Joomla Platform  13.1
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Référence de la classe JTableNested
+ Graphe d'héritage de JTableNested:
+ Graphe de collaboration de JTableNested:

Liste de tous les membres

Fonctions membres publiques

 debug ($level)
 getPath ($pk=null, $diagnostic=false)
 getTree ($pk=null, $diagnostic=false)
 isLeaf ($pk=null)
 setLocation ($referenceId, $position= 'after')
 move ($delta, $where= '')
 moveByReference ($referenceId, $position= 'after', $pk=null)
 delete ($pk=null, $children=true)
 check ()
 store ($updateNulls=false)
 publish ($pks=null, $state=1, $userId=0)
 orderUp ($pk)
 orderDown ($pk)
 getRootId ()
 rebuild ($parentId=null, $leftId=0, $level=0, $path= '')
 rebuildPath ($pk=null)
 saveorder ($idArray=null, $lft_array=null)
- Fonctions membres publiques inherited from JTable
 __construct ($table, $key, JDatabaseDriver $db)
 attachObserver (JObserverInterface $observer)
 getObserverOfClass ($observerClass)
 getFields ()
 appendPrimaryKeys ($query, $pk=null)
 getTableName ()
 getKeyName ($multiple=false)
 getDbo ()
 setDBO (JDatabaseDriver $db)
 setRules ($input)
 getRules ()
 reset ()
 bind ($src, $ignore=array())
 load ($keys=null, $reset=true)
 save ($src, $orderingFilter= '', $ignore= '')
 delete ($pk=null)
 checkOut ($userId, $pk=null)
 checkIn ($pk=null)
 hasPrimaryKey ()
 hit ($pk=null)
 isCheckedOut ($with=0, $against=null)
 getNextOrder ($where= '')
 getPrimaryKey (array $keys=array())
 reorder ($where= '')
- Fonctions membres publiques inherited from JObject
 __construct ($properties=null)
 __toString ()
 def ($property, $default=null)
 get ($property, $default=null)
 getProperties ($public=true)
 getError ($i=null, $toString=true)
 getErrors ()
 set ($property, $value=null)
 setProperties ($properties)
 setError ($error)

Attributs publics


Fonctions membres protégées

 _getNode ($id, $key=null)
 _getTreeRepositionData ($referenceNode, $nodeWidth, $position= 'before')
 _logtable ($showData=true, $showQuery=true)
 _runQuery ($query, $errorMessage)
- Fonctions membres protégées inherited from JTable
 _getAssetName ()
 _getAssetTitle ()
 _getAssetParentId (JTable $table=null, $id=null)
 _lock ()
 _unlock ()

Attributs protégés

 $_cache = array()
 $_debug = 0
- Attributs protégés inherited from JTable
 $_tbl = ''
 $_tbl_key = ''
 $_tbl_keys = array()
 $_trackAssets = false
 $_locked = false
 $_autoincrement = true
- Attributs protégés inherited from JObject
 $_errors = array()

Additional Inherited Members

- Fonctions membres publiques statiques inherited from JTable
static getInstance ($type, $prefix= 'JTable', $config=array())
static addIncludePath ($path=null)

Description détaillée

Définition à la ligne 20 du fichier nested.php.

Documentation des fonctions membres

JTableNested::_getNode (   $id,
  $key = null 

Method to get nested set properties for a node in the tree.

integer$idValue to look up the node by.
string$keyAn optional key to look up the node by (parent | left | right). If omitted, the primary key of the table is used.
mixed Boolean false on failure or node object on success.
RuntimeExceptionon database error.

Définition à la ligne 1455 du fichier nested.php.

// Determine which key to get the node base on.
switch ($key)
case 'parent':
$k = 'parent_id';
case 'left':
$k = 'lft';
case 'right':
$k = 'rgt';
// Get the node data.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->select($this->_tbl_key . ', parent_id, level, lft, rgt')
->where($k . ' = ' . (int) $id);
$row = $this->_db->setQuery($query, 0, 1)->loadObject();
// Check for no $row returned
if (empty($row))
$e = new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('%s::_getNode(%d, %s) failed.', get_class($this), $id, $key));
return false;
// Do some simple calculations.
$row->numChildren = (int) ($row->rgt - $row->lft - 1) / 2;
$row->width = (int) $row->rgt - $row->lft + 1;
return $row;
JTableNested::_getTreeRepositionData (   $referenceNode,
  $position = 'before' 

Method to get various data necessary to make room in the tree at a location for a node and its children. The returned data object includes conditions for SQL WHERE clauses for updating left and right id values to make room for the node as well as the new left and right ids for the node.

object$referenceNodeA node object with at least a 'lft' and 'rgt' with which to make room in the tree around for a new node.
integer$nodeWidthThe width of the node for which to make room in the tree.
string$positionThe position relative to the reference node where the room should be made.
mixed Boolean false on failure or data object on success.

