE-A';
case 'csebcdiccafr':
case 'ebcdiccafr':
return 'EBCDIC-CA-FR';
case 'csebcdicdkno':
case 'ebcdicdkno':
return 'EBCDIC-DK-NO';
case 'csebcdicdknoa':
case 'ebcdicdknoa':
return 'EBCDIC-DK-NO-A';
case 'csebcdices':
case 'ebcdices':
return 'EBCDIC-ES';
case 'csebcdicesa':
case 'ebcdicesa':
return 'EBCDIC-ES-A';
case 'csebcdicess':
case 'ebcdicess':
return 'EBCDIC-ES-S';
case 'csebcdicfise':
case 'ebcdicfise':
return 'EBCDIC-FI-SE';
case 'csebcdicfisea':
case 'ebcdicfisea':
return 'EBCDIC-FI-SE-A';
case 'csebcdicfr':
case 'ebcdicfr':
return 'EBCDIC-FR';
case 'csebcdicit':
case 'ebcdicit':
return 'EBCDIC-IT';
case 'csebcdicpt':
case 'ebcdicpt':
return 'EBCDIC-PT';
case 'csebcdicuk':
case 'ebcdicuk':
return 'EBCDIC-UK';
case 'csebcdicus':
case 'ebcdicus':
return 'EBCDIC-US';
case 'csiso111ecmacyrillic':
case 'ecmacyrillic':
case 'isoir111':
case 'koi8e':
return 'ECMA-cyrillic';
case 'csiso17spanish':
case 'es':
case 'iso646es':
case 'isoir17':
return 'ES';
case 'csiso85spanish2':
case 'es2':
case 'iso646es2':
case 'isoir85':
return 'ES2';
case 'cseucfixwidjapanese':
case 'extendedunixcodefixedwidthforjapanese':
return 'Extended_UNIX_Code_Fixed_Width_for_Japanese';
case 'cseucpkdfmtjapanese':
case 'eucjp':
case 'extendedunixcodepackedformatforjapanese':
return 'Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese';
case 'gb18030':
return 'GB18030';
case 'chinese':
case 'cp936':
case 'csgb2312':
case 'csiso58gb231280':
case 'gb2312':
case 'gb231280':
case 'gbk':
case 'isoir58':
case 'ms936':
case 'windows936':
return 'GBK';
case 'cn':
case 'csiso57gb1988':
case 'gb198880':
case 'iso646cn':
case 'isoir57':
return 'GB_1988-80';
case 'csiso153gost1976874':
case 'gost1976874':
case 'isoir153':
case 'stsev35888':
return 'GOST_19768-74';
case 'csiso150':
case 'csiso150greekccitt':
case 'greekccitt':
case 'isoir150':
return 'greek-ccitt';
case 'csiso88greek7':
case 'greek7':
case 'isoir88':
return 'greek7';
case 'csiso18greek7old':
case 'greek7old':
case 'isoir18':
return 'greek7-old';
case 'cshpdesktop':
case 'hpdesktop':
return 'HP-DeskTop';
case 'cshplegal':
case 'hplegal':
return 'HP-Legal';
case 'cshpmath8':
case 'hpmath8':
return 'HP-Math8';
case 'cshppifont':
case 'hppifont':
return 'HP-Pi-font';
case 'cshproman8':
case 'hproman8':
case 'r8':
case 'roman8':
return 'hp-roman8';
case 'hzgb2312':
return 'HZ-GB-2312';
case 'csibmsymbols':
case 'ibmsymbols':
return 'IBM-Symbols';
case 'csibmthai':
case 'ibmthai':
return 'IBM-Thai';
case 'ccsid858':
case 'cp858':
case 'ibm858':
case 'pcmultilingual850euro':
return 'IBM00858';
case 'ccsid924':
case 'cp924':
case 'ebcdiclatin9euro':
case 'ibm924':
return 'IBM00924';
case 'ccsid1140':
case 'cp1140':
case 'ebcdicus37euro':
case 'ibm1140':
return 'IBM01140';
case 'ccsid1141':
case 'cp1141':
case 'ebcdicde273euro':
case 'ibm1141':
return 'IBM01141';
case 'ccsid1142':
case 'cp1142':
case 'ebcdicdk277euro':
case 'ebcdicno277euro':
case 'ibm1142':
return 'IBM01142';
case 'ccsid1143':
case 'cp1143':
case 'ebcdicfi278euro':
case 'ebcdicse278euro':
case 'ibm1143':
return 'IBM01143';
case 'ccsid1144':
case 'cp1144':
case 'ebcdicit280euro':
case 'ibm1144':
return 'IBM01144';
case 'ccsid1145':
case 'cp1145':
case 'ebcdices284euro':
case 'ibm1145':
return 'IBM01145';
case 'ccsid1146':
case 'cp1146':
case 'ebcdicgb285euro':
case 'ibm1146':
return 'IBM01146';
case 'ccsid1147':
case 'cp1147':
case 'ebcdicfr297euro':
case 'ibm1147':
return 'IBM01147';
case 'ccsid1148':
case 'cp1148':
case 'ebcdicinternational500euro':
case 'ibm1148':
return 'IBM01148';
case 'ccsid1149':
case 'cp1149':
case 'ebcdicis871euro':
case 'ibm1149':
return 'IBM01149';
case 'cp37':
case 'csibm37':
case 'ebcdiccpca':
case 'ebcdiccpnl':
case 'ebcdiccpus':
case 'ebcdiccpwt':
case 'ibm37':
return 'IBM037';
case 'cp38':
case 'csibm38':
case 'ebcdicint':
case 'ibm38':
return 'IBM038';
case 'cp273':
case 'csibm273':
case 'ibm273':
return 'IBM273';
case 'cp274':
case 'csibm274':
case 'ebcdicbe':
case 'ibm274':
return 'IBM274';
case 'cp275':
case 'csibm275':
case 'ebcdicbr':
case 'ibm275':
return 'IBM275';
case 'csibm277':
case 'ebcdiccpdk':
case 'ebcdiccpno':
case 'ibm277':
return 'IBM277';
case 'cp278':
case 'csibm278':
case 'ebcdiccpfi':
case 'ebcdiccpse':
case 'ibm278':
return 'IBM278';
case 'cp280':
case 'csibm280':
case 'ebcdiccpit':
case 'ibm280':
return 'IBM280';
case 'cp281':
case 'csibm281':
case 'ebcdicjpe':
case 'ibm281':
return 'IBM281';
case 'cp284':
case 'csibm284':
case 'ebcdiccpes':
case 'ibm284':
return 'IBM284';
case 'cp285':
case 'csibm285':
case 'ebcdiccpgb':
case 'ibm285':
return 'IBM285';
case 'cp290':
case 'csibm290':
case 'ebcdicjpkana':
case 'ibm290':
return 'IBM290';
case 'cp297':
case 'csibm297':
case 'ebcdiccpfr':
