API Joomla 1.5.26
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 1.5

Référence de la classe Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response

Graphe d'héritage de Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response:
Graphe de collaboration de Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response:

Liste de tous les membres

Fonctions membres publiques

Attributs publics

Description détaillée

A Provider Authentication Policy response, sent from a provider to a relying party

Documentation des fonctions membres

Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response::addPolicyURI ( policy_uri)

Add a authentication policy to this response

This method is intended to be used by the provider to add a policy that the provider conformed to when authenticating the user.

policy_uri,:The identifier for the preferred type of authentication.
Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response::Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response ( auth_policies = null,
auth_time = null,
nist_auth_level = null 
Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response::fromSuccessResponse ( success_response)

Create an Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response object from a successful OpenID library response.

success_response$success_responseA SuccessResponse from Auth_OpenID_Consumer::complete()
: A provider authentication policy response from the data that was supplied with the id_res response.
Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response::getExtensionArgs ( )

Get the string arguments that should be added to an OpenID message for this extension.

Réimplémentée à partir de Auth_OpenID_Extension.

Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response::parseExtensionArgs ( args,
strict = false 

Parse the provider authentication policy arguments into the internal state of this object

args,:unqualified provider authentication policy arguments
strict,:Whether to return false when bad data is encountered
null The data is parsed into the internal fields of this object.

Documentation des données membres

Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response::$ns_alias = 'pape'

Réimplémentée à partir de Auth_OpenID_Extension.

Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response::$ns_uri = Auth_OpenID_PAPE_NS_URI

ns_uri: The namespace to which to add the arguments for this extension

Réimplémentée à partir de Auth_OpenID_Extension.

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