Joomla Platform  13.1
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Référence de la classe JFacebookUser
+ Graphe d'héritage de JFacebookUser:
+ Graphe de collaboration de JFacebookUser:

Liste de tous les membres

Fonctions membres publiques

 getUser ($user)
 getFriends ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0)
 getFriendRequests ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 getFriendLists ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 getFeed ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 getHome ($user, $filter=null, $location=false, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 hasFriend ($current_user, $user)
 getMutualFriends ($current_user, $user, $limit=0, $offset=0)
 getPicture ($user, $redirect=true, $type=null)
 getFamily ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0)
 getNotifications ($user, $read=null, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 updateNotification ($notification)
 getPermissions ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0)
 deletePermission ($user, $permission= '')
 getAlbums ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 createAlbum ($user, $name, $description=null, $privacy=null)
 getCheckins ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 createCheckin ($user, $place, $coordinates, $tags=null, $message=null, $link=null, $picture=null)
 getLikes ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 likesPage ($user, $page)
 getEvents ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 createEvent ($user, $name, $start_time, $end_time=null, $description=null, $location=null, $location_id=null, $privacy_type=null)
 editEvent ($event, $name=null, $start_time=null, $end_time=null, $description=null, $location=null, $location_id=null, $privacy_type=null)
 deleteEvent ($event)
 getGroups ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0)
 getLinks ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 createLink ($user, $link, $message=null)
 deleteLink ($link)
 getNotes ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 createNote ($user, $subject, $message)
 getPhotos ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 createPhoto ($user, $source, $message=null, $place=null, $no_story=null)
 getPosts ($user, $location=false, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 createPost ($user, $message=null, $link=null, $picture=null, $name=null, $caption=null, $description=null, $actions=null, $place=null, $tags=null, $privacy=null, $object_attachment=null)
 deletePost ($post)
 getStatuses ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 createStatus ($user, $message)
 deleteStatus ($status)
 getVideos ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 createVideo ($user, $source, $title=null, $description=null)
 getTagged ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 getActivities ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 getBooks ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 getInterests ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 getMovies ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 getTelevision ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 getMusic ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 getSubscribers ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0)
 getSubscribedTo ($user, $limit=0, $offset=0)
- Fonctions membres publiques inherited from JFacebookObject
 __construct (JRegistry $options=null, JHttp $client=null, JFacebookOAuth $oauth=null)
 sendRequest ($path, $data= '', array $headers=null, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 get ($object)
 getConnection ($object, $connection=null, $extra_fields= '', $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
 createConnection ($object, $connection=null, $parameters=null, array $headers=null)
 deleteConnection ($object, $connection=null, $extra_fields= '')
 setOAuth ($oauth)
 getOAuth ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Fonctions membres protégées inherited from JFacebookObject
 fetchUrl ($path, $limit=0, $offset=0, $until=null, $since=null)
- Attributs protégés inherited from JFacebookObject

Description détaillée

Définition à la ligne 23 du fichier user.php.

Documentation des fonctions membres

JFacebookUser::createAlbum (   $user,
  $description = null,
  $privacy = null 

Method to create an album for a user. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$nameAlbum name.
string$descriptionAlbum description.
json$privacyA JSON-encoded object that defines the privacy setting for the album.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 319 du fichier user.php.

// Set POST request parameters.
$data = array();
$data['name'] = $name;
$data['description'] = $description;
$data['privacy'] = $privacy;
return $this->createConnection($user, 'albums', $data);
JFacebookUser::createCheckin (   $user,
  $tags = null,
  $message = null,
  $link = null,
  $picture = null 

Method to create a checkin for a user. Requires authentication and publish_checkins permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$placeId of the Place Page.
string$coordinatesA JSON-encoded string containing latitute and longitude.
string$tagsComma separated list of USER_IDs.
string$messageA message to add to the checkin.
string$linkA link to add to the checkin.
string$pictureA picture to add to the checkin.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 363 du fichier user.php.