case 'ibm297':
return 'IBM297';
case 'cp420':
case 'csibm420':
case 'ebcdiccpar1':
case 'ibm420':
return 'IBM420';
case 'cp423':
case 'csibm423':
case 'ebcdiccpgr':
case 'ibm423':
return 'IBM423';
case 'cp424':
case 'csibm424':
case 'ebcdiccphe':
case 'ibm424':
return 'IBM424';
case '437':
case 'cp437':
case 'cspc8codepage437':
case 'ibm437':
return 'IBM437';
case 'cp500':
case 'csibm500':
case 'ebcdiccpbe':
case 'ebcdiccpch':
case 'ibm500':
return 'IBM500';
case 'cp775':
case 'cspc775baltic':
case 'ibm775':
return 'IBM775';
case '850':
case 'cp850':
case 'cspc850multilingual':
case 'ibm850':
return 'IBM850';
case '851':
case 'cp851':
case 'csibm851':
case 'ibm851':
return 'IBM851';
case '852':
case 'cp852':
case 'cspcp852':
case 'ibm852':
return 'IBM852';
case '855':
case 'cp855':
case 'csibm855':
case 'ibm855':
return 'IBM855';
case '857':
case 'cp857':
case 'csibm857':
case 'ibm857':
return 'IBM857';
case '860':
case 'cp860':
case 'csibm860':
case 'ibm860':
return 'IBM860';
case '861':
case 'cp861':
case 'cpis':
case 'csibm861':
case 'ibm861':
return 'IBM861';
case '862':
case 'cp862':
case 'cspc862latinhebrew':
case 'ibm862':
return 'IBM862';
case '863':
case 'cp863':
case 'csibm863':
case 'ibm863':
return 'IBM863';
case 'cp864':
case 'csibm864':
case 'ibm864':
return 'IBM864';
case '865':
case 'cp865':
case 'csibm865':
case 'ibm865':
return 'IBM865';
case '866':
case 'cp866':
case 'csibm866':
case 'ibm866':
return 'IBM866';
case 'cp868':
case 'cpar':
case 'csibm868':
case 'ibm868':
return 'IBM868';
case '869':
case 'cp869':
case 'cpgr':
case 'csibm869':
case 'ibm869':
return 'IBM869';
case 'cp870':
case 'csibm870':
case 'ebcdiccproece':
case 'ebcdiccpyu':
case 'ibm870':
return 'IBM870';
case 'cp871':
case 'csibm871':
case 'ebcdiccpis':
case 'ibm871':
return 'IBM871';
case 'cp880':
case 'csibm880':
case 'ebcdiccyrillic':
case 'ibm880':
return 'IBM880';
case 'cp891':
case 'csibm891':
case 'ibm891':
return 'IBM891';
case 'cp903':
case 'csibm903':
case 'ibm903':
return 'IBM903';
case '904':
case 'cp904':
case 'csibbm904':
case 'ibm904':
return 'IBM904';
case 'cp905':
case 'csibm905':
case 'ebcdiccptr':
case 'ibm905':
return 'IBM905';
case 'cp918':
case 'csibm918':
case 'ebcdiccpar2':
case 'ibm918':
return 'IBM918';
case 'cp1026':
case 'csibm1026':
case 'ibm1026':
return 'IBM1026';
case 'ibm1047':
return 'IBM1047';
case 'csiso143iecp271':
case 'iecp271':
case 'isoir143':
return 'IEC_P27-1';
case 'csiso49inis':
case 'inis':
case 'isoir49':
return 'INIS';
case 'csiso50inis8':
case 'inis8':
case 'isoir50':
return 'INIS-8';
case 'csiso51iniscyrillic':
case 'iniscyrillic':
case 'isoir51':
return 'INIS-cyrillic';
case 'csinvariant':
case 'invariant':
return 'INVARIANT';
case 'iso2022cn':
return 'ISO-2022-CN';
case 'iso2022cnext':
return 'ISO-2022-CN-EXT';
case 'csiso2022jp':
case 'iso2022jp':
return 'ISO-2022-JP';
case 'csiso2022jp2':
case 'iso2022jp2':
return 'ISO-2022-JP-2';
case 'csiso2022kr':
case 'iso2022kr':
return 'ISO-2022-KR';
case 'cswindows30latin1':
case 'iso88591windows30latin1':
return 'ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.0-Latin-1';
case 'cswindows31latin1':
case 'iso88591windows31latin1':
return 'ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1';
case 'csisolatin2':
case 'iso88592':
case 'iso885921987':
case 'isoir101':
case 'l2':
case 'latin2':
return 'ISO-8859-2';
case 'cswindows31latin2':
case 'iso88592windowslatin2':
return 'ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2';
case 'csisolatin3':
case 'iso88593':
case 'iso885931988':
case 'isoir109':
case 'l3':
case 'latin3':
return 'ISO-8859-3';
case 'csisolatin4':
case 'iso88594':
case 'iso885941988':
case 'isoir110':
case 'l4':
case 'latin4':
return 'ISO-8859-4';
case 'csisolatincyrillic':
case 'cyrillic':
case 'iso88595':
case 'iso885951988':
case 'isoir144':
return 'ISO-8859-5';
case 'arabic':
case 'asmo708':
case 'csisolatinarabic':
case 'ecma114':
case 'iso88596':
case 'iso885961987':
case 'isoir127':
return 'ISO-8859-6';
case 'csiso88596e':
case 'iso88596e':
return 'ISO-8859-6-E';
case 'csiso88596i':
case 'iso88596i':
return 'ISO-8859-6-I';
case 'csisolatingreek':
case 'ecma118':
case 'elot928':
case 'greek':
case 'greek8':
case 'iso88597':
case 'iso885971987':
case 'isoir126':
return 'ISO-8859-7';
case 'csisolatinhebrew':
case 'hebrew':
case 'iso88598':
case 'iso885981988':
case 'isoir138':
return 'ISO-8859-8';
case 'csiso88598e':
case 'iso88598e':
return 'ISO-8859-8-E';
case 'csiso88598i':
case 'iso88598i':
return 'ISO-8859-8-I';
case 'cswindows31latin5':
case 'iso88599windowslatin5':
return 'ISO-8859-9-Windows-Latin-5';
case 'csisolatin6':
case 'iso885910':
case 'iso8859101992':
case 'isoir157':
case 'l6':
case 'latin6':
return 'ISO-8859-10';
