API Joomla 1.5.26
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 1.5

Référence de la classe UniversalFeedCreator

Graphe d'héritage de UniversalFeedCreator:
Graphe de collaboration de UniversalFeedCreator:

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Description détaillée

UniversalFeedCreator lets you choose during runtime which format to build. For general usage of a feed class, see the FeedCreator class below or the example above.

Kai Blankenhorn <kaib@bitfolge.de>

Documentation des fonctions membres

UniversalFeedCreator::_setFormat ( format)
UniversalFeedCreator::_setMIME ( format)
UniversalFeedCreator::createFeed ( format = "RSS0.91")

Creates a syndication feed based on the items previously added.

Voir également:
stringformat format the feed should comply to. Valid values are: "PIE0.1", "mbox", "RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM0.3", "HTML", "JS"
string the contents of the feed.
UniversalFeedCreator::outputFeed ( format = 'RSS0.91')

Outputs feed to the browser - needed for on-the-fly feed generation (like it is done in WordPress, etc.)

formatstring format the feed should comply to. Valid values are: "PIE0.1" (deprecated), "mbox", "RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM0.3".
UniversalFeedCreator::saveFeed ( format = "RSS0.91",
filename = "",
displayContents = true 

Saves this feed as a file on the local disk. After the file is saved, an HTTP redirect header may be sent to redirect the use to the newly created file.

stringformat format the feed should comply to. Valid values are: "PIE0.1" (deprecated), "mbox", "RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM", "ATOM0.3", "HTML", "JS"
stringfilename optional the filename where a recent version of the feed is saved. If not specified, the filename is $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] with the extension changed to .xml (see _generateFilename()).
booleandisplayContents optional send the content of the file or not. If true, the file will be sent in the body of the response.

Références $filename.

UniversalFeedCreator::useCached ( format = "RSS0.91",
filename = "",
timeout = 3600 

Turns on caching and checks if there is a recent version of this feed in the cache. If there is, an HTTP redirect header is sent. To effectively use caching, you should create the FeedCreator object and call this method before anything else, especially before you do the time consuming task to build the feed (web fetching, for example).

stringformat format the feed should comply to. Valid values are: "PIE0.1" (deprecated), "mbox", "RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM0.3".
filenamestring optional the filename where a recent version of the feed is saved. If not specified, the filename is $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] with the extension changed to .xml (see _generateFilename()).
timeoutint optional the timeout in seconds before a cached version is refreshed (defaults to 3600 = 1 hour)

Références $filename.

Documentation des données membres


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