// Set POST request parameters.
$data = array();
$data['place'] = $place;
$data['coordinates'] = $coordinates;
$data['tags'] = $tags;
$data['message'] = $message;
$data['link'] = $link;
$data['picture'] = $picture;
return $this->createConnection($user, 'checkins', $data);
JFacebookUser::createEvent (   $user,
  $end_time = null,
  $description = null,
  $location = null,
  $location_id = null,
  $privacy_type = null 

Method to create an event for a user. Requires authentication create_event permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$nameEvent name.
string$start_timeEvent start time as UNIX timestamp.
string$end_timeEvent end time as UNIX timestamp.
string$descriptionEvent description.
string$locationEvent location.
string$location_idFacebook Place ID of the place the Event is taking place.
string$privacy_typeEvent privacy setting, a string containing 'OPEN' (default), 'CLOSED', or 'SECRET'.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 444 du fichier user.php.

// Set POST request parameters.
$data = array();
$data['start_time'] = $start_time;
$data['name'] = $name;
$data['end_time'] = $end_time;
$data['description'] = $description;
$data['location'] = $location;
$data['location_id'] = $location_id;
$data['privacy_type'] = $privacy_type;
return $this->createConnection($user, 'events', $data);
JFacebookUser::createLink (   $user,
  $message = null 

Method to post a link on user's feed. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$linkLink URL.
strin$messageLink message.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 551 du fichier user.php.

// Set POST request parameters.
$data = array();
$data['link'] = $link;
$data['message'] = $message;
return $this->createConnection($user, 'feed', $data);
JFacebookUser::createNote (   $user,

Method to create a note on the behalf of the user. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission, user_groups or friends_groups permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$subjectThe subject of the note.
string$messageNote content.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 605 du fichier user.php.

// Set POST request parameters.
$data = array();
$data['subject'] = $subject;
$data['message'] = $message;
return $this->createConnection($user, 'notes', $data);
JFacebookUser::createPhoto (   $user,
  $message = null,
  $place = null,
  $no_story = null 

Method to post a photo on user's wall. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission, user_groups or friends_groups permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$sourcePath to photo.
string$messagePhoto description.
string$placeFacebook ID of the place associated with the photo.
boolean$no_storyIf set to 1, optionally suppresses the feed story that is automatically generated on a user’s profile when they upload a photo using your application.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 647 du fichier user.php.

// Set POST request parameters.
$data = array();
$data[basename($source)] = '@' . realpath($source);
$data['message'] = $message;
$data['place'] = $place;
$data['no_story'] = $no_story;
return $this->createConnection($user, 'photos', $data, array('Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data'));
JFacebookUser::createPost (   $user,
  $message = null,
  $link = null,
  $picture = null,
  $name = null,
  $caption = null,
  $description = null,
  $actions = null,
  $place = null,
  $tags = null,
  $privacy = null,
  $object_attachment = null 

Method to post on a user's wall. Message or link parameter is required. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$messagePost message.
string$linkPost URL.
string$picturePost thumbnail image (can only be used if link is specified)
string$namePost name (can only be used if link is specified).
string$captionPost caption (can only be used if link is specified).
string$descriptionPost description (can only be used if link is specified).
array$actionsPost actions array of objects containing name and link.
string$placeFacebook Page ID of the location associated with this Post.
string$tagsComma-separated list of Facebook IDs of people tagged in this Post. For example: 1207059,701732. You cannot specify this field without also specifying a place.
string$privacyPost privacy settings (can only be specified if the Timeline being posted on belongs to the User creating the Post).
string$object_attachmentFacebook ID for an existing picture in the User's photo albums to use as the thumbnail image. The User must be the owner of the photo, and the photo cannot be part of a message attachment.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 707 du fichier user.php.

// Set POST request parameters.
$data = array();
$data['message'] = $message;
$data['link'] = $link;
$data['name'] = $name;
$data['caption'] = $caption;
$data['description'] = $description;
$data['actions'] = $actions;
$data['place'] = $place;
$data['tags'] = $tags;
$data['privacy'] = $privacy;
$data['object_attachment'] = $object_attachment;
$data['picture'] = $picture;
return $this->createConnection($user, 'feed', $data);
JFacebookUser::createStatus (   $user,

Method to post a status message on behalf of the user. Requires authentication publish_stream permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$messageStatus message content.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 769 du fichier user.php.

// Set POST request parameters.
$data = array();
$data['message'] = $message;
return $this->createConnection($user, 'feed', $data);
JFacebookUser::createVideo (   $user,
  $title = null,
  $description = null 

Method to post a video on behalf of the user. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$sourcePath to video.
string$titleVideo title.
string$descriptionVideo description.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 823 du fichier user.php.

