Joomla Platform  13.1
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Référence de l'interface JDatabaseQueryLimitable
+ Graphe d'héritage de JDatabaseQueryLimitable:

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Fonctions membres publiques

 processLimit ($query, $limit, $offset=0)
 setLimit ($limit=0, $offset=0)

Description détaillée

Définition à la ligne 22 du fichier limitable.php.

Documentation des fonctions membres

JDatabaseQueryLimitable::processLimit (   $query,
  $offset = 0 

Method to modify a query already in string format with the needed additions to make the query limited to a particular number of results, or start at a particular offset. This method is used automatically by the __toString() method if it detects that the query implements the JDatabaseQueryLimitable interface.

string$queryThe query in string format
integer$limitThe limit for the result set
integer$offsetThe offset for the result set

Implémenté dans JDatabaseQueryPostgresql, JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv, JDatabaseQueryOracle, JDatabaseQuerySqlite, et JDatabaseQueryMysqli.

JDatabaseQueryLimitable::setLimit (   $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0 

Sets the offset and limit for the result set, if the database driver supports it.

Usage: $query->setLimit(100, 0); (retrieve 100 rows, starting at first record) $query->setLimit(50, 50); (retrieve 50 rows, starting at 50th record)

integer$limitThe limit for the result set
integer$offsetThe offset for the result set
JDatabaseQuery Returns this object to allow chaining.

Implémenté dans JDatabaseQueryPostgresql, JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv, JDatabaseQueryOracle, JDatabaseQuerySqlite, et JDatabaseQueryMysqli.

La documentation de cette interface a été générée à partir du fichier suivant :