Définition à la ligne 1517 du fichier nested.php.

// Make sure the reference an object with a left and right id.
if (!is_object($referenceNode) || !(isset($referenceNode->lft) && isset($referenceNode->rgt)))
return false;
// A valid node cannot have a width less than 2.
if ($nodeWidth < 2)
return false;
$data = new stdClass;
// Run the calculations and build the data object by reference position.
switch ($position)
case 'first-child':
$data->left_where = 'lft > ' . $referenceNode->lft;
$data->right_where = 'rgt >= ' . $referenceNode->lft;
$data->new_lft = $referenceNode->lft + 1;
$data->new_rgt = $referenceNode->lft + $nodeWidth;
$data->new_parent_id = $referenceNode->$k;
$data->new_level = $referenceNode->level + 1;
case 'last-child':
$data->left_where = 'lft > ' . ($referenceNode->rgt);
$data->right_where = 'rgt >= ' . ($referenceNode->rgt);
$data->new_lft = $referenceNode->rgt;
$data->new_rgt = $referenceNode->rgt + $nodeWidth - 1;
$data->new_parent_id = $referenceNode->$k;
$data->new_level = $referenceNode->level + 1;
case 'before':
$data->left_where = 'lft >= ' . $referenceNode->lft;
$data->right_where = 'rgt >= ' . $referenceNode->lft;
$data->new_lft = $referenceNode->lft;
$data->new_rgt = $referenceNode->lft + $nodeWidth - 1;
$data->new_parent_id = $referenceNode->parent_id;
$data->new_level = $referenceNode->level;
case 'after':
$data->left_where = 'lft > ' . $referenceNode->rgt;
$data->right_where = 'rgt > ' . $referenceNode->rgt;
$data->new_lft = $referenceNode->rgt + 1;
$data->new_rgt = $referenceNode->rgt + $nodeWidth;
$data->new_parent_id = $referenceNode->parent_id;
$data->new_level = $referenceNode->level;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->_debug)
echo "\nRepositioning Data for $position" . "\n-----------------------------------" . "\nLeft Where: $data->left_where"
. "\nRight Where: $data->right_where" . "\nNew Lft: $data->new_lft" . "\nNew Rgt: $data->new_rgt"
. "\nNew Parent ID: $data->new_parent_id" . "\nNew Level: $data->new_level" . "\n";
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $data;
JTableNested::_logtable (   $showData = true,
  $showQuery = true 

Method to create a log table in the buffer optionally showing the query and/or data.

boolean$showDataTrue to show data
boolean$showQueryTrue to show query

Définition à la ligne 1602 du fichier nested.php.

$sep = "\n" . str_pad('', 40, '-');
$buffer = '';
if ($showQuery)
$buffer .= "\n" . $this->_db->getQuery() . $sep;
if ($showData)
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->select($this->_tbl_key . ', parent_id, lft, rgt, level')
$rows = $this->_db->loadRowList();
$buffer .= sprintf("\n| %4s | %4s | %4s | %4s |", $this->_tbl_key, 'par', 'lft', 'rgt');
$buffer .= $sep;
foreach ($rows as $row)
$buffer .= sprintf("\n| %4s | %4s | %4s | %4s |", $row[0], $row[1], $row[2], $row[3]);
$buffer .= $sep;
echo $buffer;
JTableNested::_runQuery (   $query,

Runs a query and unlocks the database on an error.

mixed$queryA string or JDatabaseQuery object.
boolean void
Since 12.1 this method returns void and will rethrow the database exception.
Exceptionon database error.

Définition à la ligne 1645 du fichier nested.php.

// Prepare to catch an exception.
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->_debug)
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
catch (Exception $e)
// Unlock the tables and rethrow.
throw $e;
JTableNested::check ( )

Checks that the object is valid and able to be stored.