// Set POST request parameters.
$data = array();
$data[basename($source)] = '@' . realpath($source);
$data['title'] = $title;
$data['description'] = $description;
return $this->createConnection($user, 'videos', $data, array('Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data'));
JFacebookUser::deleteEvent (   $event)

Method to delete an event. Note: you can only delete the event if it was created by the same app. Requires authentication create_event permission.

string$eventEvent ID.
boolean Returns true if successful, and false otherwise.

Définition à la ligne 501 du fichier user.php.

return $this->deleteConnection($event);
JFacebookUser::deleteLink (   $link)

Method to delete a link. Requires authentication and publish_stream permission.

mixed$linkThe Link ID.
boolean Returns true if successful, and false otherwise.

Définition à la ligne 570 du fichier user.php.

return $this->deleteConnection($link);
JFacebookUser::deletePermission (   $user,
  $permission = '' 

Method to revoke a specific permission on behalf of a user. Requires authentication.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$permissionThe permission to revoke. If none specified, then this will de-authorize the application completely.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 284 du fichier user.php.

return $this->deleteConnection($user, 'permissions', '?permission=' . $permission);
JFacebookUser::deletePost (   $post)

Method to delete a post. Note: you can only delete the post if it was created by the current user. Requires authentication

string$postThe Post ID.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 736 du fichier user.php.

return $this->deleteConnection($post);
JFacebookUser::deleteStatus (   $status)

Method to delete a status. Note: you can only delete the post if it was created by the current user. Requires authentication publish_stream permission.

string$statusThe Status ID.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 788 du fichier user.php.

return $this->deleteConnection($status);
JFacebookUser::editEvent (   $event,
  $name = null,
  $start_time = null,
  $end_time = null,
  $description = null,
  $location = null,
  $location_id = null,
  $privacy_type = null 

Method to edit an event. Requires authentication create_event permission.

mixed$eventEvent ID.
string$nameEvent name.
string$start_timeEvent start time as UNIX timestamp.
string$end_timeEvent end time as UNIX timestamp.
string$descriptionEvent description.
string$locationEvent location.
string$location_idFacebook Place ID of the place the Event is taking place.
string$privacy_typeEvent privacy setting, a string containing 'OPEN' (default), 'CLOSED', or 'SECRET'.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 476 du fichier user.php.

// Set POST request parameters.
$data = array();
$data['start_time'] = $start_time;
$data['name'] = $name;
$data['end_time'] = $end_time;
$data['description'] = $description;
$data['location'] = $location;
$data['location_id'] = $location_id;
$data['privacy_type'] = $privacy_type;
return $this->createConnection($event, null, $data);
JFacebookUser::getActivities (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the activities listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication and user_activities or friends_activities permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 865 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'activities', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getAlbums (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's albums. Requires authentication and user_photos or friends_photos permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 302 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'albums', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getBooks (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the books listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication and user_likes or friends_likes permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 883 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'books', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getCheckins (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's checkins. Requires authentication and user_checkins or friends_checkins permission

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 343 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'checkins', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getEvents (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the current user's events. Requires authentication and user_events or friends_events permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 423 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'events', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getFamily (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0 

Method to get the user's family relationships. Requires authentication and user_relationships permission..

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 212 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'family', '', $limit, $offset);
JFacebookUser::getFeed (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's wall. Requires authentication and read_stream permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 104 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'feed', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getFriendLists (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's friend lists. Requires authentication and read_friendlists permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 86 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'friendlists', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getFriendRequests (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's incoming friend requests. Requires authentication and read_requests permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 68 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'friendrequests', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getFriends (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0 

Method to get the specified user's friends. Requires authentication.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 50 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'friends', '', $limit, $offset);
JFacebookUser::getGroups (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0 

Method to get the groups that the user belongs to. Requires authentication and user_groups or friends_groups permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 517 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'groups', '', $limit, $offset);
JFacebookUser::getHome (   $user,
  $filter = null,
  $location = false,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's news feed. Requires authentication and read_stream permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$filterUser's stream filter.
boolean$locationRetreive only posts with a location attached.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 124 du fichier user.php.

