Joomla Platform  13.1
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Référence de la classe JDocumentRendererHead
+ Graphe d'héritage de JDocumentRendererHead:
+ Graphe de collaboration de JDocumentRendererHead:

Liste de tous les membres

Fonctions membres publiques

 render ($head, $params=array(), $content=null)
 fetchHead ($document)
- Fonctions membres publiques inherited from JDocumentRenderer
 __construct (JDocument $doc)
 getContentType ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Attributs protégés inherited from JDocumentRenderer
 $_doc = null
 $_mime = "text/html"

Description détaillée

Définition à la ligne 19 du fichier head.php.

Documentation des fonctions membres

JDocumentRendererHead::fetchHead (   $document)

Generates the head HTML and return the results as a string

JDocument$documentThe document for which the head will be created
string The head hTML

Définition à la ligne 53 du fichier head.php.

Références JFactory\getApplication(), JText\script(), et JArrayHelper\toString().

// Convert the tagids to titles
if (isset($document->_metaTags['standard']['tags']))
$tagsHelper = new JHelperTags;
$document->_metaTags['standard']['tags'] = implode(', ', $tagsHelper->getTagNames($document->_metaTags['standard']['tags']));
// Trigger the onBeforeCompileHead event
// Get line endings
$lnEnd = $document->_getLineEnd();
$tab = $document->_getTab();
$tagEnd = ' />';
$buffer = '';
// Generate charset when using HTML5 (should happen first)
if ($document->isHtml5())
$buffer .= $tab . '<meta charset="' . $document->getCharset() . '" />' . $lnEnd;
// Generate base tag (need to happen early)
$base = $document->getBase();
if (!empty($base))
$buffer .= $tab . '<base href="' . $document->getBase() . '" />' . $lnEnd;
// Generate META tags (needs to happen as early as possible in the head)
foreach ($document->_metaTags as $type => $tag)
foreach ($tag as $name => $content)
if ($type == 'http-equiv' && !($document->isHtml5() && $name == 'content-type'))
$buffer .= $tab . '<meta http-equiv="' . $name . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($content) . '" />' . $lnEnd;
elseif ($type == 'standard' && !empty($content))
$buffer .= $tab . '<meta name="' . $name . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($content) . '" />' . $lnEnd;
// Don't add empty descriptions
$documentDescription = $document->getDescription();
if ($documentDescription)
$buffer .= $tab . '<meta name="description" content="' . htmlspecialchars($documentDescription) . '" />' . $lnEnd;
// Don't add empty generators
$generator = $document->getGenerator();
if ($generator)
$buffer .= $tab . '<meta name="generator" content="' . htmlspecialchars($generator) . '" />' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . '<title>' . htmlspecialchars($document->getTitle(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</title>' . $lnEnd;
// Generate link declarations
foreach ($document->_links as $link => $linkAtrr)
$buffer .= $tab . '<link href="' . $link . '" ' . $linkAtrr['relType'] . '="' . $linkAtrr['relation'] . '"';
if ($temp = JArrayHelper::toString($linkAtrr['attribs']))
$buffer .= ' ' . $temp;
$buffer .= ' />' . $lnEnd;
// Generate stylesheet links
foreach ($document->_styleSheets as $strSrc => $strAttr)
$buffer .= $tab . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $strSrc . '" type="' . $strAttr['mime'] . '"';
if (!is_null($strAttr['media']))
$buffer .= ' media="' . $strAttr['media'] . '" ';
if ($temp = JArrayHelper::toString($strAttr['attribs']))
$buffer .= ' ' . $temp;
$buffer .= $tagEnd . $lnEnd;
// Generate stylesheet declarations
foreach ($document->_style as $type => $content)
$buffer .= $tab . '<style type="' . $type . '">' . $lnEnd;
// This is for full XHTML support.
if ($document->_mime != 'text/html')
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . '<![CDATA[' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $content . $lnEnd;
// See above note
if ($document->_mime != 'text/html')
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . ']]>' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . '</style>' . $lnEnd;
// Generate script file links
foreach ($document->_scripts as $strSrc => $strAttr)
$buffer .= $tab . '<script src="' . $strSrc . '"';
if (!is_null($strAttr['mime']))
$buffer .= ' type="' . $strAttr['mime'] . '"';
if ($strAttr['defer'])
$buffer .= ' defer="defer"';
if ($strAttr['async'])
$buffer .= ' async="async"';
$buffer .= '></script>' . $lnEnd;
// Generate script declarations
foreach ($document->_script as $type => $content)
$buffer .= $tab . '<script type="' . $type . '">' . $lnEnd;
// This is for full XHTML support.
if ($document->_mime != 'text/html')
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . '<![CDATA[' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $content . $lnEnd;
// See above note
if ($document->_mime != 'text/html')
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . ']]>' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . '</script>' . $lnEnd;
// Generate script language declarations.
if (count(JText::script()))
$buffer .= $tab . '<script type="text/javascript">' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . '(function() {' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . $tab . 'var strings = ' . json_encode(JText::script()) . ';' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . $tab . 'if (typeof Joomla == \'undefined\') {' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . $tab . $tab . 'Joomla = {};' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . $tab . $tab . 'Joomla.JText = strings;' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . $tab . '}' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . $tab . 'else {' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . $tab . $tab . 'Joomla.JText.load(strings);' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . $tab . '}' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . $tab . '})();' . $lnEnd;
$buffer .= $tab . '</script>' . $lnEnd;
foreach ($document->_custom as $custom)
$buffer .= $tab . $custom . $lnEnd;
return $buffer;

+ Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :

JDocumentRendererHead::render (   $head,
  $params = array(),
  $content = null 

Renders the document head and returns the results as a string

array$paramsAssociative array of values
string$contentThe script
string The output of the script
Unused arguments are retained to preserve backward compatibility.

Réimplémentée à partir de JDocumentRenderer.

Définition à la ligne 34 du fichier head.php.

echo $this->fetchHead($this->_doc);
$buffer = ob_get_contents();
return $buffer;

La documentation de cette classe a été générée à partir du fichier suivant :