API Joomla 1.5.26
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 1.5

Référence du fichier Consumer.php


Espaces de nommage



Documentation du type de l'énumération

Status to indicate cancellation of OpenID authentication.

This is the status code completeAuth returns when the value it received indicated an invalid login.

This is the status code beginAuth returns when the page fetched from the entered OpenID URL doesn't contain the necessary link tags to function as an identity page.

This is the status code completeAuth returns when the Auth_OpenID_Consumer instance is in immediate mode, and the identity server sends back a URL to send the user to to complete his or her login.

Require utility classes and functions for the consumer. This is the status code returned when the complete method returns successfully.

Documentation des fonctions

Auth_OpenID_getAvailableSessionTypes ( )

Returns available session types.

Référencé par Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer::Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer().

Voici le graphe d'appel pour cette fonction :