$extra_fields = '';
if ($filter != null)
$extra_fields = '?filter=' . $filter;
if ($location == true)
$extra_fields .= (strpos($extra_fields, '?') === false) ? '?with=location' : '&with=location';
return $this->getConnection($user, 'home', $extra_fields, $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getInterests (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the interests listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 901 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'interests', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getLikes (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's likes. Requires authentication and user_likes or friends_likes permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 390 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'likes', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getLinks (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's posted links. Requires authentication and user_groups or friends_groups permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 535 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'links', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getMovies (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the movies listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication and user_likes or friends_likes permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 919 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'movies', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getMusic (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the music listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication user_likes or friends_likes permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 955 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'music', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getMutualFriends (   $current_user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0 

Method to get mutual friends of one user and the current user. Requires authentication.

mixed$current_userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username for the current user.
mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username for the user.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 168 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($current_user, 'mutualfriends/' . $user, '', $limit, $offset);
JFacebookUser::getNotes (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's notes. Requires authentication and user_groups or friends_groups permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 588 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'notes', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getNotifications (   $user,
  $read = null,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's notifications. Requires authentication and manage_notifications permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
boolean$readEnables you to see notifications that the user has already read.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 231 du fichier user.php.

if ($read == true)
$read = '?include_read=1';
// Send the request.
return $this->getConnection($user, 'notifications', $read, $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getPermissions (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0 

Method to get the user's permissions. Requires authentication.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 269 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'permissions', '', $limit, $offset);
JFacebookUser::getPhotos (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's photos. Requires authentication and user_groups or friends_groups permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 628 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'photos', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getPicture (   $user,
  $redirect = true,
  $type = null 

Method to get the user's profile picture. Requires authentication.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
boolean$redirectIf false this will return the URL of the profile picture without a 302 redirect.
string$typeTo request a different photo use square | small | normal | large.
string The URL to the user's profile picture.

Définition à la ligne 184 du fichier user.php.

$extra_fields = '';
if ($redirect == false)
$extra_fields = '?redirect=false';
if ($type != null)
$extra_fields .= (strpos($extra_fields, '?') === false) ? '?type=' . $type : '&type=' . $type;
return $this->getConnection($user, 'picture', $extra_fields);
JFacebookUser::getPosts (   $user,
  $location = false,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's posts. Requires authentication and read_stream permission for non-public posts.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
boolean$locationRetreive only posts with a location attached.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 673 du fichier user.php.

if ($location == true)
$location = '?with=location';
// Send the request.
return $this->getConnection($user, 'posts', $location, $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getStatuses (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the user's statuses. Requires authentication read_stream permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 754 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'statuses', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getSubscribedTo (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0 

Method to get the people the user is subscribed to. Requires authentication and user_subscriptions or friends_subscriptions permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 987 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'subscribedto', '', $limit, $offset);
JFacebookUser::getSubscribers (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0 

Method to get the user's subscribers. Requires authentication and user_subscriptions or friends_subscriptions permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 971 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'subscribers', '', $limit, $offset);
JFacebookUser::getTagged (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the posts the user has been tagged in. Requires authentication and user_videos or friends_videos permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 847 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'tagged', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getTelevision (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the television listed on the user's profile. Requires authentication and user_likes or friends_likes permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 937 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'television', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::getUser (   $user)

Method to get the specified user's details. Authentication is required only for some fields.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 34 du fichier user.php.

return $this->get($user);
JFacebookUser::getVideos (   $user,
  $limit = 0,
  $offset = 0,
  $until = null,
  $since = null 

Method to get the videos the user has been tagged in. Requires authentication and user_videos or friends_videos permission.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
integer$limitThe number of objects per page.
integer$offsetThe object's number on the page.
string$untilA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
string$sinceA unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 806 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'videos', '', $limit, $offset, $until, $since);
JFacebookUser::hasFriend (   $current_user,

Method to see if a user is a friend of the current user. Requires authentication.

mixed$current_userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username for the current user.
mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username for the user.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 151 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($current_user, 'friends/' . $user);
JFacebookUser::likesPage (   $user,

Method to see if a user likes a specific Page. Requires authentication.

mixed$userEither an integer containing the user ID or a string containing the username.
string$pageFacebook ID of the Page.
mixed The decoded JSON response or false if the client is not authenticated.

Définition à la ligne 405 du fichier user.php.

return $this->getConnection($user, 'likes/' . $page);
JFacebookUser::updateNotification (   $notification)

Method to mark a notification as read. Requires authentication and manage_notifications permission.

string$notificationThe notification id.
boolean Returns true if successful, and false otherwise.

Définition à la ligne 251 du fichier user.php.

$data['unread'] = 0;
return $this->createConnection($notification, null, $data);

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