This method checks that the parent_id is non-zero and exists in the database. Note that the root node (parent_id = 0) cannot be manipulated with this class.

boolean True if all checks pass.
RuntimeExceptionon database error.

Réimplémentée à partir de JTable.

Réimplémentée dans JTableCategory, JTableAsset, et JTableMenu.

Définition à la ligne 663 du fichier nested.php.

$this->parent_id = (int) $this->parent_id;
// Set up a mini exception handler.
// Check that the parent_id field is valid.
if ($this->parent_id == 0)
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Invalid `parent_id` [%d] in %s', $this->parent_id, get_class($this)));
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->select('COUNT(' . $this->_tbl_key . ')')
->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . $this->parent_id);
if (!$this->_db->setQuery($query)->loadResult())
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Invalid `parent_id` [%d] in %s', $this->parent_id, get_class($this)));
catch (UnexpectedValueException $e)
// Validation error - record it and return false.
return false;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
catch (Exception $e)
// Database error - rethrow.
throw $e;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return true;
JTableNested::debug (   $level)

Sets the debug level on or off

integer$level0 = off, 1 = on

Définition à la ligne 110 du fichier nested.php.

$this->_debug = (int) $level;
JTableNested::delete (   $pk = null,
  $children = true 

Method to delete a node and, optionally, its child nodes from the table.

integer$pkThe primary key of the node to delete.
boolean$childrenTrue to delete child nodes, false to move them up a level.
boolean True on success.

Définition à la ligne 516 du fichier nested.php.

Références JTable\getInstance().

$pk = (is_null($pk)) ? $this->$k : $pk;
// Implement JObservableInterface: Pre-processing by observers
$this->_observers->update('onBeforeDelete', array($pk));
// Lock the table for writing.
if (!$this->_lock())
// Error message set in lock method.
return false;
// If tracking assets, remove the asset first.
if ($this->_trackAssets)
$name = $this->_getAssetName();
$asset = JTable::getInstance('Asset');
// Lock the table for writing.
if (!$asset->_lock())
// Error message set in lock method.
return false;
if ($asset->loadByName($name))
// Delete the node in assets table.
if (!$asset->delete(null, $children))
return false;
return false;
// Get the node by id.
$node = $this->_getNode($pk);
if (empty($node))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
// Should we delete all children along with the node?
if ($children)
// Delete the node and all of its children.
->where('lft BETWEEN ' . (int) $node->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_FAILED');
// Compress the left values.
->set('lft = lft - ' . (int) $node->width)
->where('lft > ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_FAILED');
// Compress the right values.
->set('rgt = rgt - ' . (int) $node->width)
->where('rgt > ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_FAILED');
// Leave the children and move them up a level.
// Delete the node.
->where('lft = ' . (int) $node->lft);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_FAILED');
// Shift all node's children up a level.
->set('lft = lft - 1')
->set('rgt = rgt - 1')
->set('level = level - 1')
->where('lft BETWEEN ' . (int) $node->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_FAILED');
// Adjust all the parent values for direct children of the deleted node.
->set('parent_id = ' . (int) $node->parent_id)
->where('parent_id = ' . (int) $node->$k);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_FAILED');
// Shift all of the left values that are right of the node.
->set('lft = lft - 2')
->where('lft > ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_FAILED');
// Shift all of the right values that are right of the node.
->set('rgt = rgt - 2')
->where('rgt > ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_FAILED');
// Unlock the table for writing.
// Implement JObservableInterface: Post-processing by observers
$this->_observers->update('onAfterDelete', array($pk));
return true;

+ Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

JTableNested::getPath (   $pk = null,
  $diagnostic = false 

Method to get an array of nodes from a given node to its root.

integer$pkPrimary key of the node for which to get the path.
boolean$diagnosticOnly select diagnostic data for the nested sets.
mixed An array of node objects including the start node.
RuntimeExceptionon database error

Définition à la ligne 126 du fichier nested.php.

$pk = (is_null($pk)) ? $this->$k : $pk;
// Get the path from the node to the root.
$select = ($diagnostic) ? 'p.' . $k . ', p.parent_id, p.level, p.lft, p.rgt' : 'p.*';
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->from($this->_tbl . ' AS n, ' . $this->_tbl . ' AS p')
->where('n.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt')
->where('n.' . $k . ' = ' . (int) $pk)
return $this->_db->loadObjectList();
JTableNested::getRootId ( )

Gets the ID of the root item in the tree

mixed The primary id of the root row, or false if not found and the internal error is set.

