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Référence de la classe Net_IDNA_php4
+ Graphe d'héritage de Net_IDNA_php4:
+ Graphe de collaboration de Net_IDNA_php4:

Liste de tous les membres

Fonctions membres publiques

 setParams ($option, $param=false)
- Fonctions membres publiques inherited from idna_convert
 idna_convert ($options=false)
 set_parameter ($option, $value=false)
 decode ($input, $one_time_encoding=false)
 encode ($decoded, $one_time_encoding=false)
 get_last_error ()
 _decode ($encoded)
 _encode ($decoded)
 _adapt ($delta, $npoints, $is_first)
 _encode_digit ($d)
 _decode_digit ($cp)
 _error ($error= '')
 _nameprep ($input)
 _hangul_decompose ($char)
 _hangul_compose ($input)
 _get_combining_class ($char)
 _apply_cannonical_ordering ($input)
 _combine ($input)
 _utf8_to_ucs4 ($input)
 _ucs4_to_utf8 ($input)
 _ucs4_to_ucs4_string ($input)
 _ucs4_string_to_ucs4 ($input)

Additional Inherited Members

- Attributs publics inherited from idna_convert
 $NP = array()
 $_punycode_prefix = 'xn--'
 $_invalid_ucs = 0x80000000
 $_max_ucs = 0x10FFFF
 $_base = 36
 $_tmin = 1
 $_tmax = 26
 $_skew = 38
 $_damp = 700
 $_initial_bias = 72
 $_initial_n = 0x80
 $_sbase = 0xAC00
 $_lbase = 0x1100
 $_vbase = 0x1161
 $_tbase = 0x11A7
 $_lcount = 19
 $_vcount = 21
 $_tcount = 28
 $_ncount = 588
 $_scount = 11172
 $_error = false
 $_api_encoding = 'utf8'
 $_allow_overlong = false
 $_strict_mode = false

Description détaillée

Adapter class for aligning the API of idna_convert with that of Net_IDNA

Matthias Sommerfeld mso@p.nosp@m.hlyl.nosp@m.abs.d.nosp@m.e

Définition à la ligne 945 du fichier idna_convert.class.php.

Documentation des fonctions membres

Net_IDNA_php4::setParams (   $option,
  $param = false 

Sets a new option value. Available options and values: [encoding - Use either UTF-8, UCS4 as array or UCS4 as string as input ('utf8' for UTF-8, 'ucs4_string' and 'ucs4_array' respectively for UCS4); The output is always UTF-8] [overlong - Unicode does not allow unnecessarily long encodings of chars, to allow this, set this parameter to true, else to false; default is false.] [strict - true: strict mode, good for registration purposes - Causes errors on failures; false: loose mode, ideal for "wildlife" applications by silently ignoring errors and returning the original input instead

mixedParameter to set (string: single parameter; array of Parameter => Value pairs)
stringValue to use (if parameter 1 is a string)
boolean true on success, false otherwise public

Définition à la ligne 963 du fichier idna_convert.class.php.

return $this->IC->set_parameters($option, $param);

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