case 'iso885913':
return 'ISO-8859-13';
case 'iso885914':
case 'iso8859141998':
case 'isoceltic':
case 'isoir199':
case 'l8':
case 'latin8':
return 'ISO-8859-14';
case 'iso885915':
case 'latin9':
return 'ISO-8859-15';
case 'iso885916':
case 'iso8859162001':
case 'isoir226':
case 'l10':
case 'latin10':
return 'ISO-8859-16';
case 'iso10646j1':
return 'ISO-10646-J-1';
case 'csunicode':
case 'iso10646ucs2':
return 'ISO-10646-UCS-2';
case 'csucs4':
case 'iso10646ucs4':
return 'ISO-10646-UCS-4';
case 'csunicodeascii':
case 'iso10646ucsbasic':
return 'ISO-10646-UCS-Basic';
case 'csunicodelatin1':
case 'iso10646':
case 'iso10646unicodelatin1':
return 'ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1';
case 'csiso10646utf1':
case 'iso10646utf1':
return 'ISO-10646-UTF-1';
case 'csiso115481':
case 'iso115481':
case 'isotr115481':
return 'ISO-11548-1';
case 'csiso90':
case 'isoir90':
return 'iso-ir-90';
case 'csunicodeibm1261':
case 'isounicodeibm1261':
return 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1261';
case 'csunicodeibm1264':
case 'isounicodeibm1264':
return 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1264';
case 'csunicodeibm1265':
case 'isounicodeibm1265':
return 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1265';
case 'csunicodeibm1268':
case 'isounicodeibm1268':
return 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1268';
case 'csunicodeibm1276':
case 'isounicodeibm1276':
return 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1276';
case 'csiso646basic1983':
case 'iso646basic1983':
case 'ref':
return 'ISO_646.basic:1983';
case 'csiso2intlrefversion':
case 'irv':
case 'iso646irv1983':
case 'isoir2':
return 'ISO_646.irv:1983';
case 'csiso2033':
case 'e13b':
case 'iso20331983':
case 'isoir98':
return 'ISO_2033-1983';
case 'csiso5427cyrillic':
case 'iso5427':
case 'isoir37':
return 'ISO_5427';
case 'iso5427cyrillic1981':
case 'iso54271981':
case 'isoir54':
return 'ISO_5427:1981';
case 'csiso5428greek':
case 'iso54281980':
case 'isoir55':
return 'ISO_5428:1980';
case 'csiso6937add':
case 'iso6937225':
case 'isoir152':
return 'ISO_6937-2-25';
case 'csisotextcomm':
case 'iso69372add':
case 'isoir142':
return 'ISO_6937-2-add';
case 'csiso8859supp':
case 'iso8859supp':
case 'isoir154':
case 'latin125':
return 'ISO_8859-supp';
case 'csiso10367box':
case 'iso10367box':
case 'isoir155':
return 'ISO_10367-box';
case 'csiso15italian':
case 'iso646it':
case 'isoir15':
case 'it':
return 'IT';
case 'csiso13jisc6220jp':
case 'isoir13':
case 'jisc62201969':
case 'jisc62201969jp':
case 'katakana':
case 'x2017':
return 'JIS_C6220-1969-jp';
case 'csiso14jisc6220ro':
case 'iso646jp':
case 'isoir14':
case 'jisc62201969ro':
case 'jp':
return 'JIS_C6220-1969-ro';
case 'csiso42jisc62261978':
case 'isoir42':
case 'jisc62261978':
return 'JIS_C6226-1978';
case 'csiso87jisx208':
case 'isoir87':
case 'jisc62261983':
case 'jisx2081983':
case 'x208':
return 'JIS_C6226-1983';
case 'csiso91jisc62291984a':
case 'isoir91':
case 'jisc62291984a':
case 'jpocra':
return 'JIS_C6229-1984-a';
case 'csiso92jisc62991984b':
case 'iso646jpocrb':
case 'isoir92':
case 'jisc62291984b':
case 'jpocrb':
return 'JIS_C6229-1984-b';
case 'csiso93jis62291984badd':
case 'isoir93':
case 'jisc62291984badd':
case 'jpocrbadd':
return 'JIS_C6229-1984-b-add';
case 'csiso94jis62291984hand':
case 'isoir94':
case 'jisc62291984hand':
case 'jpocrhand':
return 'JIS_C6229-1984-hand';
case 'csiso95jis62291984handadd':
case 'isoir95':
case 'jisc62291984handadd':
case 'jpocrhandadd':
return 'JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add';
case 'csiso96jisc62291984kana':
case 'isoir96':
case 'jisc62291984kana':
return 'JIS_C6229-1984-kana';
case 'csjisencoding':
case 'jisencoding':
return 'JIS_Encoding';
case 'cshalfwidthkatakana':
case 'jisx201':
case 'x201':
return 'JIS_X0201';
case 'csiso159jisx2121990':
case 'isoir159':
case 'jisx2121990':
case 'x212':
return 'JIS_X0212-1990';
case 'csiso141jusib1002':
case 'iso646yu':
case 'isoir141':
case 'js':
case 'jusib1002':
case 'yu':
return 'JUS_I.B1.002';
case 'csiso147macedonian':
case 'isoir147':
case 'jusib1003mac':
case 'macedonian':
return 'JUS_I.B1.003-mac';
case 'csiso146serbian':
case 'isoir146':
case 'jusib1003serb':
case 'serbian':
return 'JUS_I.B1.003-serb';
case 'koi7switched':
return 'KOI7-switched';
case 'cskoi8r':
case 'koi8r':
return 'KOI8-R';
case 'koi8u':
return 'KOI8-U';
case 'csksc5636':
case 'iso646kr':
case 'ksc5636':
return 'KSC5636';
case 'cskz1048':
case 'kz1048':
case 'rk1048':
case 'strk10482002':
return 'KZ-1048';
case 'csiso19latingreek':
case 'isoir19':
case 'latingreek':
return 'latin-greek';
case 'csiso27latingreek1':
case 'isoir27':
case 'latingreek1':
return 'Latin-greek-1';