Définition à la ligne 1186 du fichier nested.php.

// Get the root item.
// Test for a unique record with parent_id = 0
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->where('parent_id = 0');
$result = $this->_db->setQuery($query)->loadColumn();
if (count($result) == 1)
return $result[0];
// Test for a unique record with lft = 0
->where('lft = 0');
$result = $this->_db->setQuery($query)->loadColumn();
if (count($result) == 1)
return $result[0];
$fields = $this->getFields();
if (array_key_exists('alias', $fields))
// Test for a unique record alias = root
->where('alias = ' . $this->_db->quote('root'));
$result = $this->_db->setQuery($query)->loadColumn();
if (count($result) == 1)
return $result[0];
$e = new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('%s::getRootId', get_class($this)));
return false;
JTableNested::getTree (   $pk = null,
  $diagnostic = false 

Method to get a node and all its child nodes.

integer$pkPrimary key of the node for which to get the tree.
boolean$diagnosticOnly select diagnostic data for the nested sets.
mixed Boolean false on failure or array of node objects on success.
RuntimeExceptionon database error.

Définition à la ligne 156 du fichier nested.php.

$pk = (is_null($pk)) ? $this->$k : $pk;
// Get the node and children as a tree.
$select = ($diagnostic) ? 'n.' . $k . ', n.parent_id, n.level, n.lft, n.rgt' : 'n.*';
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->from($this->_tbl . ' AS n, ' . $this->_tbl . ' AS p')
->where('n.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt')
->where('p.' . $k . ' = ' . (int) $pk)
return $this->_db->setQuery($query)->loadObjectList();
JTableNested::isLeaf (   $pk = null)

Method to determine if a node is a leaf node in the tree (has no children).

integer$pkPrimary key of the node to check.
boolean True if a leaf node, false if not or null if the node does not exist.
Since 12.1 this method returns null if the node does not exist.
RuntimeExceptionon database error.

Définition à la ligne 184 du fichier nested.php.

$pk = (is_null($pk)) ? $this->$k : $pk;
$node = $this->_getNode($pk);
// Get the node by primary key.
if (empty($node))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return null;
// The node is a leaf node.
return (($node->rgt - $node->lft) == 1);
JTableNested::move (   $delta,
  $where = '' 

Method to move a row in the ordering sequence of a group of rows defined by an SQL WHERE clause. Negative numbers move the row up in the sequence and positive numbers move it down.

integer$deltaThe direction and magnitude to move the row in the ordering sequence.
string$whereWHERE clause to use for limiting the selection of rows to compact the ordering values.
mixed Boolean true on success.


Réimplémentée à partir de JTable.

Définition à la ligne 241 du fichier nested.php.

$pk = $this->$k;
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->where('parent_id = ' . $this->parent_id);
if ($where)
if ($delta > 0)
$query->where('rgt > ' . $this->rgt)
->order('rgt ASC');
$position = 'after';
$query->where('lft < ' . $this->lft)
->order('lft DESC');
$position = 'before';
$referenceId = $this->_db->loadResult();
if ($referenceId)
return $this->moveByReference($referenceId, $position, $pk);
return false;
JTableNested::moveByReference (   $referenceId,
  $position = 'after',
  $pk = null 

Method to move a node and its children to a new location in the tree.

integer$referenceIdThe primary key of the node to reference new location by.
string$positionLocation type string. ['before', 'after', 'first-child', 'last-child']
integer$pkThe primary key of the node to move.
boolean True on success.

11.1 RuntimeException on database error.

Définition à la ligne 295 du fichier nested.php.

// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->_debug)
echo "\nMoving ReferenceId:$referenceId, Position:$position, PK:$pk";
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$pk = (is_null($pk)) ? $this->$k : $pk;
// Get the node by id.
if (!$node = $this->_getNode($pk))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
// Get the ids of child nodes.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->where('lft BETWEEN ' . (int) $node->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$children = $this->_db->setQuery($query)->loadColumn();
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->_debug)
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
// Cannot move the node to be a child of itself.
if (in_array($referenceId, $children))
$e = new UnexpectedValueException(
sprintf('%s::moveByReference(%d, %s, %d) parenting to child.', get_class($this), $referenceId, $position, $pk)
return false;
// Lock the table for writing.
if (!$this->_lock())
return false;
* Move the sub-tree out of the nested sets by negating its left and right values.
->set('lft = lft * (-1), rgt = rgt * (-1)')
->where('lft BETWEEN ' . (int) $node->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MOVE_FAILED');
* Close the hole in the tree that was opened by removing the sub-tree from the nested sets.
// Compress the left values.
->set('lft = lft - ' . (int) $node->width)
->where('lft > ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MOVE_FAILED');
// Compress the right values.
->set('rgt = rgt - ' . (int) $node->width)
->where('rgt > ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MOVE_FAILED');
// We are moving the tree relative to a reference node.
if ($referenceId)
// Get the reference node by primary key.
if (!$reference = $this->_getNode($referenceId))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
// Get the reposition data for shifting the tree and re-inserting the node.
if (!$repositionData = $this->_getTreeRepositionData($reference, $node->width, $position))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
// We are moving the tree to be the last child of the root node
// Get the last root node as the reference node.
->select($this->_tbl_key . ', parent_id, level, lft, rgt')
->where('parent_id = 0')
->order('lft DESC');
$this->_db->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
$reference = $this->_db->loadObject();
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->_debug)
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
// Get the reposition data for re-inserting the node after the found root.
if (!$repositionData = $this->_getTreeRepositionData($reference, $node->width, 'last-child'))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
* Create space in the nested sets at the new location for the moved sub-tree.
// Shift left values.
->set('lft = lft + ' . (int) $node->width)
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MOVE_FAILED');
// Shift right values.
->set('rgt = rgt + ' . (int) $node->width)
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MOVE_FAILED');
* Calculate the offset between where the node used to be in the tree and
* where it needs to be in the tree for left ids (also works for right ids).
$offset = $repositionData->new_lft - $node->lft;
$levelOffset = $repositionData->new_level - $node->level;
// Move the nodes back into position in the tree using the calculated offsets.
->set('rgt = ' . (int) $offset . ' - rgt')
->set('lft = ' . (int) $offset . ' - lft')
->set('level = level + ' . (int) $levelOffset)
->where('lft < 0');
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MOVE_FAILED');
// Set the correct parent id for the moved node if required.
if ($node->parent_id != $repositionData->new_parent_id)
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
// Update the title and alias fields if they exist for the table.
$fields = $this->getFields();
if (property_exists($this, 'title') && $this->title !== null)
$query->set('title = ' . $this->_db->quote($this->title));
if (array_key_exists('alias', $fields) && $this->alias !== null)
$query->set('alias = ' . $this->_db->quote($this->alias));
$query->set('parent_id = ' . (int) $repositionData->new_parent_id)
->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . (int) $node->$k);
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MOVE_FAILED');
// Unlock the table for writing.
// Set the object values.
$this->parent_id = $repositionData->new_parent_id;
$this->level = $repositionData->new_level;
$this->lft = $repositionData->new_lft;
$this->rgt = $repositionData->new_rgt;
return true;
JTableNested::orderDown (   $pk)

Method to move a node one position to the right in the same level.

integer$pkPrimary key of the node to move.
boolean True on success.
RuntimeExceptionon database error.

Définition à la ligne 1103 du fichier nested.php.

$pk = (is_null($pk)) ? $this->$k : $pk;
// Lock the table for writing.
if (!$this->_lock())
// Error message set in lock method.
return false;
// Get the node by primary key.
$node = $this->_getNode($pk);
if (empty($node))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
// Get the right sibling node.
$sibling = $this->_getNode($node->rgt + 1, 'left');
if (empty($sibling))
// Error message set in getNode method.
$this->_locked = false;
return false;
// Get the primary keys of child nodes.
->where('lft BETWEEN ' . (int) $node->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$children = $this->_db->loadColumn();
// Shift left and right values for the node and its children.
->set('lft = lft + ' . (int) $sibling->width)
->set('rgt = rgt + ' . (int) $sibling->width)
->where('lft BETWEEN ' . (int) $node->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $node->rgt);
// Shift left and right values for the sibling and its children.
->set('lft = lft - ' . (int) $node->width)
->set('rgt = rgt - ' . (int) $node->width)
->where('lft BETWEEN ' . (int) $sibling->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $sibling->rgt)
->where($this->_tbl_key . ' NOT IN (' . implode(',', $children) . ')');
catch (RuntimeException $e)
throw $e;
// Unlock the table for writing.
return true;
JTableNested::orderUp (   $pk)

Method to move a node one position to the left in the same level.

integer$pkPrimary key of the node to move.
boolean True on success.
RuntimeExceptionon database error.

