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Auth_Yadis_ParseHTML::Auth_Yadis_ParseHTML |
( |
| ) |
Auth_Yadis_ParseHTML::getHTTPEquiv |
( |
$ |
html_string | ) |
Looks for a META tag with an "http-equiv" attribute whose value is one of ("x-xrds-location", "x-yadis-location"), ignoring case. If such a META tag is found, its "content" attribute value is returned.
- Paramètres:
string | $html_string | An HTML document in string format |
- Renvoie:
- mixed $content The "content" attribute value of the META tag, if found, or null if no such tag was found.
Auth_Yadis_ParseHTML::getMetaTags |
( |
$ |
html_string | ) |
Given an HTML document string, this finds all the META tags in the document, provided they are found in the <HTML><HEAD>...</HEAD> section of the document. The <HTML> tag may be missing.
- Paramètres:
string | $html_string | An HTMl document string |
- Renvoie:
- array $tag_list Array of tags; each tag is an array of attribute -> value.
Références $link, et $name.
Auth_Yadis_ParseHTML::removeQuotes |
( |
$ |
str | ) |
Strip single and double quotes off of a string, if they are present.
- Paramètres:
string | $str | The original string |
- Renvoie:
- string $new_str The new string with leading and trailing quotes removed
Auth_Yadis_ParseHTML::replaceEntities |
( |
$ |
str | ) |
Replace HTML entities (amp, lt, gt, and quot) as well as numeric entities (e.g. #x9f;) with their actual values and return the new string.
- Paramètres:
string | $str | The string in which to look for entities |
- Renvoie:
- string $new_str The new string entities decoded
Auth_Yadis_ParseHTML::tagPattern |
( |
$ |
tag_names, |
$ |
close, |
$ |
self_close |
) |
| |
Create a regular expression that will match an opening or closing tag from a set of names.
- Paramètres:
mixed | $tag_names | Tag names to match |
mixed | $close | false/0 = no, true/1 = yes, other = maybe |
mixed | $self_close | false/0 = no, true/1 = yes, other = maybe |
- Renvoie:
- string $regex A regular expression string to be used in, say, preg_match.
Documentation des données membres
Auth_Yadis_ParseHTML::$_attr_find = '\b([-\w]+)=(".*?"|\'.*?\'|.+?)[\/\s>]' |
Auth_Yadis_ParseHTML::$_re_flags = "si" |
Auth_Yadis_ParseHTML::$_removed_re = "<!--.*?-->|<!\[CDATA\[.*?\]\]>|<script\b(?!:)[^>]*>.*?<\/script>" |
Auth_Yadis_ParseHTML::$_tag_expr = "<%s%s(?:\s.*?)?%s>" |
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