case 'csiso158lap':
case 'isoir158':
case 'lap':
case 'latinlap':
return 'latin-lap';
case 'csmacintosh':
case 'mac':
case 'macintosh':
return 'macintosh';
case 'csmicrosoftpublishing':
case 'microsoftpublishing':
return 'Microsoft-Publishing';
case 'csmnem':
case 'mnem':
return 'MNEM';
case 'csmnemonic':
case 'mnemonic':
return 'MNEMONIC';
case 'csiso86hungarian':
case 'hu':
case 'iso646hu':
case 'isoir86':
case 'msz77953':
return 'MSZ_7795.3';
case 'csnatsdano':
case 'isoir91':
case 'natsdano':
return 'NATS-DANO';
case 'csnatsdanoadd':
case 'isoir92':
case 'natsdanoadd':
return 'NATS-DANO-ADD';
case 'csnatssefi':
case 'isoir81':
case 'natssefi':
return 'NATS-SEFI';
case 'csnatssefiadd':
case 'isoir82':
case 'natssefiadd':
return 'NATS-SEFI-ADD';
case 'csiso151cuba':
case 'cuba':
case 'iso646cu':
case 'isoir151':
case 'ncnc1081':
return 'NC_NC00-10:81';
case 'csiso69french':
case 'fr':
case 'iso646fr':
case 'isoir69':
case 'nfz62010':
return 'NF_Z_62-010';
case 'csiso25french':
case 'iso646fr1':
case 'isoir25':
case 'nfz620101973':
return 'NF_Z_62-010_(1973)';
case 'csiso60danishnorwegian':
case 'csiso60norwegian1':
case 'iso646no':
case 'isoir60':
case 'no':
case 'ns45511':
return 'NS_4551-1';
case 'csiso61norwegian2':
case 'iso646no2':
case 'isoir61':
case 'no2':
case 'ns45512':
return 'NS_4551-2';
case 'osdebcdicdf3irv':
return 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF03_IRV';
case 'osdebcdicdf41':
return 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_1';
case 'osdebcdicdf415':
return 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_15';
case 'cspc8danishnorwegian':
case 'pc8danishnorwegian':
return 'PC8-Danish-Norwegian';
case 'cspc8turkish':
case 'pc8turkish':
return 'PC8-Turkish';
case 'csiso16portuguese':
case 'iso646pt':
case 'isoir16':
case 'pt':
return 'PT';
case 'csiso84portuguese2':
case 'iso646pt2':
case 'isoir84':
case 'pt2':
return 'PT2';
case 'cp154':
case 'csptcp154':
case 'cyrillicasian':
case 'pt154':
case 'ptcp154':
return 'PTCP154';
case 'scsu':
return 'SCSU';
case 'csiso10swedish':
case 'fi':
case 'iso646fi':
case 'iso646se':
case 'isoir10':
case 'se':
case 'sen850200b':
return 'SEN_850200_B';
case 'csiso11swedishfornames':
case 'iso646se2':
case 'isoir11':
case 'se2':
case 'sen850200c':
return 'SEN_850200_C';
case 'csshiftjis':
case 'mskanji':
case 'shiftjis':
return 'Shift_JIS';
case 'csiso102t617bit':
case 'isoir102':
case 't617bit':
return 'T.61-7bit';
case 'csiso103t618bit':
case 'isoir103':
case 't61':
case 't618bit':
return 'T.61-8bit';
case 'csiso128t101g2':
case 'isoir128':
case 't101g2':
return 'T.101-G2';
case 'cstscii':
case 'tscii':
return 'TSCII';
case 'csunicode11':
case 'unicode11':
return 'UNICODE-1-1';
case 'csunicode11utf7':
case 'unicode11utf7':
return 'UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7';
case 'csunknown8bit':
case 'unknown8bit':
return 'UNKNOWN-8BIT';
case 'ansix341968':
case 'ansix341986':
case 'ascii':
case 'cp367':
case 'csascii':
case 'ibm367':
case 'iso646irv1991':
case 'iso646us':
case 'isoir6':
case 'us':
case 'usascii':
return 'US-ASCII';
case 'csusdk':
case 'usdk':
return 'us-dk';
case 'utf7':
return 'UTF-7';
case 'utf8':
return 'UTF-8';
case 'utf16':
return 'UTF-16';
case 'utf16be':
return 'UTF-16BE';
case 'utf16le':
return 'UTF-16LE';
case 'utf32':
return 'UTF-32';
case 'utf32be':
return 'UTF-32BE';
case 'utf32le':
return 'UTF-32LE';
case 'csventurainternational':
case 'venturainternational':
return 'Ventura-International';
case 'csventuramath':
case 'venturamath':
return 'Ventura-Math';
case 'csventuraus':
case 'venturaus':
return 'Ventura-US';
case 'csiso70videotexsupp1':
case 'isoir70':
case 'videotexsuppl':
return 'videotex-suppl';
case 'csviqr':
case 'viqr':
return 'VIQR';
case 'csviscii':
case 'viscii':
return 'VISCII';
case 'cswindows31j':
case 'windows31j':
return 'Windows-31J';
case 'iso885911':
case 'tis620':
return 'windows-874';
case 'cseuckr':
case 'csksc56011987':
case 'euckr':
case 'isoir149':
case 'korean':
case 'ksc5601':
case 'ksc56011987':
case 'ksc56011989':
case 'windows949':
return 'windows-949';
case 'windows1250':
return 'windows-1250';
case 'windows1251':
return 'windows-1251';
case 'cp819':
case 'csisolatin1':
case 'ibm819':
case 'iso88591':
case 'iso885911987':
case 'isoir100':
case 'l1':
case 'latin1':
case 'windows1252':
return 'windows-1252';
case 'windows1253':
return 'windows-1253';
case 'csisolatin5':
case 'iso88599':
case 'iso885991989':
case 'isoir148':
case 'l5':
case 'latin5':
case 'windows1254':
return 'windows-1254';
case 'windows1255':
return 'windows-1255';
case 'windows1256':
return 'windows-1256';
case 'windows1257':
return 'windows-1257';
case 'windows1258':
return 'windows-1258';
return $charset;