Définition à la ligne 1020 du fichier nested.php.

$pk = (is_null($pk)) ? $this->$k : $pk;
// Lock the table for writing.
if (!$this->_lock())
// Error message set in lock method.
return false;
// Get the node by primary key.
$node = $this->_getNode($pk);
if (empty($node))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
// Get the left sibling node.
$sibling = $this->_getNode($node->lft - 1, 'right');
if (empty($sibling))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
// Get the primary keys of child nodes.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->where('lft BETWEEN ' . (int) $node->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $node->rgt);
$children = $this->_db->setQuery($query)->loadColumn();
// Shift left and right values for the node and its children.
->set('lft = lft - ' . (int) $sibling->width)
->set('rgt = rgt - ' . (int) $sibling->width)
->where('lft BETWEEN ' . (int) $node->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $node->rgt);
// Shift left and right values for the sibling and its children.
->set('lft = lft + ' . (int) $node->width)
->set('rgt = rgt + ' . (int) $node->width)
->where('lft BETWEEN ' . (int) $sibling->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $sibling->rgt)
->where($this->_tbl_key . ' NOT IN (' . implode(',', $children) . ')');
catch (RuntimeException $e)
throw $e;
// Unlock the table for writing.
return true;
JTableNested::publish (   $pks = null,
  $state = 1,
  $userId = 0 

Method to set the publishing state for a node or list of nodes in the database table. The method respects rows checked out by other users and will attempt to checkin rows that it can after adjustments are made. The method will not allow you to set a publishing state higher than any ancestor node and will not allow you to set a publishing state on a node with a checked out child.

mixed$pksAn optional array of primary key values to update. If not set the instance property value is used.
integer$stateThe publishing state. eg. [0 = unpublished, 1 = published]
integer$userIdThe user id of the user performing the operation.
boolean True on success.

11.1 UnexpectedValueException

Réimplémentée à partir de JTable.

Définition à la ligne 890 du fichier nested.php.

Références JArrayHelper\toInteger().

$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
// Sanitize input.
$userId = (int) $userId;
$state = (int) $state;
// If $state > 1, then we allow state changes even if an ancestor has lower state
// (for example, can change a child state to Archived (2) if an ancestor is Published (1)
$compareState = ($state > 1) ? 1 : $state;
// If there are no primary keys set check to see if the instance key is set.
if (empty($pks))
if ($this->$k)
$pks = explode(',', $this->$k);
// Nothing to set publishing state on, return false.
$e = new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('%s::publish(%s, %d, %d) empty.', get_class($this), $pks, $state, $userId));
return false;
// Determine if there is checkout support for the table.
$checkoutSupport = (property_exists($this, 'checked_out') || property_exists($this, 'checked_out_time'));
// Iterate over the primary keys to execute the publish action if possible.
foreach ($pks as $pk)
// Get the node by primary key.
if (!$node = $this->_getNode($pk))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
// If the table has checkout support, verify no children are checked out.
if ($checkoutSupport)
// Ensure that children are not checked out.
->select('COUNT(' . $k . ')')
->where('lft BETWEEN ' . (int) $node->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $node->rgt)
->where('(checked_out <> 0 AND checked_out <> ' . (int) $userId . ')');
// Check for checked out children.
if ($this->_db->loadResult())
// TODO Convert to a conflict exception when available.
$e = new RuntimeException(sprintf('%s::publish(%s, %d, %d) checked-out conflict.', get_class($this), $pks, $state, $userId));
return false;
// If any parent nodes have lower published state values, we cannot continue.
if ($node->parent_id)
// Get any ancestor nodes that have a lower publishing state.
->select('n.' . $k)
->from($this->_db->quoteName($this->_tbl) . ' AS n')
->where('n.lft < ' . (int) $node->lft)
->where('n.rgt > ' . (int) $node->rgt)
->where('n.parent_id > 0')
->where('n.published < ' . (int) $compareState);
// Just fetch one row (one is one too many).
$this->_db->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
$rows = $this->_db->loadColumn();
if (!empty($rows))
$e = new UnexpectedValueException(
sprintf('%s::publish(%s, %d, %d) ancestors have lower state.', get_class($this), $pks, $state, $userId)
return false;
// Update and cascade the publishing state.
->set('published = ' . (int) $state)
->where('(lft > ' . (int) $node->lft . ' AND rgt < ' . (int) $node->rgt . ') OR ' . $k . ' = ' . (int) $pk);
// If checkout support exists for the object, check the row in.
if ($checkoutSupport)
// If the JTable instance value is in the list of primary keys that were set, set the instance.
if (in_array($this->$k, $pks))
$this->published = $state;
return true;

+ Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

JTableNested::rebuild (   $parentId = null,
  $leftId = 0,
  $level = 0,
  $path = '' 

Method to recursively rebuild the whole nested set tree.

integer$parentIdThe root of the tree to rebuild.
integer$leftIdThe left id to start with in building the tree.
integer$levelThe level to assign to the current nodes.
string$pathThe path to the current nodes.
integer 1 + value of root rgt on success, false on failure

11.1 RuntimeException on database error.

Définition à la ligne 1255 du fichier nested.php.

// If no parent is provided, try to find it.
if ($parentId === null)
// Get the root item.
$parentId = $this->getRootId();
if ($parentId === false)
return false;
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
// Build the structure of the recursive query.
if (!isset($this->_cache['rebuild.sql']))
->select($this->_tbl_key . ', alias')
->where('parent_id = %d');
// If the table has an ordering field, use that for ordering.
if (property_exists($this, 'ordering'))
$query->order('parent_id, ordering, lft');
$query->order('parent_id, lft');
$this->_cache['rebuild.sql'] = (string) $query;
// Make a shortcut to database object.
// Assemble the query to find all children of this node.
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf($this->_cache['rebuild.sql'], (int) $parentId));
$children = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// The right value of this node is the left value + 1
$rightId = $leftId + 1;
// Execute this function recursively over all children
foreach ($children as $node)
* $rightId is the current right value, which is incremented on recursion return.
* Increment the level for the children.
* Add this item's alias to the path (but avoid a leading /)
$rightId = $this->rebuild($node->{$this->_tbl_key}, $rightId, $level + 1, $path . (empty($path) ? '' : '/') . $node->alias);
// If there is an update failure, return false to break out of the recursion.
if ($rightId === false)
return false;
// We've got the left value, and now that we've processed
// the children of this node we also know the right value.
->set('lft = ' . (int) $leftId)
->set('rgt = ' . (int) $rightId)
->set('level = ' . (int) $level)
->set('path = ' . $this->_db->quote($path))
->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . (int) $parentId);
// Return the right value of this node + 1.
return $rightId + 1;
JTableNested::rebuildPath (   $pk = null)

Method to rebuild the node's path field from the alias values of the nodes from the current node to the root node of the tree.

integer$pkPrimary key of the node for which to get the path.
boolean True on success.


Définition à la ligne 1344 du fichier nested.php.

$fields = $this->getFields();
// If there is no alias or path field, just return true.
if (!array_key_exists('alias', $fields) || !array_key_exists('path', $fields))
return true;
$pk = (is_null($pk)) ? $this->$k : $pk;
// Get the aliases for the path from the node to the root node.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->from($this->_tbl . ' AS n, ' . $this->_tbl . ' AS p')
->where('n.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt')
->where('n.' . $this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . (int) $pk)
$segments = $this->_db->loadColumn();
// Make sure to remove the root path if it exists in the list.
if ($segments[0] == 'root')
// Build the path.
$path = trim(implode('/', $segments), ' /\\');
// Update the path field for the node.
->set('path = ' . $this->_db->quote($path))
->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . (int) $pk);
// Update the current record's path to the new one:
$this->path = $path;
return true;
JTableNested::saveorder (   $idArray = null,
  $lft_array = null 

Method to update order of table rows

array$idArrayid numbers of rows to be reordered.
array$lft_arraylft values of rows to be reordered.
integer 1 + value of root rgt on success, false on failure.
Exceptionon database error.

Définition à la ligne 1402 du fichier nested.php.

$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
// Validate arguments
if (is_array($idArray) && is_array($lft_array) && count($idArray) == count($lft_array))
for ($i = 0, $count = count($idArray); $i < $count; $i++)
// Do an update to change the lft values in the table for each id
->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . (int) $idArray[$i])
->set('lft = ' . (int) $lft_array[$i]);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->_debug)
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $this->rebuild();
return false;
catch (Exception $e)
throw $e;
JTableNested::setLocation (   $referenceId,
  $position = 'after' 

Method to set the location of a node in the tree object. This method does not save the new location to the database, but will set it in the object so that when the node is stored it will be stored in the new location.

integer$referenceIdThe primary key of the node to reference new location by.
string$positionLocation type string. ['before', 'after', 'first-child', 'last-child']
Since 12.1 this method returns void and throws an InvalidArgumentException when an invalid position is passed.

