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Référence de la classe JGithubStatuses
+ Graphe d'héritage de JGithubStatuses:
+ Graphe de collaboration de JGithubStatuses:

Liste de tous les membres

Fonctions membres publiques

 create ($user, $repo, $sha, $state, $targetUrl=null, $description=null)
 getList ($user, $repo, $sha)
- Fonctions membres publiques inherited from JGithubObject
 __construct (JRegistry $options=null, JGithubHttp $client=null)

Additional Inherited Members

- Fonctions membres protégées inherited from JGithubObject
 fetchUrl ($path, $page=0, $limit=0)
 processResponse (JHttpResponse $response, $expectedCode=200)
- Attributs protégés inherited from JGithubObject

Description détaillée

Définition à la ligne 19 du fichier statuses.php.

Documentation des fonctions membres

JGithubStatuses::create (   $user,
  $targetUrl = null,
  $description = null 

Method to create a status.

string$userThe name of the owner of the GitHub repository.
string$repoThe name of the GitHub repository.
string$shaThe SHA1 value for which to set the status.
string$stateThe state (pending, success, error or failure).
string$targetUrlOptional target URL.
string$descriptionOptional description for the status.

Définition à la ligne 35 du fichier statuses.php.

// Build the request path.
$path = '/repos/' . $user . '/' . $repo . '/statuses/' . $sha;
if (!in_array($state, array('pending', 'success', 'error', 'failure')))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('State must be one of pending, success, error or failure.');
// Build the request data.
$data = array(
'state' => $state
if (!is_null($targetUrl))
$data['target_url'] = $targetUrl;
if (!is_null($description))
$data['description'] = $description;
// Send the request.
$response = $this->client->post($this->fetchUrl($path), json_encode($data));
// Validate the response code.
if ($response->code != 201)
// Decode the error response and throw an exception.
$error = json_decode($response->body);
throw new DomainException($error->message, $response->code);
return json_decode($response->body);
JGithubStatuses::getList (   $user,

Method to list statuses for an SHA.

string$userThe name of the owner of the GitHub repository.
string$repoThe name of the GitHub repository.
string$shaSHA1 for which to get the statuses.

Définition à la ligne 85 du fichier statuses.php.

// Build the request path.
$path = '/repos/' . $user . '/' . $repo . '/statuses/' . $sha;
// Send the request.
$response = $this->client->get($this->fetchUrl($path));
// Validate the response code.
if ($response->code != 200)
// Decode the error response and throw an exception.
$error = json_decode($response->body);
throw new DomainException($error->message, $response->code);
return json_decode($response->body);

La documentation de cette classe a été générée à partir du fichier suivant :