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::entities_decode (   $data)

Decode HTML entities


string$dataInput data
string Output data

Définition à la ligne 10864 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par get_element().

$decoder = new SimplePie_Decode_HTML_Entities($data);
return $decoder->parse();

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::error (   $message,

Définition à la ligne 9221 du fichier simplepie.php.

if ((ini_get('error_reporting') & $level) > 0)
switch ($level)
$note = 'PHP Error';
$note = 'PHP Warning';
$note = 'PHP Notice';
$note = 'Unknown Error';
error_log("$note: $message in $file on line $line", 0);
return $message;
SimplePie_Misc::fix_protocol (   $url,
  $http = 1 

Définition à la ligne 9289 du fichier simplepie.php.

Références compress_parse_url(), normalize_url(), et parse_url().

Référencé par SimplePie\set_feed_url(), SimplePie\subscribe_feed(), SimplePie\subscribe_itunes(), SimplePie\subscribe_outlook(), et SimplePie\subscribe_podcast().

$parsed = SimplePie_Misc::parse_url($url);
if ($parsed['scheme'] !== '' && $parsed['scheme'] !== 'http' && $parsed['scheme'] !== 'https')
return SimplePie_Misc::fix_protocol(SimplePie_Misc::compress_parse_url('http', $parsed['authority'], $parsed['path'], $parsed['query'], $parsed['fragment']), $http);
if ($parsed['scheme'] === '' && $parsed['authority'] === '' && !file_exists($url))
return SimplePie_Misc::fix_protocol(SimplePie_Misc::compress_parse_url('http', $parsed['path'], '', $parsed['query'], $parsed['fragment']), $http);
if ($http === 2 && $parsed['scheme'] !== '')
return "feed:$url";
elseif ($http === 3 && strtolower($parsed['scheme']) === 'http')
return substr_replace($url, 'podcast', 0, 4);
elseif ($http === 4 && strtolower($parsed['scheme']) === 'http')
return substr_replace($url, 'itpc', 0, 4);
return $url;

+ Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::get_curl_version ( )

Définition à la ligne 10770 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie_File\SimplePie_File().

if (is_array($curl = curl_version()))
$curl = $curl['version'];
elseif (substr($curl, 0, 5) === 'curl/')
$curl = substr($curl, 5, strcspn($curl, "\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D", 5));
elseif (substr($curl, 0, 8) === 'libcurl/')
$curl = substr($curl, 8, strcspn($curl, "\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D", 8));
$curl = 0;
return $curl;

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::get_element (   $realname,

Définition à la ligne 9165 du fichier simplepie.php.

Références entities_decode(), et SIMPLEPIE_PCRE_HTML_ATTRIBUTE.

Référencé par SimplePie_Locator\autodiscovery(), SimplePie_Locator\get_base(), SimplePie_Locator\get_links(), SimplePie_Sanitize\replace_urls(), et SimplePie_Sanitize\sanitize().

$return = array();
$name = preg_quote($realname, '/');
if (preg_match_all("/<($name)" . SIMPLEPIE_PCRE_HTML_ATTRIBUTE . "(>(.*)<\/$name>|(\/)?>)/siU", $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
for ($i = 0, $total_matches = count($matches); $i < $total_matches; $i++)
$return[$i]['tag'] = $realname;
$return[$i]['full'] = $matches[$i][0][0];
$return[$i]['offset'] = $matches[$i][0][1];
if (strlen($matches[$i][3][0]) <= 2)
$return[$i]['self_closing'] = true;
$return[$i]['self_closing'] = false;
$return[$i]['content'] = $matches[$i][4][0];
$return[$i]['attribs'] = array();
if (isset($matches[$i][2][0]) && preg_match_all('/[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20]+([^\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\x2F\x3E][^\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\x2F\x3D\x3E]*)(?:[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20]*=[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20]*(?:"([^"]*)"|\'([^\']*)\'|([^\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\x22\x27\x3E][^\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\x3E]*)?))?/', ' ' . $matches[$i][2][0] . ' ', $attribs, PREG_SET_ORDER))
for ($j = 0, $total_attribs = count($attribs); $j < $total_attribs; $j++)
if (count($attribs[$j]) === 2)
$attribs[$j][2] = $attribs[$j][1];
$return[$i]['attribs'][strtolower($attribs[$j][1])]['data'] = SimplePie_Misc::entities_decode(end($attribs[$j]), 'UTF-8');
return $return;

+ Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::htmlspecialchars_decode (   $string,

Définition à la ligne 10943 du fichier simplepie.php.

if (function_exists('htmlspecialchars_decode'))
return htmlspecialchars_decode($string, $quote_style);
return strtr($string, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style)));
SimplePie_Misc::is_isegment_nz_nc (   $string)

Définition à la ligne 11044 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie\get_links(), SimplePie_Item\get_links(), et SimplePie_Source\get_links().

return (bool) preg_match('/^([A-Za-z0-9\-._~\x{A0}-\x{D7FF}\x{F900}-\x{FDCF}\x{FDF0}-\x{FFEF}\x{10000}-\x{1FFFD}\x{20000}-\x{2FFFD}\x{30000}-\x{3FFFD}\x{40000}-\x{4FFFD}\x{50000}-\x{5FFFD}\x{60000}-\x{6FFFD}\x{70000}-\x{7FFFD}\x{80000}-\x{8FFFD}\x{90000}-\x{9FFFD}\x{A0000}-\x{AFFFD}\x{B0000}-\x{BFFFD}\x{C0000}-\x{CFFFD}\x{D0000}-\x{DFFFD}\x{E1000}-\x{EFFFD}!$&\'()*+,;=@]|(%[0-9ABCDEF]{2}))+$/u', $string);

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of (   $class1,

Définition à la ligne 10791 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie\set_author_class(), SimplePie\set_cache_class(), SimplePie\set_caption_class(), SimplePie\set_category_class(), SimplePie\set_content_type_sniffer_class(), SimplePie\set_copyright_class(), SimplePie\set_credit_class(), SimplePie\set_enclosure_class(), SimplePie\set_file_class(), SimplePie\set_item_class(), SimplePie\set_locator_class(), SimplePie\set_parser_class(), SimplePie\set_rating_class(), SimplePie\set_restriction_class(), SimplePie\set_sanitize_class(), et SimplePie\set_source_class().

if (func_num_args() !== 2)
trigger_error('Wrong parameter count for SimplePie_Misc::is_subclass_of()', E_USER_WARNING);
elseif (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.3', '>=') || is_object($class1))
return is_subclass_of($class1, $class2);
elseif (is_string($class1) && is_string($class2))
if (class_exists($class1))
if (class_exists($class2))
$class2 = strtolower($class2);
while ($class1 = strtolower(get_parent_class($class1)))
if ($class1 === $class2)
return true;
trigger_error('Unknown class passed as parameter', E_USER_WARNNG);
return false;

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::normalize_url (   $url)

Définition à la ligne 9344 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par fix_protocol().