Définition à la ligne 215 du fichier nested.php.

// Make sure the location is valid.
if (($position != 'before') && ($position != 'after') && ($position != 'first-child') && ($position != 'last-child'))
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s::setLocation(%d, *%s*)', get_class($this), $referenceId, $position));
// Set the location properties.
$this->_location = $position;
$this->_location_id = $referenceId;
JTableNested::store (   $updateNulls = false)

Method to store a node in the database table.

boolean$updateNullsTrue to update null values as well.
boolean True on success.


Réimplémentée à partir de JTable.

Réimplémentée dans JTableCategory, et JTableMenu.

Définition à la ligne 714 du fichier nested.php.

// Implement JObservableInterface: Pre-processing by observers
$this->_observers->update('onBeforeStore', array($updateNulls, $k));
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->_debug)
echo "\n" . get_class($this) . "::store\n";
$this->_logtable(true, false);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* If the primary key is empty, then we assume we are inserting a new node into the
* tree. From this point we would need to determine where in the tree to insert it.
if (empty($this->$k))
* We are inserting a node somewhere in the tree with a known reference
* node. We have to make room for the new node and set the left and right
* values before we insert the row.
if ($this->_location_id >= 0)
// Lock the table for writing.
if (!$this->_lock())
// Error message set in lock method.
return false;
// We are inserting a node relative to the last root node.
if ($this->_location_id == 0)
// Get the last root node as the reference node.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->select($this->_tbl_key . ', parent_id, level, lft, rgt')
->where('parent_id = 0')
->order('lft DESC');
$this->_db->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
$reference = $this->_db->loadObject();
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->_debug)
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
// We have a real node set as a location reference.
// Get the reference node by primary key.
if (!$reference = $this->_getNode($this->_location_id))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
// Get the reposition data for shifting the tree and re-inserting the node.
if (!($repositionData = $this->_getTreeRepositionData($reference, 2, $this->_location)))
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
// Create space in the tree at the new location for the new node in left ids.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->set('lft = lft + 2')
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_STORE_FAILED');
// Create space in the tree at the new location for the new node in right ids.
->set('rgt = rgt + 2')
$this->_runQuery($query, 'JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_STORE_FAILED');
// Set the object values.
$this->parent_id = $repositionData->new_parent_id;
$this->level = $repositionData->new_level;
$this->lft = $repositionData->new_lft;
$this->rgt = $repositionData->new_rgt;
// Negative parent ids are invalid
$e = new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('%s::store() used a negative _location_id', get_class($this)));
return false;
* If we have a given primary key then we assume we are simply updating this
* node in the tree. We should assess whether or not we are moving the node
* or just updating its data fields.
// If the location has been set, move the node to its new location.
if ($this->_location_id > 0)
if (!$this->moveByReference($this->_location_id, $this->_location, $this->$k))
// Error message set in move method.
return false;
// Lock the table for writing.
if (!$this->_lock())
// Error message set in lock method.
return false;
// Implement JObservableInterface: We do not want parent::store to update observers,
// since tables are locked and we are updating it from this level of store():
$oldCallObservers = $this->_observers->doCallObservers(false);
$result = parent::store($updateNulls);
// Implement JObservableInterface: Restore previous callable observers state:
if ($result)
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->_debug)
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
// Unlock the table for writing.
// Implement JObservableInterface: Post-processing by observers
$this->_observers->update('onAfterStore', array(&$result));
return $result;

Documentation des données membres

JTableNested::$_cache = array()

Définition à la ligne 91 du fichier nested.php.

JTableNested::$_debug = 0

Définition à la ligne 99 du fichier nested.php.


Définition à la ligne 73 du fichier nested.php.


Définition à la ligne 83 du fichier nested.php.


Définition à la ligne 64 du fichier nested.php.


Définition à la ligne 37 du fichier nested.php.


Définition à la ligne 46 du fichier nested.php.


Définition à la ligne 29 du fichier nested.php.


Définition à la ligne 55 du fichier nested.php.

La documentation de cette classe a été générée à partir du fichier suivant :