API Joomla 1.5.26
Documentation des API du CMS Joomla en version 1.5

Référence du fichier libraries/geshi/geshi.php


Espaces de nommage


Documentation du type de l'énumération

Links in the source in the :active state

The key of the regex array defining what bracket group in a matched search to put after the replacement

Strict mode always applies

The key of the regex array defining what bracket group in a matched search to put before the replacement

Leave keywords found as the case that they are

Lowercase keywords found

Uppercase keywords found

The key of the regex array defining a custom keyword to use for this regexp's html tag class

Used in language files to mark comments

The ender for important parts of the source

GeSHi could not open a file for reading (generally a language file)

The header type passed to GeSHi->set_header_type() was invalid

The line number type passed to GeSHi->enable_line_numbers() was invalid

No sourcecode to highlight was specified


The language specified does not exist

Use fancy line numbers when building the result

Use a "div" to surround the source

Use nothing to surround the source

Use a "pre" to surround the source

Use a "table" to surround the source:

$header</thead> <tbody>


</tbody> <tfooter>


this is essentially only a workaround for Firefox, see sf#1651996 or take a look at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=365805

when linenumbers are disabled this is essentially the same as GESHI_HEADER_PRE

Use a pre to wrap lines when line numbers are enabled or to wrap the whole code.

Links in the source in the :hover state

The language file directory for GeSHi private


Links in the source in the :link state

it's also important not to generate too long regular expressions be generous here... but keep in mind, that when reaching this limit we still have to close open patterns. 12k should do just fine on a 16k limit.

Voir également:

make sure we can call stripos some old PHP / PCRE subpatterns only support up to xxx subpatterns in regular expressions. Set this to false if your PCRE lib is up to date

Voir également:

Strict mode *might* apply, and can be enabled or disabled by GeSHi->enable_strict_mode()

The key of the regex array defining any modifiers to the regular expression

#@+ private Strict mode never applies (this is the most common)

Use no line numbers when building the result

Use normal line numbers when building the result

Number format to highlight binary numbers with a prefix 0b (C)

Number format to highlight binary numbers with a prefix %

Number format to highlight binary numbers with a suffix "b"

Number format to highlight floating-point numbers without support for scientific notation

Number format to highlight floating-point numbers without support for scientific notation

Number format to highlight floating-point numbers with support for scientific notation (E) and optional leading zero

Number format to highlight floating-point numbers with support for scientific notation (E) and required leading digit

Number format to highlight hex numbers with a prefix 0x

Number format to highlight hex numbers with a prefix $

Number format to highlight hex numbers with a suffix of h

Basic number format for integers

Enhanced number format for integers like seen in C

Number format to highlight octal numbers with a leading zero

Number format to highlight octal numbers with a prefix 0o (logtalk)

Number format to highlight octal numbers with a leading @ (Used in HiSofts Devpac series).

Number format to highlight octal numbers with a suffix of o

Used to work around missing PHP features

The key of the regex array defining what bracket group in a matched search to use as a replacement

The key of the regex array defining what to search for

The starter for important parts of the source

The version of this GeSHi file

Links in the source in the :visited state