$iri = new SimplePie_IRI($url);
return $iri->get_iri();

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::output_javascript ( )

Définition à la ligne 11330 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie\init().

if (function_exists('ob_gzhandler'))
header('Content-type: text/javascript; charset: UTF-8');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 604800) . ' GMT'); // 7 days
function embed_odeo(link) {
document.writeln('<embed src="" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" width="440" height="80" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="any" flashvars="valid_sample_rate=true&external_url='+link+'"></embed>');
function embed_quicktime(type, bgcolor, width, height, link, placeholder, loop) {
if (placeholder != '')
document.writeln('<embed type="'+type+'" style="cursor:hand; cursor:pointer;" href="'+link+'" src="'+placeholder+'" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" autoplay="false" target="myself" controller="false" loop="'+loop+'" scale="aspect" bgcolor="'+bgcolor+'" pluginspage=""></embed>');
else {
document.writeln('<embed type="'+type+'" style="cursor:hand; cursor:pointer;" src="'+link+'" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" autoplay="false" target="myself" controller="true" loop="'+loop+'" scale="aspect" bgcolor="'+bgcolor+'" pluginspage=""></embed>');
function embed_flash(bgcolor, width, height, link, loop, type) {
document.writeln('<embed src="'+link+'" pluginspage="" type="'+type+'" quality="high" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" bgcolor="'+bgcolor+'" loop="'+loop+'"></embed>');
function embed_flv(width, height, link, placeholder, loop, player) {
document.writeln('<embed src="'+player+'" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" wmode="transparent" flashvars="file='+link+'&autostart=false&repeat='+loop+'&showdigits=true&showfsbutton=false"></embed>');
function embed_wmedia(width, height, link) {
document.writeln('<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" src="'+link+'" autosize="1" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" showcontrols="1" showstatusbar="0" showdisplay="0" autostart="0"></embed>');

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::parse_date (   $dt)

Définition à la ligne 10850 du fichier simplepie.php.

Références SimplePie_Parse_Date\get().

return $parser->parse($dt);

+ Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::parse_mime (   $mime)

Définition à la ligne 10931 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie_Locator\autodiscovery().

if (($pos = strpos($mime, ';')) === false)
return trim($mime);
return trim(substr($mime, 0, $pos));

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::parse_str (   $str)

Similar to parse_str()

Returns an associative array of name/value pairs, where the value is an array of values that have used the same name


string$strThe input string.

Définition à la ligne 11202 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie_Cache_MySQL\SimplePie_Cache_MySQL().

$return = array();
$str = explode('&', $str);
foreach ($str as $section)
if (strpos($section, '=') !== false)
list($name, $value) = explode('=', $section, 2);
$return[urldecode($name)][] = urldecode($value);
$return[urldecode($section)][] = null;
return $return;

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::parse_url (   $url)

Définition à la ligne 9321 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par fix_protocol(), SimplePie_Enclosure\get_extension(), SimplePie_Locator\get_links(), SimplePie\init(), SimplePie_Enclosure\SimplePie_Enclosure(), et SimplePie_File\SimplePie_File().

$iri = new SimplePie_IRI($url);
return array(
'scheme' => (string) $iri->get_scheme(),
'authority' => (string) $iri->get_authority(),
'path' => (string) $iri->get_path(),
'query' => (string) $iri->get_query(),
'fragment' => (string) $iri->get_fragment()

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::percent_encoding_normalization (   $match)

Définition à la ligne 9350 du fichier simplepie.php.

$integer = hexdec($match[1]);
if ($integer >= 0x41 && $integer <= 0x5A || $integer >= 0x61 && $integer <= 0x7A || $integer >= 0x30 && $integer <= 0x39 || $integer === 0x2D || $integer === 0x2E || $integer === 0x5F || $integer === 0x7E)
return chr($integer);
return strtoupper($match[0]);
SimplePie_Misc::remove_dot_segments (   $input)

Définition à la ligne 9111 du fichier simplepie.php.

$output = '';
while (strpos($input, './') !== false || strpos($input, '/.') !== false || $input === '.' || $input === '..')
// A: If the input buffer begins with a prefix of "../" or "./", then remove that prefix from the input buffer; otherwise,
if (strpos($input, '../') === 0)
$input = substr($input, 3);
elseif (strpos($input, './') === 0)
$input = substr($input, 2);
// B: if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/./" or "/.", where "." is a complete path segment, then replace that prefix with "/" in the input buffer; otherwise,
elseif (strpos($input, '/./') === 0)
$input = substr_replace($input, '/', 0, 3);
elseif ($input === '/.')
$input = '/';
// C: if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/../" or "/..", where ".." is a complete path segment, then replace that prefix with "/" in the input buffer and remove the last segment and its preceding "/" (if any) from the output buffer; otherwise,
elseif (strpos($input, '/../') === 0)
$input = substr_replace($input, '/', 0, 4);
$output = substr_replace($output, '', strrpos($output, '/'));
elseif ($input === '/..')
$input = '/';
$output = substr_replace($output, '', strrpos($output, '/'));
// D: if the input buffer consists only of "." or "..", then remove that from the input buffer; otherwise,
elseif ($input === '.' || $input === '..')
$input = '';
// E: move the first path segment in the input buffer to the end of the output buffer, including the initial "/" character (if any) and any subsequent characters up to, but not including, the next "/" character or the end of the input buffer
elseif (($pos = strpos($input, '/', 1)) !== false)
$output .= substr($input, 0, $pos);
$input = substr_replace($input, '', 0, $pos);
$output .= $input;
$input = '';
return $output . $input;
SimplePie_Misc::space_seperated_tokens (   $string)

Définition à la ligne 11049 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie_Locator\autodiscovery().

$space_characters = "\x20\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D";
$string_length = strlen($string);
$position = strspn($string, $space_characters);
$tokens = array();
while ($position < $string_length)
$len = strcspn($string, $space_characters, $position);
$tokens[] = substr($string, $position, $len);
$position += $len;
$position += strspn($string, $space_characters, $position);
return $tokens;

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::strip_comments (   $data)

Strip HTML comments


string$dataData to strip comments from
string Comment stripped string

Définition à la ligne 10832 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie_Sanitize\sanitize().

$output = '';
while (($start = strpos($data, '<!--')) !== false)
$output .= substr($data, 0, $start);
if (($end = strpos($data, '-->', $start)) !== false)
$data = substr_replace($data, '', 0, $end + 3);
$data = '';
return $output . $data;

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::stripos (   $haystack,
  $offset = 0 

Re-implementation of PHP 5's stripos()

Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the haystack string.


string$needleNote that the needle may be a string of one or more characters. If needle is not a string, it is converted to an integer and applied as the ordinal value of a character.
int$offsetThe optional offset parameter allows you to specify which character in haystack to start searching. The position returned is still relative to the beginning of haystack.
bool If needle is not found, stripos() will return boolean false.

Définition à la ligne 11165 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie_Cache_MySQL\SimplePie_Cache_MySQL().

if (function_exists('stripos'))
return stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
if (is_string($needle))
$needle = strtolower($needle);
elseif (is_int($needle) || is_bool($needle) || is_double($needle))
$needle = strtolower(chr($needle));
trigger_error('needle is not a string or an integer', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
return strpos(strtolower($haystack), $needle, $offset);

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::time_hms (   $seconds)

Définition à la ligne 9077 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par SimplePie_Enclosure\get_duration().

$time = '';
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$remainder = $seconds % 3600;
if ($hours > 0)
$time .= $hours.':';
$minutes = floor($remainder / 60);
$seconds = $remainder % 60;
if ($minutes < 10 && $hours > 0)
$minutes = '0' . $minutes;
if ($seconds < 10)
$seconds = '0' . $seconds;
$time .= $minutes.':';
$time .= $seconds;
return $time;

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::uncomment_rfc822 (   $string)

Remove RFC822 comments


string$dataData to strip comments from
string Comment stripped string

Définition à la ligne 10877 du fichier simplepie.php.

$string = (string) $string;
$position = 0;
$length = strlen($string);
$depth = 0;
$output = '';
while ($position < $length && ($pos = strpos($string, '(', $position)) !== false)
$output .= substr($string, $position, $pos - $position);
$position = $pos + 1;
if ($string[$pos - 1] !== '\\')
while ($depth && $position < $length)
$position += strcspn($string, '()', $position);
if ($string[$position - 1] === '\\')
elseif (isset($string[$position]))
switch ($string[$position])
case '(':
case ')':
$output .= '(';
$output .= substr($string, $position);
return $output;
SimplePie_Misc::utf8_bad_replace (   $str)

Remove bad UTF-8 bytes

PCRE Pattern to locate bad bytes in a UTF-8 string comes from W3C FAQ: Multilingual Forms (modified to include full ASCII range)

Geoffrey Sneddon
Voir également:
string$strString to remove bad UTF-8 bytes from
string UTF-8 string

Définition à la ligne 9374 du fichier simplepie.php.

if (function_exists('iconv') && ($return = @iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $str)))
return $return;
elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && ($return = @mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8')))
return $return;
elseif (preg_match_all('/(?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|\xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}|\xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]|\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}|[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}|\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2})+/', $str, $matches))
return implode("\xEF\xBF\xBD", $matches[0]);
elseif ($str !== '')
return "\xEF\xBF\xBD";
return '';
SimplePie_Misc::windows_1252_to_utf8 (   $string)

Converts a Windows-1252 encoded string to a UTF-8 encoded string


string$stringWindows-1252 encoded string
string UTF-8 encoded string

Définition à la ligne 9406 du fichier simplepie.php.

Référencé par change_encoding().

static $convert_table = array("\x80" => "\xE2\x82\xAC", "\x81" => "\xEF\xBF\xBD", "\x82" => "\xE2\x80\x9A", "\x83" => "\xC6\x92", "\x84" => "\xE2\x80\x9E", "\x85" => "\xE2\x80\xA6", "\x86" => "\xE2\x80\xA0", "\x87" => "\xE2\x80\xA1", "\x88" => "\xCB\x86", "\x89" => "\xE2\x80\xB0", "\x8A" => "\xC5\xA0", "\x8B" => "\xE2\x80\xB9", "\x8C" => "\xC5\x92", "\x8D" => "\xEF\xBF\xBD", "\x8E" => "\xC5\xBD", "\x8F" => "\xEF\xBF\xBD", "\x90" => "\xEF\xBF\xBD", "\x91" => "\xE2\x80\x98", "\x92" => "\xE2\x80\x99", "\x93" => "\xE2\x80\x9C", "\x94" => "\xE2\x80\x9D", "\x95" => "\xE2\x80\xA2", "\x96" => "\xE2\x80\x93", "\x97" => "\xE2\x80\x94", "\x98" => "\xCB\x9C", "\x99" => "\xE2\x84\xA2", "\x9A" => "\xC5\xA1", "\x9B" => "\xE2\x80\xBA", "\x9C" => "\xC5\x93", "\x9D" => "\xEF\xBF\xBD", "\x9E" => "\xC5\xBE", "\x9F" => "\xC5\xB8", "\xA0" => "\xC2\xA0", "\xA1" => "\xC2\xA1", "\xA2" => "\xC2\xA2", "\xA3" => "\xC2\xA3", "\xA4" => "\xC2\xA4", "\xA5" => "\xC2\xA5", "\xA6" => "\xC2\xA6", "\xA7" => "\xC2\xA7", "\xA8" => "\xC2\xA8", "\xA9" => "\xC2\xA9", "\xAA" => "\xC2\xAA", "\xAB" => "\xC2\xAB", "\xAC" => "\xC2\xAC", "\xAD" => "\xC2\xAD", "\xAE" => "\xC2\xAE", "\xAF" => "\xC2\xAF", "\xB0" => "\xC2\xB0", "\xB1" => "\xC2\xB1", "\xB2" => "\xC2\xB2", "\xB3" => "\xC2\xB3", "\xB4" => "\xC2\xB4", "\xB5" => "\xC2\xB5", "\xB6" => "\xC2\xB6", "\xB7" => "\xC2\xB7", "\xB8" => "\xC2\xB8", "\xB9" => "\xC2\xB9", "\xBA" => "\xC2\xBA", "\xBB" => "\xC2\xBB", "\xBC" => "\xC2\xBC", "\xBD" => "\xC2\xBD", "\xBE" => "\xC2\xBE", "\xBF" => "\xC2\xBF", "\xC0" => "\xC3\x80", "\xC1" => "\xC3\x81", "\xC2" => "\xC3\x82", "\xC3" => "\xC3\x83", "\xC4" => "\xC3\x84", "\xC5" => "\xC3\x85", "\xC6" => "\xC3\x86", "\xC7" => "\xC3\x87", "\xC8" => "\xC3\x88", "\xC9" => "\xC3\x89", "\xCA" => "\xC3\x8A", "\xCB" => "\xC3\x8B", "\xCC" => "\xC3\x8C", "\xCD" => "\xC3\x8D", "\xCE" => "\xC3\x8E", "\xCF" => "\xC3\x8F", "\xD0" => "\xC3\x90", "\xD1" => "\xC3\x91", "\xD2" => "\xC3\x92", "\xD3" => "\xC3\x93", "\xD4" => "\xC3\x94", "\xD5" => "\xC3\x95", "\xD6" => "\xC3\x96", "\xD7" => "\xC3\x97", "\xD8" => "\xC3\x98", "\xD9" => "\xC3\x99", "\xDA" => "\xC3\x9A", "\xDB" => "\xC3\x9B", "\xDC" => "\xC3\x9C", "\xDD" => "\xC3\x9D", "\xDE" => "\xC3\x9E", "\xDF" => "\xC3\x9F", "\xE0" => "\xC3\xA0", "\xE1" => "\xC3\xA1", "\xE2" => "\xC3\xA2", "\xE3" => "\xC3\xA3", "\xE4" => "\xC3\xA4", "\xE5" => "\xC3\xA5", "\xE6" => "\xC3\xA6", "\xE7" => "\xC3\xA7", "\xE8" => "\xC3\xA8", "\xE9" => "\xC3\xA9", "\xEA" => "\xC3\xAA", "\xEB" => "\xC3\xAB", "\xEC" => "\xC3\xAC", "\xED" => "\xC3\xAD", "\xEE" => "\xC3\xAE", "\xEF" => "\xC3\xAF", "\xF0" => "\xC3\xB0", "\xF1" => "\xC3\xB1", "\xF2" => "\xC3\xB2", "\xF3" => "\xC3\xB3", "\xF4" => "\xC3\xB4", "\xF5" => "\xC3\xB5", "\xF6" => "\xC3\xB6", "\xF7" => "\xC3\xB7", "\xF8" => "\xC3\xB8", "\xF9" => "\xC3\xB9", "\xFA" => "\xC3\xBA", "\xFB" => "\xC3\xBB", "\xFC" => "\xC3\xBC", "\xFD" => "\xC3\xBD", "\xFE" => "\xC3\xBE", "\xFF" => "\xC3\xBF");
return strtr($string, $convert_table);

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

SimplePie_Misc::xml_encoding (   $data)

Detect XML encoding, as per XML 1.0 Appendix F.1

A faire:
Add support for EBCDIC
string$dataXML data
array Possible encodings

Définition à la ligne 11230 du fichier simplepie.php.

Références change_encoding().

Référencé par SimplePie\init().

// UTF-32 Big Endian BOM
if (substr($data, 0, 4) === "\x00\x00\xFE\xFF")
$encoding[] = 'UTF-32BE';
// UTF-32 Little Endian BOM
elseif (substr($data, 0, 4) === "\xFF\xFE\x00\x00")
$encoding[] = 'UTF-32LE';
// UTF-16 Big Endian BOM
elseif (substr($data, 0, 2) === "\xFE\xFF")
$encoding[] = 'UTF-16BE';
// UTF-16 Little Endian BOM
elseif (substr($data, 0, 2) === "\xFF\xFE")
$encoding[] = 'UTF-16LE';
// UTF-8 BOM
elseif (substr($data, 0, 3) === "\xEF\xBB\xBF")
$encoding[] = 'UTF-8';
// UTF-32 Big Endian Without BOM
elseif (substr($data, 0, 20) === "\x00\x00\x00\x3C\x00\x00\x00\x3F\x00\x00\x00\x78\x00\x00\x00\x6D\x00\x00\x00\x6C")
if ($pos = strpos($data, "\x00\x00\x00\x3F\x00\x00\x00\x3E"))
$parser = new SimplePie_XML_Declaration_Parser(SimplePie_Misc::change_encoding(substr($data, 20, $pos - 20), 'UTF-32BE', 'UTF-8'));
if ($parser->parse())
$encoding[] = $parser->encoding;
$encoding[] = 'UTF-32BE';
// UTF-32 Little Endian Without BOM
elseif (substr($data, 0, 20) === "\x3C\x00\x00\x00\x3F\x00\x00\x00\x78\x00\x00\x00\x6D\x00\x00\x00\x6C\x00\x00\x00")
if ($pos = strpos($data, "\x3F\x00\x00\x00\x3E\x00\x00\x00"))
$parser = new SimplePie_XML_Declaration_Parser(SimplePie_Misc::change_encoding(substr($data, 20, $pos - 20), 'UTF-32LE', 'UTF-8'));
if ($parser->parse())
$encoding[] = $parser->encoding;
$encoding[] = 'UTF-32LE';
// UTF-16 Big Endian Without BOM
elseif (substr($data, 0, 10) === "\x00\x3C\x00\x3F\x00\x78\x00\x6D\x00\x6C")
if ($pos = strpos($data, "\x00\x3F\x00\x3E"))
$parser = new SimplePie_XML_Declaration_Parser(SimplePie_Misc::change_encoding(substr($data, 20, $pos - 10), 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8'));
if ($parser->parse())
$encoding[] = $parser->encoding;
$encoding[] = 'UTF-16BE';
// UTF-16 Little Endian Without BOM
elseif (substr($data, 0, 10) === "\x3C\x00\x3F\x00\x78\x00\x6D\x00\x6C\x00")
if ($pos = strpos($data, "\x3F\x00\x3E\x00"))
$parser = new SimplePie_XML_Declaration_Parser(SimplePie_Misc::change_encoding(substr($data, 20, $pos - 10), 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8'));
if ($parser->parse())
$encoding[] = $parser->encoding;
$encoding[] = 'UTF-16LE';
// US-ASCII (or superset)
elseif (substr($data, 0, 5) === "\x3C\x3F\x78\x6D\x6C")
if ($pos = strpos($data, "\x3F\x3E"))
$parser = new SimplePie_XML_Declaration_Parser(substr($data, 5, $pos - 5));
if ($parser->parse())
$encoding[] = $parser->encoding;
$encoding[] = 'UTF-8';
// Fallback to UTF-8
$encoding[] = 'UTF-8';
return $encoding;

+ Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

+ Voici le graphe des appelants de cette fonction :

La documentation de cette classe a été générée à partir du fichier suivant :